Epic Riding Clips

Why does this have to be negative?

My point is simple:

No need to apply a blanket label of "crazies" to people going quickly. Their comfort level might be higher. Sure theres a lot of people being sketchy because they're pushing too hard for their ability. But there's probably just as many riding to 60% and just enjoying themselves though it looks like they're being wreck less if you base your observation solely on speed.

No pissIng contest man. I'm not pretending to be a pro rider. I'm pretty slow in the grand scheme of things. But I have learned that it is possible to improve and considerably raise your "safe corner speed" to a pretty quick pace.

So when I hear people calling people crazy and wreck less, I tell them work on your riding and the day may come when you see their pace as pretty reasonable. That corner may be tricky, but that just means people should be more honest with themselves about their riding ability when coming through it.

No bird flipping smilies required.


Bird flipping was just playful so was my whole comment. I completely agree with what youre saying about skill levels. Crazies obviously doesnt apply to all. There are a lot of tools who go there though. If you ever came this way to ride i think you would get it. Flip flop riders and everything. Some ride good too. Its strange to me. I'd be happy to show you the area one day. I guess my wording didnt translate mainly because of that. I should have considered. Although there is something about telling someone to learn to ride better. :) i do want to learn to ride better and i think that applies to riders from all kinds of backgrounds. My first comment was more safety oriented than you took it. its all good.
Bird flipping was just playful so was my whole comment. I completely agree with what youre saying about skill levels. Crazies obviously doesnt apply to all. There are a lot of tools who go there though. If you ever came this way to ride i think you would get it. Flip flop riders and everything. Some ride good too. Its strange to me. I'd be happy to show you the area one day. I guess my wording didnt translate mainly because of that. I should have considered. Although there is something about telling someone to learn to ride better. :) i do want to learn to ride better and i think that applies to riders from all kinds of backgrounds. My first comment was more safety oriented than you took it. its all good.

Lol no worries. I know you were just being casual about it. Just my knee-jerk standard response to when people go on the public safety kick. :p

But as a rule of thumb I always disregard the tools. They'll always be tools. No sense judging a road by them.

And I tried to get down there once....didn't make it. Picked up a master link in my rear the day before and had to detour.

But....was thinking if trailering the R1 down for a willow track day this season in lieu of a riding trip. :D take days off on way down to explore fun roads sans luggage. :D
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Lol no worries. I know you were just being casual about it. Just my knee-jerk standard response to when people go on the public safety kick. :p

But as a rule of thumb I always disregard the tools. They'll always be tools. No sense judging a road by them.

And I tried to get down there once....didn't make it. Picked up a master link in my rear the day before and had to detour.

But....was thinking if trailering the R1 down for a willow track day this season in lieu of a riding trip. :D take days off on way down to explore fun roads sans luggage. :D

I hear you about the safety kick. I don't like being that guy. I think a good chunk of people enjoy guilty pleasures on public roads from time to time. And even though it may have sounded like it, I'm not bashing on the road because of the tools who go there, even though there is enough reasons for it. Its a great road and puts a smile on my face no matter what kind of day i'm having.

Although I can't really get over my safety kick with this spot :spank: because this is the only corner on this road with this many accidents. I think the reason is simple numbers. The cameras are there. The big audience is there. And it looks like there is a pissing contest to show who is more hardcore. On my first couple of rides here, I dragged pegs on that spot more than once and I wouldn't want to be that guy who gets filmed while flying over the guard rail(google it:D) or planking on cement LOL. That was really my whole point.

I'm pretty sure the cameraman doesn't ask for each riders permission before he posts them on the internet flying head first into the dirt. I get dirty looks from this photographer for going so slow, I feel like he almost wants people to crash :D You know you can make money off Youtube with your views these days..
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One very seksay R1 - clip would be better w/o the chicks 'n car I reckon...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY2yHyR4snk]Motorcycle Racetrack Drift Insanity - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjePvNcu8n4]BSB 2011 - Brands Hatch - Phenomenal last lap, 0.006s - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWufMz-GXsA]BMW Motorrad GS Trophy France 2011 version intégrale - YouTube[/ame]
starting at 10:32 is fun to watch! :D
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FJEpsC81X8&feature=player_embedded]Supermotard Extreme 2.0 - YouTube[/ame]