GAS is going up what are you paying

The oil companies don't set the price for gas, so don't be mad at them.

I work at a major oil refinery here in south louisiana, and it's turnaround time. Right now our cat cracker and alky units are shut down for a major overhaul, and those are our two gas producing units. So that's that much less gas being produced. This is the time when most refiners go thru their turnarounds.
Last time I got gas on 2/8/11, I paid $3.46USD per gallon. Here is a chart of the last almost three years of what I paid for gas.

Edit: I almost always get 87 octane. Also, saw a sign for $3.73USD today.
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The oil companies don't set the price for gas, so don't be mad at them.

I work at a major oil refinery here in south louisiana, and it's turnaround time. Right now our cat cracker and alky units are shut down for a major overhaul, and those are our two gas producing units. So that's that much less gas being produced. This is the time when most refiners go thru their turnarounds.

So it's YOUR fault then!!!!:spank::spank::spank: Shame on you!!!
The oil companies don't set the price for gas, so don't be mad at them.

I work at a major oil refinery here in south louisiana, and it's turnaround time. Right now our cat cracker and alky units are shut down for a major overhaul, and those are our two gas producing units. So that's that much less gas being produced. This is the time when most refiners go thru their turnarounds.

I understand where you're coming from, sixsix. What's going to cause you problems trying to convince people to not be angry at the oil companies is what we all see on the news at night.

I don't turn on the news and hear "XXXX gas station posted record profits this quarter" (although they probably do due to their stake in the oil industry). I hear "BP/ExxonMobil/Chevron/etc posted record profits this quarter...the XXXX straight quarter they've posted record profits". What we hear is that the OIL companies are posting record profits. It's no wonder they're posting those profits...they keep raising jacking up the price of oil which in turn jacks up the price of gas for us, the consumers.

Do I expect them to take a loss so gas prices stay at a reasonable level? Actually, yes, I do. WTF do they need with XXXX billions of extra dollars? Couldn't XXXX millions of extra dollars suffice???

I'm not blaming you. You simply work for the people that do these things. You're just trying to make a living. I also don't blame you for defending the oil companies...I mean, it is your livelihood.

Take my line of work, for instance. My job is to make road/street name signs. We buy aluminum blanks and covering material from the likes of 3M. Would it be right for people to blame my office, in a local government, for a rise in the end-cost of signage because 3M decided to raise the price of their materials? I would say no. I don't have any control over what 3M charges for their materials. I don't know...maybe I'm wrong.
The oil companies don't set the price for gas, so don't be mad at them.

I work at a major oil refinery here in south louisiana, and it's turnaround time. Right now our cat cracker and alky units are shut down for a major overhaul, and those are our two gas producing units. So that's that much less gas being produced. This is the time when most refiners go thru their turnarounds.

The tv Nbc news was saying something about the gas speculators get it jacked up
Thats what got it so high last time we paid so much
a lot a factors nun of them good:(
Our forum members across the pond must be laughing at this thread. I never whine about the price of fuel, unless you been to the otherside, you will realize how spoiled we are when it comes to the price of fuel.

Fuel is so much more expensive over there that many actually commute by motorcycle, bicycle, or simply walk or use public transportation. They simply cannot afford to drive. Most americans are driving alone anyways, they are just better off riding a scooter or motorcycle in my opinion.
:( :(

Looks like it's time to move to the good ol' USA... I paid $1.45 a litre for BP Ultimate the other day... That equates to $6.50 a gallon... AND THE PRICE HASN'T EVEN GONE UP HERE YET.
Rumours are that it will hit $1.80 a litre here for standard unleaded.. Probably $2.15 a litre for Premium.

Our forum members across the pond must be laughing at this thread. I never whine about the price of fuel, unless you been to the otherside, you will realize how spoiled we are when it comes to the price of fuel.

Fuel is so much more expensive over there that many actually commute by motorcycle, bicycle, or simply walk or use public transportation. They simply cannot afford to drive. Most americans are driving alone anyways, they are just better off riding a scooter or motorcycle in my opinion.

