Boneman - best wishes please.

Hope you get back to normal quick. Make sure to take it easy otherwise you could have lingering problems for a long time.

Shame about the bike, especially such a great one. On the bright side you get to move on to something new and different. I'm sure for someone who likes to mod that is a plus :)

If you do decide to part it out I would suggest creating a google spreadsheet similar to the one someone else created for all his parts. Makes managing it quicker for you and the buyers.

Glad you are ok
Well that's why I love living in Canada mate...subsidized healthcare! (or as you Yanks call it "SOCILAISM"...insert scarry music here).

Hospital bill = $0.00 :thumbup:

Only thing I'm out of pocket for right now is 2 weeks wages, which will eventually be recoverd as part of my settlement/claim.

Boggles my mind why I see hoards of Americans actually fighting to keep thier broken a$$ healthcare system. But that's for another topic.....

oh yeah that's right you're from up there! I take back what I said then :)

Well in California your case would go something like this:

- accident => hospital => $X amount of hospital bills
- your lawyer confirms the accident was the other party's fault
- your lawyer confirms the other party's insurance coverage/max limits
- your lawyer goes for the max limit, but will settle for 3 times the X amount (1 X to cover hospital, 1 X to cover his fees, and 1 X for your pain and suffering... this does not include the material losses, which are covered by the other party's insurance as well)
- you end up a happy camper with lots of $$$ in your pocket and a new bike.

That's if everything goes well of course... in my case the other party's max insurance limit was $15k (minimum legal here), which was half of the hospital bills... so it didn't turn out that well, but my lawyer did a LOT of leg work to reduce the bills and make sure I ended up with no bills left to me...

Anyway, I am glad you're good and my vote goes for the VFR :rockon:
Ohh theres a thought, are you gonna be leaving the site up, since you're not replacing the Fazer?

Oh heck yeah! The site will live on and remain up!!! I'm sure it will continue to provide many FZ6 owners with usefull reference information.

I will also continue to be a member of this forum, regardless of what bike I eventually end up with. That is if you guys will keep me....:ban:
Well that's why I love living in Canada mate...subsidized healthcare! (or as you Yanks call it "SOCILAISM"...insert scarry music here).

Hospital bill = $0.00 :thumbup:

Only thing I'm out of pocket for right now is 2 weeks wages, which will eventually be recoverd as part of my settlement/claim.

Boggles my mind why I see hoards of Americans actually fighting to keep thier broken a$$ healthcare system. But that's for another topic.....

Actually the true problem with 'Socializing' Health-care here is we can't. To do so we would have to put all the insurance companies out of business, collect in taxes the money that we now pay to the insurance companies and absorb the hospitals / doctors into the government. Our constitution and economy wouldn't allow that. And it is really the only way it would work. The situation we are now in, the policy that has been forced on us is bunk. I'm all for a truly socialized system for health-care. I'm very much against the new policy. (And I'm a pretty hard boiled fiscal conservative)
Added 3 more photos of my leg as of a few days ago: Shaw Photo Share

I should receive pics of the bike today and I will get those up as soon as I get em!

Yeah, that looks pretty bloody sore! Hope they are keeping a close eye on Blood clots....there is a lot of blood floating around in that leg...

Get well fast Man....

Ok, I JUST got the pics of the bike from the insurance company.

At first I was like, hey that's not too bad.....then I scrolled down and saw the damage to the right side of the bike. Explains why my right leg is such a mess......

The pics are all in a pdf doc here: Crash Pics - Intact Insurance.pdf

I also cropped out each photo and uploaded them to this folder:

I was most shocked at the major break in the right side frame and the exploded rear wheel!!

Sniff....poor old gal.....
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Damn Boneman! Just saw this - I've been away from this forum for a while.

Sorry to hear of your crash - idiot drivers are so self-absorbed these days, very dangerous - and glad to hear that you are essentially OK. Obviously that is the most important thing.

I can't tell you how many @$#@% stupid @$#% things I have witnessed lately. People backing up on the freeway (in SoCal!!!) because they missed an offramp. Yes, turning from the middle, or even far lane (like turning right from the leftmost lane on a 3 lane road), etc. Endless hordes of people texting, emailing from their iPhone, etc. etc. etc.

I saw yet another douche *reading a paperback* on the 110 South, heading into the South Bay/San Pedro area, *during rush hour* the other day.

I've seen a guy driving with his left foot up on the A pillar.

I see people pull all the way over to the right curb, as if to park, as you follow behind. As you go to pass (since they PULLED OVER TO PARK) they suddenly whip a U-turn from the right curb. Without looking back. This happens to me ALL THE TIME to the point that I now honk preemptively even at people who are parking. Same with turning in either direction - people swing it out the opposite direction of the turn, *as if they are pulling a trailer!* What's the matter with people?!

I forget more stuff than I care to remember, pun intended.

Glad you are OK. Props to your wife for posting updates.

That one pic of your legs together is scary. Insane how your body can bounce back. Hang in there dude!
wow... i thought the same thing from the first pic.. then i saw the rest.. royally sucks that there was that much damage, but what can ya do...
But really, now that the dust has settled, is there anything you could have done to avoid the situation that we all might learn from? Once they started moving into you, I'm sure there was probably no out. But could you have avoided the situation to begin with (without staying home or taking the car)?

