Greetings From the U.S.A.


Junior Member
Aug 8, 2014
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Hi everyone! I just bought my starter bike, a blue 2004 FZ6, and thought it would be great to join a community of people who love the same bike that I do.

Originally, I was focused on a Ninja 250 as a starter bike. However, the notion of being blown around on the highway and the lack of an ability to jet out of certain situations have turned me away from the ninjette. Although I had hang ups with starting on a 600 CC bike, with it being much more powerful that what I have been used to, those precautions are less apparent having rode the bike around the neighborhood for a day. I'm looking forward to becoming more comfortable with the bike as I gain more experience!

Currently, I am a Chemistry major applying to medical schools: I hope one day to serve in the army as a field surgeon. I am also preforming research at my institution and I am a licensed and certified EMT-B.

I hope I get along with everyone here!

Rem :D
Welcome REM.

Good choice of bikes even if not the best starter bike. I'll trust that you've read about its quirks like the narrow clutch, the abrupt throttle response, and its dual personality. Respect that crazy power and grow your skills before you unleash the beast, and even then - do it carefully, and you'll do fine. :thumbup:

What Shoop said. My FZ was my starter bike too, but I was 47 when I got her; if you're a Chemistry major I'm guessing you're a bit younger/more invincible... :D

Just keep the rpms under 8K for awhile, be careful, have fun, and Welcome! :welcome:
:welcome:to this big family! Blah

The FZ6 will become a different animal at 8,000 rpm and above so always respect it. Tooling around town at lower RPM is just a matter of common sense and throttle control but do not be deceived. The FZ6 has a lot of power when you get to it's sweet spot. :rockon:
Thanks everyone!

I've read about the quirks of the bike before the purchase, and I experienced a little bit of it during my ride around. I'm making sure that I will fully ease into the bike before even thinking of laying the throttle out.

I'm a senior undergraduate student, so I certainly feel invincible to most things at the moment... except for hangovers. ;)

It's a little bit too late for some pictures right now, but I'll be more than happy to take a few shots tomorrow morning: She sure is perrty bike.
I am new here too but welcome! I have found lots of good people, info and input about the FZ6 here! I have had lots of bikes over the years, including a Ninja 250. It's a great bike and despite being lite I never got "blow around" much on the high way. That to me was almost like an urban myth! Guys who can ride and rip it up on a Ninja 250! That said the FZ6 is great and I really don't see it being a bad starter bike. It will last you a long time as you won't get bored on it as a beginner! Like everyone has said keep the RPMs lower and learn there, especially in the turns. But I think when it's safe and straight you need to know what's gonna happen, so rip it open, hold, smile, release! Lol! Enjoy brother and watch out for other dumb a**'s as you learn to ride!
:welcome: to the forum!

Where abouts in Illinois are you? Chicagoland, perhaps?

I got a 2004 FZ6 that I got for my first ever bike as well. And I'm even younger than you, as an undergraduate sophomore! But the bike is very fun to ride, and I feel that even in a summer of riding, I learned more about riding than ever before. :thumbup:
:welcome: Hope you enjoy your new bike! Too bad you didn't get one of the faster RED FZ's. J/K!
Hi everyone! I just bought my starter bike, a blue 2004 FZ6, and thought it would be great to join a community of people who love the same bike that I do.

Originally, I was focused on a Ninja 250 as a starter bike. However, the notion of being blown around on the highway and the lack of an ability to jet out of certain situations have turned me away from the ninjette. Although I had hang ups with starting on a 600 CC bike, with it being much more powerful that what I have been used to, those precautions are less apparent having rode the bike around the neighborhood for a day. I'm looking forward to becoming more comfortable with the bike as I gain more experience!

Currently, I am a Chemistry major applying to medical schools: I hope one day to serve in the army as a field surgeon. I am also preforming research at my institution and I am a licensed and certified EMT-B.

I hope I get along with everyone here!

Rem :D

Congrats and welcome, you will do fine just remember you have the faster blue bike.
A little late, but here's my guy. I have to unfortunately keep him caged in the garage until I come back next weekend to work on him. :(
I never bought into the "Start on a 250 or you will die!" mentality either.

An inline 600 rides just as tame as a 250 if you keep the rpms down, shift about 6-7K rpms and ride around 5-6K rpms and it's as tame as a scooter!

The reason they say to start small is that most new riders are immature kids who can't resist the urges to twist that throttle till it redlines!

Be responsible and you'll do just fine! :thumbup: