Engine / Gear box makes more noise in neutral


Jan 25, 2008
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Palm Bay, FL, USA
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I've noticed this since the first ride on my FZ6 and was wondering if anyone else has the same issue. The engine (or the gear box... don't know which) makes a bit more noise in neutral with the clutch out than it does when I'm in gear with the clutch disengaged. It's kind of a low rattle sound (hard to describe). It's not too loud or scary or I would have already taken it back to the dealer. Am I alone on this?
I've noticed this since the first ride on my FZ6 and was wondering if anyone else has the same issue. The engine (or the gear box... don't know which) makes a bit more noise in neutral with the clutch out than it does when I'm in gear with the clutch disengaged. It's kind of a low rattle sound (hard to describe). It's not too loud or scary or I would have already taken it back to the dealer. Am I alone on this?

I wouldn't worry if I were you...seems to be the norm with this bike. Mine does the same and I questioned it with the mechanic...its completely normal! :) Must be the clutch moving by its own accord when in neutral...when your in gear you wont hear the noise simply because when you release the clutch you move!! :)

Dont worry about it! :)
Mine does the same thing. You wana hear it make a really funny noise, roll to a stop in nuetral with the clutch out. I have the bad habbit of doing that pulling up to my garage door.
haven't noticed on the FZ but my old bike was a ton louder with the clutch out than in, it is kind of a low rattle.... but from what i understand it is completely normal.
Mine does the same thing. You wana hear it make a really funny noise, roll to a stop in nuetral with the clutch out. I have the bad habbit of doing that pulling up to my garage door.

what kind of noise does it make then? do you keep it running or is it off at this point?
Add mine to the list, and my Bandit when I was in the UK.

I think it is because there is no tension on the little bits of magic inside that make the bike move when I want it to, probably all having a chat to each other as there is nothing else to do.
what kind of noise does it make then? do you keep it running or is it off at this point?

Same noise, just a tad bit louder. Not much, but enough to go from "Whats that noise" to "That doesn't sound good"
I'm coasting for all of about 10 feet, hand off clutch, wack the door button, hand back on clutch, first gear ..wait for it........ slow ass garage door....... pull in, nuet, kill.
The gears are straight cut and therefore prone to a bit of whining and rattling. Mine does it in 3rd, could be a bearing, but nothing to really worry about I think.
Not to mention when stopped in gear and clutch disengaged, all you hear is the engine as the gears are all stopped...

In neutral, clutch engaged, there is no load on those strait cut gears and they are freewheeling on the shafts. Its going to make some noise...

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