Not so much laughing, but ready to punch Why do us Aussies get ripped off with every single thing. Ok, so we have beautiful weather to ride around in all year, doesn't mean we should pay double for the gas to do it :(

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On tuesday I payed 2,33 US$ per liter while filling regular gas on my diesel car. :(

In addition to the rather expensive price for gas, it cost me 850 US$ in repairs. I won't make that mistake again... :spank:
On tuesday I payed 2,33 US$ per liter while filling regular gas on my diesel car. :(

That's over $9 a gallon! I thought Oslo was one of the most expensive cities when I was in Europe.

1.45 euro a litre here:spank:.


Live rates at 2011.02.27 02:27:00 UTC 1.45 EUR=1.99317 USD

That's $8 a gallon.

Kind of makes our $3.50 a joke huh?
I don't really pay attention to gas prices. I drive where I want to drive.

Obviously the more it costs the more it hurts, but it isn't going to stop me from doing what I need to.
we're at about 3.26 here. it's going to get much worse.

start of :rant:
now, since this has become a thread where we get to decide how much someone else should make and what's fair because of what we want then i have something i want to throw in the mix. i think it's unfair for yamaha to set the price for the fz1 above $500.00. they're a big enough company. they can take the loss. i don't care what it costs them to make it. i don't care if people will lose their jobs because of that price. i don't care that they won't have money to put back into development of newer bikes. what i care about is that i know what it should cost without knowing anything about their books for business. that would make me truly happy. can i get anyone to side with me on that?
:rant: over.

vegas and downrangefuture, thanks for your posts on page two. i think they were right on the money.

something else to consider that hasn't been mentioned yet is profit margins. it's easy for us to "hate the man" and for us to hear about record profits but you have to look at profit margins. for example, google has a profit margin of about 30% while exxon has a profit margin of about 7.5%. who has the larger profit? i don't know cause i didn't look that up, but if i had to guess i'd say exxon. but who has the higher profit margin? now ask yourself who has to do more work to get their product to market? even back when the big oil president bush was in office and it was all the news about how exxon had record profits and gas was at $4.50 a gallon you still have to look at the profit margin. does anyone want to take a guess at what that profit margin was? if you guessed somewhere around 7% you'd be correct.

i'm not at all mad at oil companies for making as much as they possibly can. i think anyone who is in business for anything less will be out of business real soon. there are plenty of things having to do with oil/energy that do make me mad but they are all aimed at the government. and since the political area was taken down a while ago i won't go any further.
we're at about 3.26 here. it's going to get much worse.

start of :rant:
now, since this has become a thread where we get to decide how much someone else should make and what's fair because of what we want then i have something i want to throw in the mix. i think it's unfair for yamaha to set the price for the fz1 above $500.00. they're a big enough company. they can take the loss. i don't care what it costs them to make it. i don't care if people will lose their jobs because of that price. i don't care that they won't have money to put back into development of newer bikes. what i care about is that i know what it should cost without knowing anything about their books for business. that would make me truly happy. can i get anyone to side with me on that?
:rant: over.

vegas and downrangefuture, thanks for your posts on page two. i think they were right on the money.

something else to consider that hasn't been mentioned yet is profit margins. it's easy for us to "hate the man" and for us to hear about record profits but you have to look at profit margins. for example, google has a profit margin of about 30% while exxon has a profit margin of about 7.5%. who has the larger profit? i don't know cause i didn't look that up, but if i had to guess i'd say exxon. but who has the higher profit margin? now ask yourself who has to do more work to get their product to market? even back when the big oil president bush was in office and it was all the news about how exxon had record profits and gas was at $4.50 a gallon you still have to look at the profit margin. does anyone want to take a guess at what that profit margin was? if you guessed somewhere around 7% you'd be correct.

i'm not at all mad at oil companies for making as much as they possibly can. i think anyone who is in business for anything less will be out of business real soon. there are plenty of things having to do with oil/energy that do make me mad but they are all aimed at the government. and since the political area was taken down a while ago i won't go any further.

I just hit me
How does google make it's money
We all need to get a sponsor for owr bikes
We need to find a sponser and vinyl them all over our bikes
Maybe pull a trailer with a sign on it
My sign would say