This and deer man...this and deer. :(

The thought of somebody just swerving into my lane always crosses my mind. But I always say there are "Tells" if there is a chance it might happen.

1. Are you approaching an intersection or possibly any entry or exit points of the roadway where a driver might change their mind all of a sudden to get into another lane?

For example, passing a slower vehicle on roadway or highway, you always have to be careful that they might turn into you right as you are passing them because they are turning "Left" off the roadway.

2. Who's the driver? Female, Male, Young, Old, how many people in the car? Kids? And are they talking on the phone or texting.

3. Where are they from? Look at their plates.

4. Any markings on their vehicles, like a sticker? Harley, Fox Racing, Honda, Yamaha, they might be motorcyclist too which you might be able to trust them a bit more.

It's a quick scan, I can usually get a feel of who's around me. Kind of like a quarterback looking through their progression of scanning down the field when they are looking to throw the ball downfield. It's routine and done in a matter of seconds.

I like to ride a gear down whenever I'm in traffic, let the loud pipes kind of help people know that I'm around. And I never linger around, I try to speed up or fall back.

Oh by the way, I'm too much of a wimp to see the pics of the leg. And definatley don't want to see Boneman's bike. I don't want to tarnish any images I have on how beautiful that bike was.
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Sniff....poor old gal.....

Geeeeze! The throttle side frame and rad and rearset are in rough shape!

With regard to your earlier post about recovering the aftermarket parts, I would love to buy your rizoma rearset CF heal guards as both of mine are cracked and about to fall off.

The thought of somebody just swerving into my lane always crosses my mind. But I always say there are "Tells" if there is a chance it might happen.

1. Are you approaching an intersection or possibly any entry or exit points of the roadway where a driver might change their mind all of a sudden to get into another lane?

For example, passing a slower vehicle on roadway or highway, you always have to be careful that they might turn into you right as you are passing them because they are turning "Left" off the roadway.

2. Who's the driver? Female, Male, Young, Old, how many people in the car? Kids? And are they talking on the phone or texting.

3. Where are they from? Look at their plates.

4. Any markings on their vehicles, like a sticker? Harley, Fox Racing, Honda, Yamaha, they might be motorcyclist too which you might be able to trust them a bit more.

It's a quick scan, I can usually get a feel of who's around me. Kind of like a quarterback looking through their progression of scanning down the field when they are looking to throw the ball downfield. It's routine and done in a matter of seconds.

I like to ride a gear down whenever I'm in traffic, let the loud pipes kind of help people know that I'm around. And I never linger around, I try to speed up or fall back.

Oh by the way, I'm too much of a wimp to see the pics of the leg. And definatley don't want to see Boneman's bike. I don't want to tarnish any images I have on how beautiful that bike was.

Thanks Vegas.

The thing that bothers me about this crash is the fact that it underlines how much intersections just suck.

Many people will advocate riding along side another car while passing through interesection as a way of using the other car as a blocker. this is great if someone runs the red light and hits the car next to you before hitting you, but bad if the car next to you decides to make a turn from the middle lane!

My main strategy for dealing with this sort of thing is limit my urban/suburban miles....I try to get in and get out, but do most of my riding out in the hills/mountains etc. where there are few intersections.

But of course...then there are other dangers.
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Wow, from the damage, I think you're lucky to still have a leg. I only had a quick look at the leg pics, amazing how the body reacts to repair itself.. It's almost twice the size of the left leg :eek:

Hope you're well on your way to recovery, keep a positive attitude and all will come good.

Yup. positive I will be.

This is what I have my eye on for my next bike.

2009 VFR in Metalic Silver w/ Gold rims:

My main strategy for dealing with this sort of thing is limit my urban/suburban miles....I try to get in and get out, but do most of my riding out in the hills/mountains etc. where there are few intersections.

But of course...then there are other dangers.

While I was gone on my Epic Road Trip, we had a MSF Instructor crash and die up in the local mountains of Las Vegas. He was a very experienced rider, he raced and was very active on the Ducati Forum.

A car pulled out in front of him from a parking area. Obviously speed may have been a factor, but it happened up in the mountains, away from the Vegas traffic. It's not the first time a motorcycle safety instructor has died around here in Vegas.

Dave was very lucky! But this thread is a reminder to us all that riding a motorcycle has it's risks. Even the best and most expererienced riders are not immune to crashing or even dying. I guess the man upstairs needed a good Rider Coach for all of the fallen riders that have left us.
Hope you get better a lot sooner Dave. Excellent choice for a replacement bike too! :thumbup:

The bike? Holy damage Batman! There's not a lot that wasn't touched on the bike and not a shade of doubt that it is totaled. Sad to see one of the most modded FZ6 bikes in the history of the site go down like this. Of course, the bonus is that you're here to tell us all about it!

I high-sided the FZ1 back on July 2nd but the damage was extremely minor as it was low speed. Nothing compared to yours as I was able to roll, jump up and run back to the bike and take off again.