
Butterflies..? Eh, sometimes, and then sometimes no. It pretty much depends on where I'm going. The one thing that still causes me to pause and concern is going over high bridges with no shoulder on a highway/interstate. No matter what the weather is like, there always seem to be cross winds just begging to whip you around the road. There is such a bridge between my house and my brothers. I generally just keep my eyes straight ahead, keep a steady speed, and try not to think of myself flipping over the edge and screaming like a school girl... :eek:


I get the butterlies too. Not too bad where I'm actually nervous. But I always say a quick prayer though before I put it in first.
So far I've got REALLY nervous driving in Kentucky and DC. Both times were because it seemed like I was having 5 close calls per minute due to really retarded cage drivers.
So far I've got REALLY nervous driving in Kentucky and DC. Both times were because it seemed like I was having 5 close calls per minute due to really retarded cage drivers.

Recent study found that worst drivers were from DC area and dumbest drivers were from NJ (my wife is from NJ and we live in DC area).
Butterflies..? Eh, sometimes, and then sometimes no. It pretty much depends on where I'm going. The one thing that still causes me to pause and concern is going over high bridges with no shoulder on a highway/interstate. No matter what the weather is like, there always seem to be cross winds just begging to whip you around the road. There is such a bridge between my house and my brothers. I generally just keep my eyes straight ahead, keep a steady speed, and try not to think of myself flipping over the edge and screaming like a school girl... :eek:



You would NOT have had any fun on the Northeast meet, especially when we climbed Mt. Washington! :eek: Lots of room for sudden death on that trip! Thank all the powers that be for all of us getting up and down there safely!
I get butterflies when I go out alone. I rode to work a few days ago & wondered why I felt a bit nervous. But it's not an issue when John and I go out for a ride. I guess I feel safer knowing that someone is there that 'has my back'. Then I was thinking that it might make me more cautious of things too....
But to have been thinking of this just a couple of days ago, now here it is in a post.....kinda weird.
Depends on the ride I'm about to do....go to work 3 miles away: eh, no prob

ride 400 miles on a lonely freeway and getting up to 153 (clocked on Tuesday!!!): then yea...i passed a trucker and minivan AFTER doing said \"stunt\" while waving my fist in the air and celebrating my new personal land speed record!

Twisties: depends if I'm with a group...I'll get butterflies after a hairy sharp turn and then have to refocus on technique.

I,m in the same boat as MarinaFazer on this one,except my commute is 60 k's round trip.
I`ll get a little anxious if I go out to ride with people I don`t know... I wonder how they`ll ride, too slow, too fast, if they`ll be safe, if they know the basics about group rides, if they`ll be friendly... etc... other than that I usually don`t get worked up... probably because I will usually meet with the same 2-3 guys and I know I can trust them on the road... we will usually meet up early 7 or 8am for breakfast, so that also helps get in the groove for the day :)

OK maybe a little bit lately... I just don`t want to drop the new toy... not that quick comon! I don`t even have the license plate yet :D
Getting ready to ride on the road: Yes, I still feel a bit anxious about what is to come, both known and unknown. After a while I think it subsides into the background, but it's still there. I have ridden for 30 yrs and I never take it for granted.

Before a track experience: I am a wreck until that 1st session. I mean, I pace, double(triple) check my bike and gear, and nervously talk to others. After those first few laps it just disappears as I don't have time to be worried anymore.