Best place to practice wheelies?


Junior Member
Jan 19, 2008
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I am a very cautious rider, but I am curious and somewhat excited to practice wheelies in a safe environment.
Any ideas on a safe place to practice wheelies for a while?
I usually practice out in the middle of corn or cow fields....where you can see for ever and it's flat. Other than that I've used abandoned parking lots but they are usually bumpy/broken.

Anywhere is better than the interstate :D
On the track , at a ride least then there are medics on hand, if it all goes a bit pear shaped!
Sorry, could not resist Scott's comment about the ER. Be careful wherever you practice my friend.;)

I am a very cautious rider, but I am curious and somewhat excited to practice wheelies in a safe environment.
Any ideas on a safe place to practice wheelies for a while?
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On the track , at a ride least then there are medics on hand, if it all goes a bit pear shaped!

They'll pull you off the track for that in the US...power wheelies out of turns and down the straight are one thing, but practicing wheelies on a race track is a great way to cause a collision....when I'm doing 140MPH down the front stretch I don't expect anyone to be practicing 40MPH wheelies, let alone looping their bike in the middle of the track....see how the closing speed could be an issue? :D