Do you ride in the rain..

Do you ride in the rain..

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I used to ride rain or shine but I guess with age comes wisdom and I don't ride in it anymore unless I happen to get caught in it by surprise.
I'll ride in the rain but won't in the snow and ice...I have enough trouble staying on my feet in those conditions
No snow for me if I can help it. Sliding around on 4 wheels out of control is bad enough, no way I'd want to do it with two wheels, that's just crazy.

Now rain is a bit different. I'll venture out in it if I have to but not just to go for a ride. I have to have a purpose other than that.

Stuck in the middle of this terrible snow storm now. Man, Spring can't get here soon enough.
How do you guys do it... it had to drive in rain yesterday and i was having hard time keeping water off the helmet visor... i even try wiping it with one hand but didnt work...i even rode with opening the visor but the rain started hitting my face too hard... how are you able to see in rain...

Use one of these :)

Don't know if you have it on the gloves you can buy locally, here they are normal.
The rubber feels like the rubber on cage-windshield wipers,- and it works the same way :)

Last summer in Maine it seemed like it rained everyday during my commute. I won't ride in snow - but I remember riding in storms so bad even some cars pulled off the highway. The bike seems to handle it well if I keep it to 45. I'd rather keep moving than sit there and wait for someone to hit me. I even got nods of admiration from the Harley guys waiting it out under the overpasses.
Use one of these :)

Don't know if you have it on the gloves you can buy locally, here they are normal.
The rubber feels like the rubber on cage-windshield wipers,- and it works the same way :)


I have something similar on the edge of my index finger on the gloves I now have and it works a treat :thumbup:

In the past I had a pair of gloves with a strip of shammy (chamois) leather on the index finger, this worked even better but it's important that your gloves have a water proof liner as the strip caused the leather to soak up the water really quickly.
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Just rode back from Phillip Island - 5 days, 3000 km, rained almost all of the way home.:noworries:

You, Sir, are the King of Lurkers!

You have a total of two posts.
The one above and one made on 11-15-2007.
Let's see some Phillip Island pics. :thumbup:
With my first bike, it was a nice sunny morning in January. I worked about 3 Km. away from home, so I bundled up and rode to work. Came out after work to about 7-8 cm of wet slushy snow! Couldn't leave the bike at work, so rode it home VERY CAREFULLY!! Didn't fall, but lots of slippin and sliddin!! lol
My FZ is the daily driver. (Lower monthly payments, better gas mileage than a car, and cheap insurance for me at least) So that means rains/sleet/snow whatever they can throw at me. Arkansas weather doesn't get terribly cold or a lot of snow, and I live really close to where I work, so it's not so bad.
First day I've had the bike out was today, and even though it's 48ish and raining like hell I couldn't resist commuting in on 'er. Mass has been deluged with rain lately, and some of my roads were flooded out and blocked. Then about 3/4 of the way here, I felt an odd cold sensation @ my package, and when I got in and took the rain pants off, I found an exciting new tear in the waterproof lining, right at my crotch! (claps hands with joy) So this evening's ride home should be stellar.
Living in Michigan I get cabin fever and can't wait to start riding again so as soon as the roads are dry I'm riding. I try to ride as long as I can into the fall as well. I always have a pair of winter gloves and rain pants in my tank bag with me just in case the weather goes bad. I'm a bit slower and more careful around the corners and in breaking when it rains but I don't mind to much.

I also laid down my bike the first time when I went to put the kick stand down and I stepped on ice. :spank:
Given that I got my bike not even a month ago, and have been riding just for a couple of months (off and on with some friends bikes) I want to keep it safe and get more comfortable riding the bike on the dry.

Definitely I'd like to get some experience on the rain, but I'd like to be more experienced myself first.
i ride in the rain or snow now but have done in the passed when i needed the bike to get 2 work. got a new job now and just take the car for that and the bike for haveing fun on. will keep rideing if it starts raining when i am out