Don't break your key

Red Wazp

Super Member
Mar 10, 2008
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Peardale, Ca
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After reading mogs08 post about how he broke his key, thought I'd pass along that it almost happened to me.

While out on a ride last week I noticed a slight mark where my rear fender was rubbing slightly to body work under the seat. ( friggin eat all you want diet isn't working). I decided to stiff up the rear shock. No sweat with the spanner tool in the stock kit. Remove the seat and made the adjustment. Replace seat and ride. Grabbed the key from the saddle lock and WTF it was bent enough to where I had to bend it back to fit the ignition.
Could have been real bad as I was an hour from home
When the key is in the saddle lock it is also in line to get bent or broken when adjusting the shock.

Just a tip: Remove key from saddle lock before adjusting rear shock.
When I did my exhaust, I left the key in the seat latch lock... I lifted the bike up to pivot it around to get better light for the wiring... used my thigh as leverage and bent the key... gotta wait to get a vice to straighten it out, thank god I have a spare!
maybe just "don't leave the key in the seat lock ever" would sufice.. if you need to access under the seat - unlock the seat, pull out the key, either put it in your pocket or put it in the ignition.. this is how i do it so that i never break a key.. might work for you :)
Yeah I can't find mine either.:( Anyone have any idea how much they cost to replace at the dealer?

I know you can pick up the blanks pretty cheap on "evil"-bay. Then just have them cut.:thumbup:

Posting simple things like this is good stuff. It atleast puts it in your head and gets you thinking ahead.:rockon:
maybe just "don't leave the key in the seat lock ever" would sufice.. if you need to access under the seat - unlock the seat, pull out the key, either put it in your pocket or put it in the ignition.. this is how i do it so that i never break a key.. might work for you :)

Until you forget.... :D
I did the exact same thing when I first got my bike, Now I have to spares made, the orginal is pristine (metalwise, the plastic is smoke damaged), and the bent one sits in a drawer in my tool box.
:eek: One thing at a time!!!! I am still trying to learn the take key out of the ignition lesson. For some reason it was never a problem on my last bike?