Clutch Slave Levers - I'm making them again

Hey Killer, I am interested in your mod,
I am not too mechanically inclined, more a time issue than ability.
Is the bracket a simple unbolt and re-install of the new version?
If I buy the parts and have them ready to send, would you notify me if you are doing another run of re-jigging them? From what I have read, you seem to be waiting on parts to keep the process going, If I can help by sending the parts you need to modify for me,let me know
thanks for your ingenuity
Haha, I got the parts that same day after I posted. I planned on getting them in this weekend, but as I'm lunch break working overtime today and possibly tomorrow I doubt it'll go in this weekend.

Will let you know how it goes and give you a heads up on my core return. Thanks.

Holy crap? How long did the post office plan on taking? I sent them off weeks ago!!!
Hey Killer, I'm very interested if you get together on making a new batch, whenever that might be. I've had my FZ for about four years and I'm still annoyed with the clutch. If I stopped riding my Honda it would probably get better, probably.

Also, I had a thought: I would want to buy new parts and have them shipped to you. Would it be of any use to you if I paid in parts? Three sets totals $54, (Today, anyway.) if I ship to you, plus the set I want modded for myself, plus throw in a little extra for your shipping to me, then you've got some parts on hand to ship to others so we all end up spending a little less on shipping. Just a thought.

Thanks for getting this mod together. I didn't even know such a thing was possible.
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I'm very interested also. Only just got my fz6 but would like to address the clutch right away.
I am definitely in when you make a new batch. Got my FZ6 a little over a month ago and the clutch annoys me. Rest of the bike is great though.
I hope I can get in on the next group-order. Please let me know. Sounds like a great mod and everyone seems ridiculously pleased.

Thanks for making em! :D
It is supposed to make the clutch action much smoother/easier. This will increase comfort while riding and reduce fatigue on your hands.

I swear I thought I did.... I even followed the link thinking that it must be posted to SBN forums. Sorry for the stupid post :(
I guess I can move the location on the clutch slave lever to whichever of the 3 holes I like?

I feel like now that I installed this, I like the smoothness, but it feels like my clutch doesn't engage until I completely let go of the clutch lever... thoughts?
I guess I can move the location on the clutch slave lever to whichever of the 3 holes I like?

I feel like now that I installed this, I like the smoothness, but it feels like my clutch doesn't engage until I completely let go of the clutch lever... thoughts?

I guess the instructions for adjusting freeplay are invalidated by this mod, but can you adjust the freeplay?

Also, if you're watching this thread killer, any updates on when you might start up another batch? I'm still considering a hydraulic kit, but I'd really like to try this mod first. Don't mean to be a pest or anything. I'm sure, or I hope, you got other things that are a lot more interesting to do. :D If you need a headcount of interested parties, count me as one. I'll update pronto if I get a hydraulic kit ordered though.
Count me in when you run a new batch; I'm working on getting the parts you'd need as we speak. Best! -- Ian