Do you ride in the rain..

Do you ride in the rain..

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I don't mind riding in the rain but i must admit, i don't like the icy conditions of frosty mornings.

All you need to do is trust your tyres and keep it smooth on the throttle ;)
No option for me:

I try to be a fariweather rider, but if it's warm enough (65+) I will ride in the rain. I try to avoid it, but being in NH, where the weather changes every 10 minutes, it's hard to not plan for it.
let's put it this way....

i can ride 6 months of the year before REAL weather shuts me down.

insurance is going on this week.

4 wks ago it was -30 C. 2 wks ago we had 6 inches of snow...

(do this next line in your best Schwartzenegger)

listen to me now and believe me later -

I think I can ride in any amount of rain...


Call Me NOAH
OOh yeah,

I often ride my "iron horse" in the rain because in the eastern part of Belgium, it rains very often. I use this bike as daily rider.That's the reason why I bought two michelin Pilot road 2. Never had trouble with the bike during the travel from home to my work. (40 km)
I picked up my new bike on Saturday and sure enough about mile 60 it started to rain and the wind kicked up to 30mph. I was a bit concerned riding on wet roads with new tires, but got home safe and sound. I think getting rained on your first day is supposed ot be good luck...(or maybe that's for weddings only).:cheer:

Normally I don't go out into a rain, but if it's overcast or threatening I might give it a shot. I have been caught in nasty enough downpours in the summer that I had to pull over and get off the bike and seek shelter until it passed. Bank drive throughs are good as they are usually well covered and you can get both you and the bike under cover.
Whatever the weather, whatever the temperature I'm out in it.
although I freely admit riding in the snow is the scariest thing I have ever had to do.

Fortunately here in Ireland our temperature extremes are relatively low
and snow might be with us for a single week in a year. but is doesn't half rain alot, to the extent that my rain jacket goes whenever and wherever I go..
This reminds me, I need to lube my chain. My girlfriend and I were out riding back highways yesterday trying to chase the blue patches of sky. ;)

I prefer not to show up to work drenched or to ride when its below 30F since my gear consists of helmet, leather jacket and jeans. Both have happened occasionally, though.

Our big yearly "All-Bikes" rally got visited by a hurricane this past fall. We are far enough inland it wasn't catastrophic, but I remember seeing those big criusers out riding in sheets of rain while the wind was pulling 3ft diameter trees out of the ground. I'm not quite that hardcore yet. (but let me get the right gear and I'll get back to you...haha)
If its raining slightly on and off I will ride in the rain. But if its a downpour and a very rainy day I prefer to stay off the bike.
I live in the :uk: so if you dont like the rain it cuts down your ride time, as for snow its ok fresh snow but when icy no chance found out the hard way this year.:Flash:

If only it snowed here.

I would say that I probably would not ride in the snow as I would be on the side of the road playing in it (quite warm here and it never snows btw, I dont know what it looks like lol).

I do ride in the rain if I have to, I just take it easy.
I passed my test on a soaked road, riding through a diesel slick to get out of the test centre (the bus station was next-door). The missus passed her's with two inches of snow on the ground. Guess there's a good reason why we got such a big discount for learning in the middle of winter! She still commutes to work in all weathers but now days I like having an easy life, I'll probably live longer like that.
Although I voted for option 1 I've gotta confess that snow, ice and salt did stop me from riding :(

As for rain: I ride in rain, I've crashed in rain, I learned from it and continued riding in rain :)
If I didn't ride in rain, I'd have lost all of June and most of July last year.

Plus after a rain ride, the tires are so clean.

although i don t like riding in the rain i have to since i work as delivery guy for pizza rain or shine or wind you have to deliver.... it s not that it rains all the time in malta in fact we have quite sunny winters, so i dont really complain of the occasional rainfall. the bikes (some sort of daelim somethings) scare you though they have cheap chinese tyre that dont grip at all in the wet so you have to take it easy.

i never ride in the rain with the fz though. the tyres i have are not really good for rain (metzeler racetec k3) and i hate to wet the bike.
Not if I can help it.

The longest rain ride I had was returning from a rally a couple of years ago, 380km in constant driving rain. Not fun at all, especially as I had no rain gear, just my Dainese leather two piece, boots and gloves!
I live in England, so yes. ;)

I quite enjoy it. Dunlop Qualifier tyres are pretty good in the wet (but I'll be upgrading to Roadsmarts soon). Fully waterproof textiles, Goretex boots and gloves.

What I don't like are conditions like yesterday: 3 degrees C, wet roads, and black ice in the shadows. The back end started to step out a couple of times yesterday because of ice.