FZ6 too expensive!!

Hmmm, according to a documentary I just watched... it's in the neighborhood of $1.8 Trillion.... I am curious on how many Americans would rather put that money into some sort of health care system instead.

Not me, leave the health care as it is... As for the war, we bought the farm for sure but it keeps the riff-raff out.

As for the FZ6 prices, WOW!!! Thats just nuts. What do they get for an R1? I could buy a Caddy for that probably...
Last Autumn I paid 91000 Danish Kroner for my FZ6 and do not consider it too expensive.

Rule number 1. A bike is almost always a luxury not a necessity. So stop moaning or don`t get one.

By the way...91000 Danish Kroner comes to 18,976.5183 US dollars.


holy crap......how much is an R1 there?
Hmmm, according to a documentary I just watched... it's in the neighbourhood of $1.8 Trillon.... I am curious on how many Americans would rather put that money into some sort of health care system instead.

You can thank us now, or in 10 years when your country is still terrorist free. The USA is really split on the war topic right now. I happen to believe that GW is doing the best that anyone can hope for. Let's see what Billary, ot Barack Hussein can do!!!

Ummm, ok thanks.... but to clarify...was that for killing terrorists or for cheaper oil? Are these terrorists you're talking about hiding with those weapons of mass destruction by any chance? Just curious.... All the while I though those terrorists were in Afghanistan, Canada, England, France, Spain, China, USA....etc.

Sorry about the thread jack....
To the Op....Go to Inglis Cycle in London Ontario... they will give you a great price. Don't be afraid to wheel & deal.....
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Ummm, ok thanks.... but to clarify...was that for killing terrorists or for cheaper oil? Are these terrorists you're talking about hiding with those weapons of mass destruction by any chance? Just curious.... All the while I though those terrorists were in Afganistan, Canada, England, France, Spain, China, USA....etc.

Well, it couldn't be for cheaper Oil... Oil prices are at an all time high... it sucks..
I thought you were coming to the states to get the bike?

Yes I am. I am getting it either thru HavBlue or will go to NH myself.
As for forum I just couldn't resist not to complaint about prices. Must admit that our Danish friend made Canadian price look like a donuts sellout.

My bike cost me 124000,- NOK, which translates to 21565,22 USD at the moment. The exchange rate is 1 USD = 5,75 NOK.

Edit: Messed up the rates.. :p
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Does anyone know why are bikes so freaking expensive in Ontario (Canada)??
FZ6 is 8000-8500 + taxes.
USD and CAD are at par and Yamaha (or dealers) are marking things up like crazy.
Same for helmets, gloves ... anything.


How many bikes (for that matter anything else) are sold in Canada compared to the US? You have your answer... Higher Volume = lower prices...
Got mine for $5950 out the door brand new and I got $3400 for my 2001 DRZ400S on trade it but then again I'm good buds with the owner of the Yamaha/Suzuki shop.:drool:
Yeah I paid $9,200 CAD for my new 05, back in 05.

You can't really compare buying a used FZ6 to a new FZ6. New have additional costs such as both taxes, documentation fees and PDI/freight charges.
Yeah I paid $9,200 CAD for my new 05, back in 05.

You can't really compare buying a used FZ6 to a new FZ6. New have additional costs such as both taxes and PDI/freight charges.

unless you know the owner and you dont have to pay it... or you know how yo buy a new car/bike and can talk your way out of paying it. Can't talk your way out of taxes, unless you live in Oregon. :rockon:
now that I think about it my FZ is the only thing that I have bought brand new..