Blood Donation

I've donated a few times, but it always seemed to take forever (low blood pressure, apparently). The last couple of times they had to stop half-way through because I kept clotting. They basically told me my veins are "too small" to be a useful blood donor. Alas. Big thanks to all of you that do it, btw!

Just an interesting aside..... I am TERRIFIED of needles, but only when I'm being injected with something. Blood coming out = no problem. Wierd. Guess I'd make a lousy heroin addict... :Flash:
Hi Whirly,
Lots of folk are terrified of needles. I see big strong lads fall like daisys in the wind when you tell them you need to take blood lol.
In fairness I also tell people not to worry as its quite a good fear to have or we would all be junkies lol.
Hi Whirly,
Lots of folk are terrified of needles. I see big strong lads fall like daisys in the wind when you tell them you need to take blood lol.
In fairness I also tell people not to worry as its quite a good fear to have or we would all be junkies lol.

I'll admit I have that problem too. I can't look when they stick me, I get light headed. Now on the other hand I certify as a Combat Lifesaver every year with the Army and I can start a line on another no problem, go figure!
I fixed my needle phobia by learning venapuncture weird. On a serious note a good Nurse like myself will access how the patient feels about it. There are a number of topical creams that can be applied to the vien to take away the sharpness and anxiety:
These creams take 15 minutes minimun to work and can mean the difference. In the patient having a terrifying traumatic experience that will stay with them forever. To one who is compliant with treatment and ultimately has a more positive experience.
I also use Ethol Chloride it is super cold and after about a 6 second blast on the vien the nerves are numbbed and the needle can pass painlessly.
Obviously in you line of work you may not have the luxury of these nor the time. If I were on the front line I would have my cannula inserted before i went out on the mission. It is a real challenge trying to gain IV access once the heart has reduced output.

I fixed my needle phobia by learning venapuncture weird. On a serious note a good Nurse like myself will access how the patient feels about it. There are a number of topical creams that can be applied to the vien to take away the sharpness and anxiety:
These creams take 15 minutes minimun to work and can mean the difference. In the patient having a terrifying traumatic experience that will stay with them forever. To one who is compliant with treatment and ultimately has a more positive experience.
I also use Ethol Chloride it is super cold and after about a 6 second blast on the vien the nerves are numbbed and the needle can pass painlessly.
Obviously in you line of work you may not have the luxury of these nor the time. If I were on the front line I would have my cannula inserted before i went out on the mission. It is a real challenge trying to gain IV access once the heart has reduced output.


that is good to know.

In Iraq I had to have a knee surgery. It was done in a tent down in Kuwait. I had stepped in a hole while on patrol and hyperextended my knee, POP! Torn medial meniscus, after being in country for three weeks! UGH! I sucked it up for four months and finally gave up and went to get it fixed. The very young medic who was to start my line on the back of my hand couldn't do it. She tried three times and keep puncturing the vein, in and out. Then she hit the bone in my hand and I yelped! I have pronounded veins and I've been told many times I'm an easy stick. The anestheologist finally came to state the line. I hold they made the medic paint rocks for a while after that one. Could have used a gallon of that numbing cream.
In the UK each clinician is legally only allowed two atempts before finding some one else who can do it. It sucks being a pin cushion, clinically it also increases the risk of infection every time some one punctures your skin. Senior Docs / Nurse hate being told that they have used their attempts up. If I miss with the first one I take it on the chin and apologise. I then go get some one else. Pride is a foolish life saving adjunct.
I hope your knee is going to hild out gor your walk up the isle?
So it was a bit of a camping weekend then lol, Laying under canvas, looking at the stars, running to the shelter to avoid incomming. Sounds like a right barrel of laughs.
So it was a bit of a camping weekend then lol, Laying under canvas, looking at the stars, running to the shelter to avoid incomming. Sounds like a right barrel of laughs.

Funny you say that. The DAY I got back to Baghdad I had a 107mm rocket zip over my head and I was trying to run for a bunker. That HURT! That attack was two weeks post surgery. The knee swelled up and was pretty sore for a few days after that. Ouch!
I used to donate whole blood regularly but I am O- so I started doing Apheresis donation instead, they can get more stuff that way. It feels really odd and takes a couple of hours but good to know that cancer and burn patients can use your platelets.