Hands down , stupidiest squid I have ever seen


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May 4, 2008
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Coming home from work today, I 'm driving about 45 mph, I look in my rearview mirrior and I see this guy on a GSXR 750. Now this by itself is nothing odd but he is only maybe a car length if that behind me, (close enough that I can't even see the bike just him.) This to me is squid alert 1, next I notice that he doesn't have a helmet Squid alert 2, he is also not wearing any type of eye protection:eek:squid alert 3.

Now I live in North east Kentucky were there are semi trucks hauling coal, dirt, rocks and other stuff that is all over this road and he doesn't have any eye protection:eek:! We have a no helmet law but you must be 21 or older, but we also have a law that you have to have some sort of eye protection on when riding. Any way this gets even better.

So we are sitting at a light in a turn lane, he is behind me and and a semi next to me. So as we turn thru the light he lane splits between me and the semi:disapprove:( lane slitting in KY is ILLEGAL)squid alert 4. Anyways as he passes me I get to see what he is wearing and yes once again:eek: He is wearing a tee shirt squid alert 5, flip flops squid alert 6, and shorts squid alert 7.

As I watch him go down the road I see him lane split atleast 2 more times.

Now for the really good part he passes 2 cops a little ways down the road and they do nothing:eek::rant::disapprove::rant: They just keep talking and eating thier donuts;)

No wonder people with sports bikes get a bad name, they see squds like this and they think we are all like him.

And for the police around here :surrender:I give up they do nothing at all.

How could you ride with flip flops?!?!?!?! Perfect example of a :squid:
Was he wearing a Corona t-shirt?
If so he was better protected than you can ever know.
what city is that again, i'd love to ride my bike unmolested by the cops. in louisville you really have to look over your shoulder.
After washing my bike I rode around my side streets with sandals, shorts and a t-shirt. Just to dry her off a little... Never got above 30mph...I just didn't feel like gearing up. I wouldn't call myself a squid, we take our own risks. I see squids all day everyday(truck driver) I shake my head and hope I am not the one that is involved with any of thier mishaps. I would venture that they are the reason sport bikes have high insurance...and also why sport bikes are always for sale used. Not to mention they are the ones that "never" ride again.

On the other hand I wear my gear anytime I leave my side street, and think he is very wrong for not following the Laws. Also driving like that does make everyone look bad. Last week I saw a local rider going over a pretty well traveled brigde riding a rocket with only a salad bowl and goggles; pull a nice roll on wheely...in way too much traffic and really didn't impress me. To each there own...
The funniest "squid" moment i have ever seen was last weekend... Was riding to my local Yamaha dealer to get an oil filter. About a mile from the dealer a LEO pulled in right behind me about 1 car length and was following. As I drive all cautious and easy about to pull into the parking lot of the dealer some dude in an R1 gasses it out right in front of me (less than 6 feet), roars into the left lane, pops a wheelie and rode it for about 200 feet ( I was impressed?!?!) then grabbed a few gears, laid on the tank and took off. Well.... the lights started flashing, sirens blaring! hahaha

After I got my parts I had to go see if they caught him. Sure enough about 2 miles down the road there were 2 leos and a state bull with the guys bike laying down and him sitting on the shoulder of the road.

Dont know what he got for a ticket but I bet it wasnt cheap!

Oh btw... this was at noon on a saturday, 4 lane very busy road.
The timing of this thread is pretty funny. I too just saw a squid on a gixxer wearing shorts and a t-shirt that was riding 1/4 long wheelies while standing up on his rear pegs. My 12 year old son thought it was pretty cool. I'd have to admit his wheelies were pretty impressive, but very stupid doing them in a t-shirt and shorts.
Now for the really good part he passes 2 cops a little ways down the road and they do nothing They just keep talking and eating thier donuts

The police in Belgium are really friendly to bikers, I filter (lane-split) all the time (mainly on my commute to work as the traffic is standing still) and the police always move over and sometimes give a wave. Here it's legal to lane split as long as you don't exceed 15km/h above the speed of the traffic (I think it's 15km/h anyway, don't quote me) normally I filter at about 30 km/h over and they are fine with that.

I'm always a bit cautious because I'm conditioned from riding in the UK where the police are much stricter, and I got shouted at by police in the UK several times for not sticking with the flow of traffic. Other bikers who learned to ride in Belgium just fly passed the police without blinking.
Squid? lol never heard that term before. It's a requirement here to wear a helmet but it's rare to see anyone without proper safety gear on as well. Remember it only takes three seconds of sliding to go from bareskin to bone!

Filtering is a grey area here, there's nothing that says you can or can't. Most bobbies ignore it in static traffic, doing it at speed is a big no no, still happens but ah well...

It's not that well known yet over here but it's against most forces policies to persue bikes, instead you have to call it in and try get them once they've stopped, apparently too many people get killed.
LOL..u will see many squids here in Singapore. The classics are the the shorts and flip flops:cheer::squid:
yesterday on the way to get my haircut I see a guy (yet again on a gixxer) with a sock-like thing on his head that looked like a skull mask???????? and some goggles. T-shirt, sneakers, and jeans........:don'tknow:
You don't expect cops to abandon their donut break to go after the lane splitter, do you? The best time to rob a bank? Answer: During a cop donut break. Regarding donuts, maybe we should have donut poll. I favor chocolate old fashioned.
I think that in the event of a crash the flip-flops turn into steel-toe boots upon impact, the t-shirt will turn to kevlar, and who could forget the $300 pair of sunglasses that, when in the event of a crash, turn into a hardened steel helmet, much like Iron Man. Or you can wear the new protective motorcycle bands......

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"And for the police around here I give up they do nothing at all."

I don't want to jinx you... But if it were MY luck. I'd be getting a ticket the next day for 66 in a 55.