Bad News! I dropped my bike going 12mph :(


Junior Member
Feb 21, 2013
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Lincoln, Nebraska
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I was leaving work and turned by Memorial Stadium here in Lincoln. I didn't notice some gravel in the road during my turn until it was too late! I kinda panicked and did the exact opposite of what I was supposed to do; I put on the break during the turn :( My bike slid for about 25 feet or so. Ruined the fuel tank the rear fairing (which is cheap so I don't care about that).

The clutch cable is scraped too and the steering feels pretty weird. I will get it into a shop soon to get a thorough inspection. Not looking forward to that bill.

I am at work right now, but I will post photos later. This month has been crappy. I got hit by an SUV on my bicycle on the 7th and now I wreck my motorcycle on my own. UGH!! I hate riding in a cage too so now I am not enjoying my morning/evening rides. Oh well.

Photos to come tonight. Not happy about it though :(
Sorry to hear Man; hopefully you came out of the ordeal unscathed. It is bound to happen to everyone at one point or another; could always look at the silver lining and consider yourself lucky that you were doing 12mph and not 120mph!

Ride safe!
Happy your alright! Brake isn't necessarily bad but front brake is :( many many years of dirt riding taught me that lesson so thankfully I haven't had to deal with that bill yet
Happy your alright! Brake isn't necessarily bad but front brake is :( many many years of dirt riding taught me that lesson so thankfully I haven't had to deal with that bill yet

I am telling everyone just that. If I would have engaged the rear break it would have pulled me up. It is the first time I have encountered gravel though. Luckily I was considering a new paint job anyway. I think I will get the steering checked out and if everything is good, then i will just ride it around with the damage. After I feel comfortable after several weeks I will start thinking about the paint job and maybe a new fuel tank.

I will see what people think after the photos are put up. Since this has never happened before, I don't know if I should get a new fuel tank or just try to fix this one. After the photos I think people will have a better gauge as to what I should do.
I am telling everyone just that. If I would have engaged the rear break it would have pulled me up. It is the first time I have encountered gravel though. Luckily I was considering a new paint job anyway. I think I will get the steering checked out and if everything is good, then i will just ride it around with the damage. After I feel comfortable after several weeks I will start thinking about the paint job and maybe a new fuel tank.

I will see what people think after the photos are put up. Since this has never happened before, I don't know if I should get a new fuel tank or just try to fix this one. After the photos I think people will have a better gauge as to what I should do.
Glad your okay, good luck on the repairs.

Sorry Mr ....Darkness
You said nothing you, but hopefully you're OK! Sorry about the Bike!
. It is the first time I have encountered gravel though.

But this topic was discussed along with others during your training. Surface condition, loose and slippery conditions? Although it's just not possible to take the time and practice everything that's covered in the curriculum in the short amount of time, we hope that we have shown you the basic tools and apply them in the real world.

It just hasn't been your month. Hope things turn out for the better. Most importantly, you were not hurt. We've all been there, we were all new riders at one point.
sorry to hear about your drop here's hoping you are OK
I dont have much gravel on my regualr trip but its Autumn (Fall) and the Plane tree leaves are everywhere and I am worried about the same thing happening.

Maybe time to go naked?
Maybe time to go naked?

He already did (well IIRC, the previous owner did with the castrator of a gauge mount and motocross headlight)

But yeah, new color, because no self respecting shop would be able to colormatch your bike. How do you feel about kawasaki green?
Wouldn't it be great if we could remember every safety tip we are told and always did the right thing in every situation from the moment we try something that is new and difficult?? :shakehead: Life just doesn't happen that way. We live and learn. I really hope you are okay.
Wouldn't it be great if we could remember every safety tip we are told and always did the right thing in every situation from the moment we try something that is new and difficult?? :shakehead: Life just doesn't happen that way. We live and learn. I really hope you are okay.

That is true. If it makes you feel any better, I got knocked over by a gust of wind while sitting at a red light back in Vegas. To make matters worse, I was at the front of the intersection so everyone behind me saw it. So whenever it's a very windy day, both hands on the handlebars and both feet on the ground.
He already did (well IIRC, the previous owner did with the castrator of a gauge mount and motocross headlight)

But yeah, new color, because no self respecting shop would be able to colormatch your bike. How do you feel about kawasaki green?

I think Kawi Green might be a first for the FZ... Couple that with matte black and your rockin'! (I might be slightly bias ;) )
I know that you will look at it as bad but flip the coin, yes there is the matter of a little money to be spent but you sir are walking and talking. Its just metal and plastic that have scars, your still as good looking as you were the day before...
Lucky...yes ...very lucky...I would go and buy a lotto ticket...tosh