Do you have a prefered cornering side???

Do you have a favourite side???

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Funny, when I did a run of trackdays a few years ago, I was more happy with rights than lefts, but now on the roads I'm happier with lefts.

I think the fact that most tracks here in the UK run clockwise i.e. there are more righthand corners than lefts, so I got more practice doing rights, had something to do with it.
I've found a vid of someone who prefers to turn right :thumbup:

[ame=]YouTube - John McCain's not an 'ambi-turner'[/ame]
Davey you have been to long riding on the "Wrong" side of the lean whichever way the bend goes. Now I know us Brits living abroad can get confused so I will repeat what the salesman said on the Worlds Fastest Indian.

Nomatter where you are in the world, you always have the steering wheel in the centre of the road.

The same applies to bikes when cornering, so I hope that has helped.

Ha! I must be the exception to the rule! I am left handed, right eye dominant, ride on the right hand side of the road and still prefer to curve left into the traffic!

I'd be willing to bet it's just as much a cultural more as the physical preference, Davey....

If you started out driving in the UK, that 'wrong side of the road' mind set will haunt you forever. :D

(My Dad was stationed in the UK in the late '60's and early 70's with the USAF.... took his Chevrolet Corvair with us when he was there last, and I got to help him drive on the motorways. At 5 and 6 years old, he'd have to ask me if it was okay to pass articulated lorries; he was on the left of the car driving on the wrong side of the road. Me the passenger had the better view of opposing traffic. There were times neither one of us understood why we survived.....:eek:)
I'm a lefty (handed, that is) and I've found over the last year or so that I'm much more comfortable leaning in right-handers rather than left. We've had this discussion on our local board too.

Personally, I think the reason I'm more comfortable leaning right than left is because I don't like leaning TOWARDS traffic. Of course, some could argue that if you're leaning left and go down, you'll just slide off the side of the road. But if you're leaning right and go down, you'll slide into oncoming traffic, something I'd never considered until now.

Damn...that's a thought that's gonna fester! :eek: :D
Oddly enough I prefer left handers, althoug the evidence on my rear tyre is that I favour my right more. Someone did look at my tyre once and tell me that as well. Whether it's a myth or not I don't know, right handed people favour right handers, left handed people prefer left handers *shrug*
Whether it's a myth or not I don't know, right handed people favour right handers, left handed people prefer left handers *shrug*

My left and right are very confusing,for example,when I,m playing cricket I bowl right handed and bat left handed,footy I,m right footed ,soccer I,m left footed,tennis I,m right handed ,squash I,m left handed,I write and throw with my right hand but I drink and smoke with my left :confused:
I tend to do a better job at keeping my toe in on the right side. All my left boots have scuff marks from touching asphalt in severe turns.
im good at both, but maybe a tad more comfortable turning left. why? well on a dirt bike and quad its a bit harder to turn right because of the throttle. on a snomobile its even worse, i sometimes just curve my fingers under the grip and use it that way on a sled.
Maybe it's the roads I get to ride on. I'm hard on both sides. If I feel like I'm getting more left attention because of a road I turn around and go the other way just to keep sharp on both sides.:rockon:
Definitely the left turn. In a left turn, you start on the outside (right side) of the road, do the late apex at the centerline, then go accelerate to the outside. By the time you are at your apex, you can see around the corner and know no cars are coming. Plenty of time to adjust the line if the oncoming traffic is too close to the centerline.

I've had a bit of a jolt doing the opposite a right-hand turn. Was close to the centerline at the start of the curve around a blind corner. Lo and behold, a car came around the turn toward me, pretty close to his centerline too! Both of us were on our sides of the road, but it was a bit surprising. Now when I do right hand turns, I start more in the middle of the lane, which forces a smaller turning radius, takes longer to see around the corner, can't really get the "feel" of a late-apex turn, and overall slows things down.
In the US, where we drive on the right, right-hand curves have the disadvantage of heading into oncoming traffic. This is a significant intimidation factor, and I think that via lack of practice it carries into curves even when no traffic is around.


yeah, and in right-hand turns you also are in the "inside" lane, meaning less visibility through the turn too...

I like this thread...
Definitely the left turn. In a left turn, you start on the outside (right side) of the road, do the late apex at the centerline, then go accelerate to the outside. By the time you are at your apex, you can see around the corner and know no cars are coming. Plenty of time to adjust the line if the oncoming traffic is too close to the centerline.

I've had a bit of a jolt doing the opposite a right-hand turn. Was close to the centerline at the start of the curve around a blind corner. Lo and behold, a car came around the turn toward me, pretty close to his centerline too! Both of us were on our sides of the road, but it was a bit surprising. Now when I do right hand turns, I start more in the middle of the lane, which forces a smaller turning radius, takes longer to see around the corner, can't really get the "feel" of a late-apex turn, and overall slows things down.

On the street I much prefer right hand turns from a safety standpoint. I just feel like I'm hanging it out there on left hand turns and the outside of the road is barely in my PV and gets worse the tighter the turn as I crank my neck to see through. I do a pretty good job of riding the white line and late apexing on my left hand turns but I'm slightly more comfortable in the rights.

I always enter my right hand turns (especially the blind ones) wide and stay wide until I late apex or otherwise tighten my line to avoid something. I feel that this is a necessity if you're moving at a good pace. You just have to go in there head up and eyes open on a good smooth line maximizing your view through the turn and prepared to react as needed.

No chicken strips. I like uphill, downhill, and flat. My favs are the roller coaster type roads that go up and down and left and right in quick succession.

On the track I'm fine either way but always enjoy the rare opportunity to use the left side of my tire on the track.
My left and right are very confusing,for example,when I,m playing cricket I bowl right handed and bat left handed,footy I,m right footed ,soccer I,m left footed,tennis I,m right handed ,squash I,m left handed,I write and throw with my right hand but I drink and smoke with my left :confused:

Ha ha! You're seriously messed up Oz! I'm a bit the same but not to that extreme! Surprised your brain doesn't fail and you go straight on at corners! Lol!
i just like corners. but being right handed i seem to prefer leftys better most of the time.. sometimes if the righty has a good feeling it dont matter but a little more to the left usually.. i think part of it is the throttle, i think it is simpler to lean off left and mantain throttle control with the right arm extended, than it is to be "bunched up" on the throttle side in a right hander..

and yes there are always the other guys that are not the "norm'' and like it the other way and those that do it both ways..

and after i reread that my mind was kinda in the gutter..

edit: to add that i find i feel the same bias in the cages but i dont know why..
In general I prefer to go right... might be due to the fact that every track day I've done we were going clockwise, so more right turns... in the canyons I don't care much if the next corner is going left or right, but I definitely prefer to go uphill... coming down the mountain scares me...

Oh i love riding the Twisties downhill, love getting way over the front of the bike.

I do left & right...i think!

i just like corners. but being right handed i seem to prefer leftys better most of the time.. sometimes if the righty has a good feeling it dont matter but a little more to the left usually.. i think part of it is the throttle, i think it is simpler to lean off left and mantain throttle control with the right arm extended, than it is to be "bunched up" on the throttle side in a right hander..

and yes there are always the other guys that are not the "norm'' and like it the other way and those that do it both ways..

and after i reread that my mind was kinda in the gutter..

edit: to add that i find i feel the same bias in the cages but i dont know why..

same thing i was trying to say only better lol