Don't Tust the Gas Pump Auto-Stops!


Junior Member
Apr 6, 2008
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Neenah, WI; Houghton, MI
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General word of advice- fill your gas tank by hand, don't trust the auto-stops on the gas pumps.

I was filling my baby up yesterday. Sometimes I do it by hand, other times I've clicked it on until it stops and then finish it off. This time I clicked it on the medium setting and let it go. I was watching it, and at one point turned to look at the reading on the pump and say 4.6 gallons. Just as I was thinking to myself "wow it's never taken that much before" , I heard the wonderful wooshing sound that tells you whatever container your filling is about to spill over and sure enough it did just as I turned back to the bike and dumped gas all over the tank and engine. I cleaned it off right away and when I got home I washed the bike really good. It doesn't seems to have hurt anything, paint on the tank is still fine thankfully. So just be on the safe side and fill it by hand!
Pumps around here don't have the "catch" that you can set it on anymore, haven't seen it for ages.
When I was younger, my job was pumping gas, and I learnt many, many years ago not to rely on them auto-shutoff things.

Most of the gas-stations in NY do not have the auto-lever on the gas pumps, but even if they did I wouldn't used them when filling up my bike for the reason you just mentioned. They would however, come in handy in the winter when it's 10 degrees out and I need to fill up my truck.
yea, I only trust them in my car and even then - I'm skeptical and watching the gallons stack up...

In the car I'll usually hold the lever until it auto clicks off, but I don't usually use the auto hold clicker thingy.

On the bike, I fill by hand and watching the hole
Thanks! I always wait for the auto-stop, then fill the rest of the way by hand. California has funky condom-type things that come down over the filling nozzle that won't let you fill if they're not sitting against something. This makes filling by hand difficult, as you have to pull it back with one hand while pulling the trigger with the other hand.

So, I have been using the auto-stop to fill most of the way, then doing the rest by hand. But now I think I'll bite the bullet and do it all by hand. Thanks!
Yeah, I do the bike by hand. I had that happen but had the smallest spillage because I had my hand on it when it started to overfill.
I always Hand Pump my gas on a bike. On my car, I let the Auto cut it off. On the Fazer, we are only talking a few gallons anyway unless your someone that drains the tank all the way down and taps into the reserve which I generally don't do. I think running out of gas is against the law or should be. I have never run out of gas on a bike or car.

I generally use 2000 lbs as a reserve for my moving office, approx 300 Gal.
Always by hand on the bike.

In addition to washing the bike you may want to wax the tank again, I would anticipate that gasoline dissolves wax, but that's just my conjecture.
i either place the catch at a low level or set the litres i required.

seen many cars set the catch at the highest level and leave it to run while they sit in the car. walla~ a fountain of gas is created =)
Thanks for posting that for others.

I never use the auto-stop and always fill by sight. Never look away.

Gas won't harm the bike. It might take your wax job off but nothing more. I use fuel on a cloth to clean my wheels (not the rubber!) before I wash the bike with soap. Saves a lot of scrubbing.
When I was younger I didn't flip burgers I worked at gas stations. And man have I seen some stuff. From Flaming VW's parking next to my pumps, to kids pumping err spraying gas into their fathers eyes. Amazing chit. Always watch as you fill your tank and NEVER TRUST AUTO SHUT OFF on GAS PUMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER!!!!!!

Keep a handle on things at all times. You will be much better off.

WE don't have self service here, so I just sit on the bike and watch as the attendant fills the tank slowly and carefully.

I remember the same thing in Oregon - full service only. While visiting Oregon, I got yelled at by the attendant one time when I forgot to wait for him and started pumping my own gas (in my car). But I'm no fan of other people messing with my bike. Have you folks in the full service areas looked for stations where they will let you fuel your own bike?
Even at the rare 'service' stations I've been to they have never tried to fill my tank for me. They take one look and normally just give me the nod and I do it myself.
I'm guessing most people on a motorbike don't want someone else messing with their bike, especially spilling fuel down the tank or other such stupidity.
Yeah! I always fill up by hand just for the same reason. I don't need an over flow and hurt the ozone layer eerhmmm (clearing throat) cough! cough!( in a whisper ) clear coat on the tank.:scared:
If it's not dodgy auto stops it's overfilling then the contents of the overflow pipe are nicely laid in the middle of a wet roundabout.I fill by hand,too tight to spill any of the precious golden liquid that keeps my baby purring :p

Which brings interesting reading