

Junior Member
Nov 17, 2007
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Tallinn, Estonia
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Today I did my first fall. :( It wasn't crash, it was stupid and silly mistake. But I'm happy, it was the easy one.
I break my new bally pan, but it isn't a big problem.
It seems to me I bend a little (very very little) my front fork. I hope it only seems to me, course the fall wasn't hard at all. But on my way home, I try to release my handlebar for a second, and the bike deflect left at the same moment :(
At weekend, i will take my bikes front in a pieces, so I can rate the damage.

Does anyone had such experience? Did you change your front fork, or fix it other way?
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Do you think your fork tubes might have twisted in the triple? Try loosening the bolts and straightening the forks. It's the cheapest and easiest thing to try, and I like to start with cheap and easy.

That's common in falls on dirt bikes - the cure is to bash them straight against a tree, but for the FZ6, a gentler solution might be in order. :)
Sorry to hear about the fall, but glad you're alright.
Sorry can't help you with the fork problem but maybe someone else can.

Good luck :thumbup:
You don't need to remove the front wheel. Loosen the bolts holding the fork tubes in place, then wiggle the front wheel to try to straighten them. It would be most easily done on the centerstand, with a second person wiggling while you sit on the bike and try to make the bars align with the front wheel pointed straight.

Check at the end to make sure your fork tubes are both at the right height in the clamps before you finish and re-tighten.
You can always do what I do and just get the front tire next to a tree or post and just turn the tire into the post. Sometimes this is enough to get things to spring back into place. I have had to do it twice now :mad: and it works pretty good.

Good Luck!
Unfortunately I don't have center stand, but I'll figure something out.
No centerstand?? I thought it was standard on all FZ6. Did you remove it?
Anyway you can use something else to hold your bike straight, I've heard people using milk crates. You may want to place it bottom up with something underneath for extra support. This happened to my bike and it was suggested to me by friend, unfortunately there were more things involved and the bike was overdue for it's 600 mile check. So I brought it to the stealership instead and paid for it.
sorry about your fall. Luckily you were not hurt. The bike can be fixed - hopefully quickly to get you back and riding.
Do you think your fork tubes might have twisted in the triple? Try loosening the bolts and straightening the forks. It's the cheapest and easiest thing to try, and I like to start with cheap and easy.

That's common in falls on dirt bikes - the cure is to bash them straight against a tree, but for the FZ6, a gentler solution might be in order. :)

I think Roadstergal is correct. As someone else mentioned just wack the the wheel again a solid object, watch out for your brake rotors, and you should be good.

Too bad about the spill, they happen. :thumbup:
I think Roadstergal is correct. As someone else mentioned just wack the the wheel again a solid object, watch out for your brake rotors, and you should be good.

Too bad about the spill, they happen. :thumbup:

Thanks rodstergal and hellgate! That had me kinda worried our forks were made from tin foil....lol
Similar thing happened to me bout 2 days after I bought my bike, my little bro knocked it over and it fell on the handlebar. Thought the front end was screwed up cause I could not get it straight and keep it there. Turned out the yoke nut was loose. Got it straight by holding the tire between my knees and turning the handlebars. Tightened the yoke nut and voila. All better.
Thx everyone. I did as you advise and it help.
But it was pretty hard to understand, is it straight or not. So I had to remove the headlight and spedo to clear the view. But it wasn't hard, and is I sad, now everything is ok. Except belly pan. But I already start to spackle it. I have no experience with this, so it will take a time :)