Close call


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Aug 12, 2007
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Lou, Ky
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I'm scooting down the state highway, and i'm getting close to the exit for the interstate, I need to go south. So I turn my right signal, drop a gear and spoosh over to the right lane, prepping to pass a train of semi's. 5 of them in all. I'm cruising past the 3-4th one, when quickly in between the 3 and 4 truck I see a city cruiser with its lights on and its backing up quick for intercept. Well, I grabbed a hand full of front brake. I first saw 92, next glance was 57mph. I got ahead of the 4th truck and got behind the 5th truck. At that point it was a long slow dream of a leaning turn, at 15 mph. I got to look around and see if that durn cop was coming around the entrance ramp. Nope I dont see him, so I figure, yeah he has a radio, i'll see another cruiser going south bound. Yes, indeed I found another black and white sitting between the emergency lane and the exit to a road. Nothing, i'm totally perplexed, poleaxed. I prayed to god, Yes god, I deserve that ticket, and if he pulls me over i'm gonna pay it. No cop at all. The way I figure, that cop saw on his radar 92 come mph, he couldnt see what the red streak was clearly cause of all the semi's. Ergo he really didnt have a target unless he hell of scooted in front of a bunch of semi's hauling ass to get on the road. He just turned off his engine and said, damn another FZ6!!!. I took it REAAAAaLy easy the rest of the way home, expecting an all points broadcast, red crotch rocket looking thing with a guy wearing a black and yellow jacket, and bluejeans. So no problems getting home, I did manage to spend a few minutes practicing quick stopping. I got a little scared when I skidded the front tire and it actually lost traction for a little scary moment. I wont grab that much break again ever.
i read elsewhere it will lock if u grab too quickly. u can grab it that much if u want just do it gradually so u shift weight forwards. one of the others said that im just relaying it.
Grab front and rear with gradual progression for emergency stops... and you're better off on just letting off the throttle if you spot a cop, don't touch the brake.
Dang it man, dont be wrecking to avoid tickets. Its just not worth it. Be careful.
ya if ur in the right gear u can drop off 10-20 kph (couple hundred bucks) pretty quickly. just watch the guy behind you youre brake light wont flash
having had no experience with cops getting interested in me, I think I will take that advice.
I'd rather have a ticket and my insurance surcharged for the rest of my life than to be laying in the middle of the highway with serious injuries, if not death.
Ditto on being careful, it's not worth it man.

One weird thing that I've noticed is that those radar signs they put on the side of the road never pick me up. If I'm in traffic they will pick up the cars behind me, beside me, in front of me, going the other way, anything that's moving except my bike. Even when it's a completely empty road, they just won't register anything at all. Am I the only one this happens to? It seems almost too good to be true. Anyways, my point is, if those signs won't pick me up at all, maybe the cruisers can't either. I'm not willing to test this hypothesis, but I thought it worth mentioning.
They can I promise.

56 in a 30 TN Hwy Patrol wrote ticket.
67 in a 55 Elkton Sherriff verbal warning.

I think the warning signs are just old cheap equiptment that was in good shape.
This thread is sort of about grabbing the front brake, so I'll make a comment on that. After starting to reading Proficient Motorcycling, I realized I need to practice my quick stops. David Hough recommends that you start practicing at 18mph, and go from there. I never got above 18mph. I skidded the front wheel just about every time I did the exercise, so I guess I wasn't doing it right, never felt confident to go faster. After about 10 runs, the area of the parking lot I was practicing in looked like a runway where planes touch down and leave a short skid mark. David Hough recommends that you don't fully clamp down on the front brake until after increasing pressure on it for a "one-thousand-one" count. That gives enough time to transfer weight to the front wheel and generate enough traction to start breaking hard. I guess I was clamping down too hard. I'd never skidded the front wheel in "normal" riding, and it was a little unnerving how easy it was to do that. I almost dropped the bike on the first run, I clamped down so hard. Plus, I racked my balls pretty good humping the gas tank with significant force. Ouch!
when i saw the cop with his lights on, i slowed down really fast, but I didnt mash the brake locked to the handgrips. I just slowed down really fast. the trouble with my locking the front tire was practicing at 20 mph on my street. I was practicing squeezing and pulling tighter as it started to slow, i just grabbed a bit too hard that time the tire skidded. when i let off the brake it was completely recoverable, i just wont grab that hard again. i really need to work on braking more, i'm afraid if i need to stop or die one day, i'll die. its too easy to brake too hard, or be afraid of how much you really can brake. until then ill remember to take it easier. I swear, i have been riding that kawi vulcan 900 and its 600 or more pounds without any riders on it. when i get on my fz6 it feels like its nothing under me, and i think thats why im getting braver, more brave than my skill level. thanks for all the feedback and advice.