Encounter with a Harley rider


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Aug 18, 2008
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So I was riding home from school today in stop and go traffic going about 10 mph and I hear someone yell at me "Hey!"

So I look at this older guy (late 30s) in his black Suburban and he yells at me that my bike "sounds like a POS lawnmower"! (I have TB cans) This caught me so off guard I did not know what to say back (and I am pretty nonconfrontational by nature). Anyways he keeps driving forward and I see a Harley sticker on his back windshield. Figured as much. (Oh and BTW he was talking on a cell phone the whole time!!!!!!)

Is this typical? I have only had the bike since Aug and haven't experienced anything like this before. Anyways, it got the best of me and now I can't think about the things medical students typically worry about! Now I know I need to have some comebacks on hand... grrrrrr Anyways, rant over....
get right next to him...and REV those TB's until his ears bleed...or he roles up his window so he can keep talking on the phone.
tell him about how your lawnmower gets used.. more than his pos that just sits around for looks..
Ride along him for a while, - I bet you his Harley has broken down BEFORE the clock reaches 10 minutes!!!
After that, - give him a kind nod, - hit your throttle, - and leave him crying!!
I ride a 125, so you can imagine the kind of comments I get when I'm out on my bike... however, I did have one little twunt in a chavved up hatchback ask me if my bike was a lawnmower!

For some reason when I got off my bike and walked towards him - I'm six foot one and built with it, wearing an armoured leather jacket, camo pants, kevlar armoured gloves and a helmet whilst casually unslinging a two metre long chain and padlock from my shoulder - he suddenly remembered a pressing engagement elsewhere and sped off.
There is a sticker in the Aerostich catalog that sums it up nicely.

Do not scroll if you are not a adult.

Big Bike Little Dick
There are a lot of Harley riders here at work, and a couple of guys always like to make jokes about my bike.

I simply have to remind them I need a bike that will go all day and everyday, rain or shine. Not a bike that sits in the garage 1/2 the time collecting dust or only gets taken out when the weather is perfect. And I also remind them that my bike can outperform there Harley's in just about every category: Acceleration, speed, fuel range and mileage for 1/2 or 1/3 of what they paid for their bikes. They are usually pretty silent after that.

But I will have to admit, even though I have after market pipes, the Harley's are still louder. So I give them that.
I only have two personal anectdotes on HD riders: the only guy I've ever ridden with has a Harley and he is the nicest guy ever and is a very good rider, courteous, and safe.

BUT Saturday, I was at Alice's restaurant (those in CA and probably beyond know that famous biker hangout on Highway 35 and 84 intersection in the Santa Cruz mountains). I had lunch there, and it gets quite crowded with bikes (and someone had their Lambo convertible there too). Anyway, when I got there, there was one row of bikes parked facing the road. I got in the line behind them. The bikes in front would ride forward onto the road and be off. The bikes in my row would roll backwards out of the line and into the "driving channel" in the parking lot. While I was having lunch, a couple of big HDs formed a third row behind me. So I couldn't roll backwards into the driving channel because they blocked me. The bikes in front of me were still there. So this A-hole HD rider had just blocked me in. Not sure I'd necessarily say there is causation between riding an HD and thinking it okay to block in a sportbike. But there was correlation! May have just been that rider. What a thoughtless selfish thing to do. Find a different place to park if the spot you want will block someone else in! I managed to squeeze out going forward between a bike and Jeep and got back to the open road, although it was sort of a tight manuever.
For some reason when I got off my bike and walked towards him - I'm six foot one and built with it, wearing an armoured leather jacket, camo pants, kevlar armoured gloves and a helmet whilst casually unslinging a two metre long chain and padlock from my shoulder - he suddenly remembered a pressing engagement elsewhere and sped off.

NICE!:rockon::rockon: I'm going to have to start carrying my chain lock around with me like that instead of a disc lock for just that reason.
My mom's bf and his buddy both have 1200 sportsters. They thought their bikes were the **** untill I brought the FZ6 home. Just riding it up the drive into the garage they were a but concerned to ride with me.
Sure, their bikes are bigger and way louder than my stock fz6, but I absolutely raped them out on the streets, accelerate way better, turns in faster and stops faster... Needles to say, they don't downplay my bike anymore, other than the sound from the stock exhaust... Wich is going to change whenever my two bros gets here!
I find Harley guys tend to have an attitude and an ego issue and need to have it put in check.
the only guy I've ever ridden with has a Harley and he is the nicest guy ever and is a very good rider, courteous, and safe.

My buddy rides a Vrod and he is down to earth about the Harley stuff too. I guess the few "radicals" out there give them all really bad name.

Although, I float around on the Vrod forum from time to time lurking :Lurking: and a "squid" posted some video of a GSXR owning a Vrod and was talking trash... so I guess it all dosen't come unprovoked. Bummer that its like this sometimes.... :don'tknow:
You know the other issue is he probably doesnt even have a bike, or if he does it probably doesnt run, if it does run, it probably runs poorly.
You know the other issue is he probably doesnt even have a bike, or if he does it probably doesnt run, if it does run, it probably runs poorly.

Good point, the only thing Harley he owns is the STICKER!

Most Harley riders I've met are fine.
For all the problems we have here in Utard, there doesn't seem to be much of an animosity between sport bikers and cruisers, other than the good-natured kind. I'm glad its that way. :thumbup:
Funny thing , my buddy just dropped by a couple of hours ago with his new bike ( Harley Crossbones]) . A beautiful bike in my opinion . He was hoping I had picked up my FZ6 so I could ride with him . All Harley guys are not like the guy you encountered. I feel sorry for the guy with the short dick , but I don't think his short comings is associated with his bike. Maybe he was a mama's boy and now has something to prove. My guess is he is just plain stupid.