Do you wave to other riders??

Do you wave to other riders??

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I guess it must be a warning, When I was in Germany I noticed that some riders just took their left foot off the peg and stuck their leg out as a wave?

Yeah, thats another type of wave alright...some bikers do it here in Ireland too but the more common wave is a dramatic movement of the head to one side (a nod to the front is hard to see plus ya take your eyes off the road to do it...) a nod to the side allows ya to see ahead, say hello to the biker and then curse them if they dont respond with the same gesture!! :p
I guess it must be a warning, When I was in Germany I noticed that some riders just took their left foot off the peg and stuck their leg out as a wave?

when i work at the track many of the racers will "wave" in this fashion on the cool down lap to say "Thanks for being out here for us"...
I wave to everyone, bicycles, police, other riders.... What I love though is waving to little kids in cars who are just so amazedwhen they see a motorcycle. Their smiles are priceless.
I try to wave when it's safe. Since I'm new to commuting, I found myself paying so much attention to the road and traffic today that every time I looked up to see another rider it was already too late to wave. The crappy thing is that they were all already waving at me and I didn't have time to respond. Moving forward I will try to wave to everyone I can.

I don't know about the Harley riders though. They don't seem to acknowledge me at all. My dad had the same experience with Harley riders on his Goldwing. I guess they are the elite and too good to wave at us lowly foreign bike riders.
I always wave unless it's in the twisties. Seems like most of the riders who don't wave are on Harleys or cruisers.

Jake, I'm right behind you. I'll try to wave..whenever it's safe. There's something about Harley riders though. Some of them---you can tell, huh?---are not wavers. But, maybe this is because the reverse is true...that many sport riders have blown them off as well. This thread has got me thinking...I think I'll acknowledge ALL riders (if I'm not in the middle of a emergency stop or something) and keep tally. Maybe this could be a another poll?
I always wave but have noticed that not all the H-D guys will wave back. I have been considering only waving to sport bikes in the future. I feel like a dumb azz when I don't get a response back. Kinda like when you go to hi five a friend and he leaves you hanging.
Maybe Harley (riders that "hardly" have any money left over because everything HD is overpriced) riders should just get an automatic middle finger. I mean, what kind of jerk does it take to not return a wave? Of course, I'm not serious re the first sentence since not 100% (only 75%?) of Harley riders think that they're too cool to return a wave. "Harley Davidson: it's not a bike, it's an image" Now, I know that some of our FZ6 posters ride Harley and I imagine that they're among the "cool" Harley riders. But, seriously, I think I'll continue to wave at ALL riders, HD, sportbikes, dirtbikes, Vespas, minibikes, tricycles, and, hell, bicycles with training wheels too.
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I still wave to all riders, but i was noticing early on this year that the few riders that were braving the cold with me were waving no matter what kind of bike they were on... now that it is getting warmer it seems like i am getting snubbed by all the full dress harley dudes.... oh well F-em
i have to agree. im not being paranoid, most older fat guys i see on a full dresser wearing a flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, chest hair hangin out, aviator sunslasses, ponytail(usually gray), never wave. but ive noticed that the harley riders wearing protective gear do wave. remember those guys grew up idolizing marlon brando so they just wanna live out their fantasies of being a hardass. POSERS! just like a SQUID! my next bike WILL be a softail so dont get me wrong, im not against harleys at all. ill probobly pose a lil bit. :rockon:
I tend to greet almost every one on 2 wheels on the road including HD.

My exceptions are cyclists who believe that the road traffic act does not apply to them whilst at the same time feeling holier than thou because theyre so green.
where I live there is a cycle network that is totally segregated from the road which means that cyclists and pedestrians can go anywhere in the town without ever having to go on a major road, yet they choose to block roads with exceedingly inconsiderate riding.

My other pet hat is pizza delivery riders who are a complete bunch of dangerous idiots
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Having ridden a cruiser for the past 4 years, and new an FZ6, I'm finding the differences in responses rather interesting (I wave to everyone).

When on my cruiser, I've found a higher ratio of cruisers will return the wave, while more sportbike riders will ignore me.

And go figure, on the FZ6, I am now seeing the opposite trend.

I wave to everybody on a bike. 99% of the time I get a wave back, the other 1% always look like they didn't expect the wave, they just look. Every now and then I can't wave so you get the "upward nod."

I don't know where you guys ride, but up in the desert and in the high sierras the HD guys typically wave first. Even the most burley looking guys wave. It's funny with the HD guys it's always the low wave, you know, where the hand is lower than the seat.

If I ever categorized a group of people that didn't wave, it'd be the young guys on the sport bikes. They will look at you like, "wtf are you waving at me for."
I wave to all bikers, and feel like a jerk when I notice the last second that someone is waving and I don't have time to respond! :p
I chose "only sportbikes" as that was the closest correct choice. I do not wave to other bikes in my own town. I only wave to people when I am traveling. Seeing another rider in the middle of nowhere means a lot more than waving to the poser rider on his chromed out Harley, heading to Starbucks...
I wave to all bikers, and feel like a jerk when I notice the last second that someone is waving and I don't have time to respond! :p

+1 here... I notice that the HDs are about 30 - 35% on a wave back. Nearly all sportbikes wave back. I wave at them all regardless, so long as it is safe to do so.

Never on the highway though.....
In Serbia, we "say" hello to other bikers (seldom to other also) either by waving, pressing pass light (discussed in other thread), pressing horn, raising finger and so on.
I generally initiate the wave. I've been getting a return wave damn near 100% of the time here in Virginia. This is from motorcycles in general - I don't really make a distinction.

Scooter and moped folks tend to look at me funny when I wave to them. I imagine some think that we're somehow mocking them when we wave. Maybe some moto-riders think less of them. I sure don't. Of course, my other bike is a 225cc dual sport so I sure can't judge them (not that I want to.)

It is interesting to note that when I'm on the dual sport the return waves dry up a bit. Especially from the cruiser set.