Do you have a prefered cornering side???

Do you have a favourite side???

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I once heard that the reason so many people are better with left turns (me too) is that in a left turn you have more extension with the arm that controls the throttle, whereas right turns bind your right arm up more and makes throttle input a little more awkward...:don'tknow:
definitley a lefty, everything about setting up and executing the turn is
more confortable than turning right, watched too much NASCAR as a kid?
I dunno...
Gday Davey
Good question!
My name is Rob and I like a long walks on the beach, motorbikes, and leaning into right handers.

I feel more comfortable leaning to the right (I'm a 'mighty righty'). Felt that way when I learnt, but has evened out a little as I improved/ing.
When braking hard into corners (and not thinking I'm going to make it) I've found that at a reactionary level I'll find myself lying over to kiss the bitumen on the right rather than the left.

Righties, Ambis - Speak up, defend what appears to be the minority here - Does this happen to you?
(Or am I doomed to ride in ever decreasing clockwise circles?)
Now this was funny I don't care who you are! (Thanks!)
I'm left handed, but seem to be more comfortable in the right turns. Really don't know why, but it's easy to see how that translates into the wear on my tires. It's especially noticable on the front tyre, which has a steeper angle of wear on the right side. Even so, the chichen strips on the rear tyre are non-existing:rolleyes:
I can do right handed corners all day, but ever since I laid my last bike down (left, low side) I cannot get my bike (it's the bike - not the rider :liar:) to lean hard left. Thus, I find I slow way down into and through lefties, but I can maintain a constant speed or accelerate from a righty.

Makes for some interesting 'chicken strips' too! :D
Is it just me or is anyone else seem to see a pattern on Left handers like to turn Right and Right handers like to turn left?

I know there are the few who don't fit but it just seems to be the case.
I'm right handed, but a lefty turner. For me, it comes down to being able to run later into corners and see around and through the corner better. Not as much of an issue in open riding areas, but I run through a lot of tight, wooded roads and sometimes being able to see through a corner a little sooner will allow me to carry speed deeper into a corner..

Personal preference.. Not saying what I do is right or wrong, but what works for me. :)
I'm darn near even with my cornering. But I seem to be more comfortable with turning left. I'm right handed BTW. I usually feel more stable, and confident when turning left. The previous owner of my FZ was definitely into left cornering, as the left side of the front tire is nearly bald, and the rest of it is just "normal" wear. Oddly, the rear is worn perfectly even. Go figure!

I wonder how much of this is due to city street layouts. When you turn left, it's from a turn lane, and there's loads of room to maneuver. When turning right, it's usually from a "regular" lane(non-turn lane), and there's less room. Either there's traffic, a hillside, a drop off, or a curb to your right. And in the city, there's almost always less room to maneuver when making those right hand turns.
I'm more comfortable leaning left and my left shoe all scuffed up but just the other day was my first time to scrape a peg and it was on the right so I'll call it even.