Can't down shift?!


FZ6 n00b
Jul 12, 2010
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My FZ6 transmission has been acting really sketchy lately. At times I can't down shift at all. I'm fully pulling the clutch in and no matter how hard I kick just won't "click" and down shift. I just did an oil change about 350 miles ago and replaced the clutch cable about a month ago. I still occasionally get the stick between 1st and 2nd gear, too. What can I check here?
Was the moto having shifting problems prior to your cable replacement? I'd check the adjustment at the lever, and see if fooling around with that makes it any better or worse. I had up-shifiting issues a while ago, and it seemed to be the clutch cable was a bit loose, and/or rider error. That's weird that it's only down shifting that's messed up. Maybe the shifting forks inside the tranny are bent.
You can adjust the linkage itself, where it mounts on the shift shaft. If it is off it will mess with the shifting. While you have it off you might as well check the return spring and make sure its ok. Mine had gunk in it a while back and kept the shift lever from returning after a downshift. Cleaned it and worked like new again. I know this isn't the problem you are having but it is right behind where the linkage connects to the shift shaft.
i havent had mine but for a couple weeks, and sometimes it doesnt want to downshift, especially after ive already come to a stop/near stop. ive found that slightly letting out the clutch until it begins to grab, and then pulling it back in will allow the trans to continue being shifted. give that a shot. whatever you do, dont kick on the shift lever too hard cause something will bend/break/misalign.
This came up a few weeks ago, and the guy had one of the bolts from the kick-stand had come loose and was stopping the shift lever from travelling down to the change gears.
Check it out and let us know!!

Sorry for your problem man. Lots of good advice here already. In my experiences with past bikes, whenever I could not downshift it was always due to clutch adjustment, (like novaks47 speaks of). If your new clutch cable stretched like the one on my bike did new, it's probably ready for readjustment already. (Both of my cables stretched like an American dollar)
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i havent had mine but for a couple weeks, and sometimes it doesnt want to downshift, especially after ive already come to a stop/near stop. ive found that slightly letting out the clutch until it begins to grab, and then pulling it back in will allow the trans to continue being shifted. give that a shot. whatever you do, dont kick on the shift lever too hard cause something will bend/break/misalign.

Both my FZ and my TW will rarely go into first once fully stopped. It seems some forward motion and/or engine revs are needed to make it happen. Try blipping the throttle, or shift just before stopping. Once I'm around 18mph or less, I drop it into first gear.
After checking the shift linkage, check the oil level. If the oil is even a little above the "full" line on the dipstick (and I mean a little), it can cause the clutch to drag so that it won't downshift properly. Drain out a little oil (or siphon it with a host through the dipstick hole if you have time and want to avoid a mess). Problem solved.

When the oil level is full and you run it very hard for a long time, I've noticed that it can froth up. I think this causes the clutch-drag problem. Both times it happened to me it was after a very hot day and I had run the bike for more than 1000 miles pretty much continuously (Iron Butt rides). I also run synthetic, but I must have reached the limit of the wet clutch tolerance, or filled it just a little too much. I read about similar issues on SV650s and it clued me into what it was.
When I first rode my slightly-used but new to me FZ in HOT weather (98 - 109 F) at high altitudes (5000 ft ish) and high rpms (extended jaunts of 7000 Rpm +) I experienced a similar issue. I got "stuck" in 6th or 5th a couple of times and almost was rear-ended by a car coming up on a highway where I had been forced to slow from 70 Mph to about 15 Mph... I rode the clutch like it owed me money and pulled off to the side in time to avoid getting crushed.
I took the bike in to the next real bike shop (was on a long tour with NO tools needed... I am an idiot) and told them about the issue. I had noticed that the bike could easily shift around once the engine had cooled down (over a long lunch or overnight)... The dealership ended up greasing the linkages and lubing everything as they looked it over... They and I were sure that the linkage was part of the problem but also that the previous owner had used a oil that was FAR too light (or was it heavy?:confused:) and had degraded (lead mechanics opinion) to the point where it was almost useless.
I swapped over to Full Syn 15-40 or 15-50 for the remainder of that ride (due to the outside temps) and now run Full Syn 10-40 as the temps I am in are more reasonable.
Seems to have fixed my issue. Not sure if it was only the linkage or if the engine oil had something to do with it (looked that way since it would shift freely when colder)...