How many of you look for 7th gear?

What happened to the post from the guy that thought his '06 had only 5 gears? I really wanted to hear what he found out. Was it not going into 6th for him? Did he think it was a 5 speed and never shifted into 6th? That would be amusing. Or did he just not remember correctly how many gears he was shifting through?
He had 6 gears he just never counted and he read somewhere his FZ6 only had 5 so once he heard that his mind did the rest...:D He thought he had only 5 gears. So he went home and checked and actually counted and he had all 6 gears, lol...
me, but im a noob. sometimes i look for the gear before first. i never find one. :)

Haha yes! I do that one just as much as looking for 7th, i look for -1, but maybe its just to make sure i'm in 1first at a light so i dont take off in 2nd or 3rd only to stall in the middle of the!
He had 6 gears he just never counted and he read somewhere his FZ6 only had 5 so once he heard that his mind did the rest...:D He thought he had only 5 gears. So he went home and checked and actually counted and he had all 6 gears, lol...

Yup, that was me! I've been using all 6 the entire time I've had it, of course. I had it in my head that it was 5-speed and never counted. :thumbup:

I've revised my sig below as an homage to that particular brain fart.
Guilty here when I first got the bike lol, I have even tried to find 8th and 9th.

Most of my riding is on town roads so I rarely get out of 4th. I used to short shift to 6th all the time wrongly believing that I was conserving fuel.

Most of my riding is on town roads so I rarely get out of 4th. I used to short shift to 6th all the time wrongly believing that I was conserving fuel.

So what is the best for fuel comsumption? Because i shift all to 6th (when not always necessary) cuz i think it'll "save" gas, is this untrue? thx.
I've had my bike about 3 months and haven't even been above 3rd!!! I only use it for commuting and the speed limits 30 all the way (apart from when it's 20) so have no use for anything over 3rd!!
I've had my bike about 3 months and haven't even been above 3rd!!! I only use it for commuting and the speed limits 30 all the way (apart from when it's 20) so have no use for anything over 3rd!!

Your Fizzer needs a good fast weekend ride sometime soon. Let the poor girl stretch her gears.
I don't agree that 2nd is a "waste of time"....I'd say that 1st is more of a "waste of time" personally. :)
Curiously, I find myself trying for a 7th gear more often since installing the Scorpions. :confused:
I now gently lift up the shifter without closing the throttle if I'm not 100% sure that I'm in 6th.....if it feels solid and won't move, then I'm in 6th. I think. :D

Ok I think you are Nit picking now.

I need either first or second because its easier then setting off in third.

So you can have my second and I will have your first.

Are we all happy now ??????????????

The first time I got on the FZ6 I tried to shift into 7th, and I did it the next 5 or 10 times until I got used to it. And I still do it sometimes. I tend to shift when the bike gets up to 4 or 5k or so, since my last bike could cruise on the highway at that engine speed. So when my fz6 gets up to 5k and I'm not even going 65 yet, I feel like I am in the wrong gear.

I (very briefly) considered the 17T front sprocket. I don't want to lose low-end acceleration or gain top speed, I just want 6th gear to run a little less hot on the highway. I wish they would fix that in cars, too - make an overdrive/6th gear that runs at a nice low engine speed at 85mph.
Occasionaly on the freeways I find myself trying to shift up and I am dissapointed that there is no more upshifting to be done.
I must plead guilty and throw myself at the mercy of the forum. If i am just sighseeing while out and about i do it more than once but if i am paying attention which is what i am supposed to be doing i can keep up with it. I really should get a gear indicator, i have a birthday next month and it isn't going to get any better.:surrender:
Haven't looked for that elusive 7th gear for some time now, until I recently upgraded my pipes to 2bros. I find I can get to higher mph with lesser gears with the new cans, I occassionaly try to get to highest gear if possible to save fuel (is that true?, lower rpms = fuel conservation vs. higher rpms). Only then I find myself looking for that damn elusive 7th gear. lol
I do it all the time, "just in case" I'm in 5th. I really think the gear ratios need a revamping. Keep 1st and 2nd where they are, but then add a few percent onto each successive gear, for a cumulative 10-12% overdrive. I'd love to be pulling mid or even high 50's mpg out of the bike. I'm considing +1 on the front sprocket, but unfortunately that would weaken 1st gear.
I now look at my speedo and tach before I look for 7th. If I am 5,000 rpm and 60 mph, there isn't another gear. :(

I have a very hard time seeing the tach on my 06...I don't even try any more, quite honestly. OTOH, it's not the end of the world if I occasionally look for a 7th gear. ;) I know what I've done and you'll know what I've done when I'm doing my phantom 6-7 shift but hopefully the uninitiated will assume that I've got a (very) close ratio gearbox. :D
I might as well go -1 on the front least I'll have a semi-valid excuse for going for a 7th gear.

Oh...edited to add: At least going for a 7th gear is not as bad as missing an upshift altogether...especially with my Scorpions.:eek::eek:
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