Bad crash

Im not sure what value it actually adds to the site, judging by the number of views so are others. I don't agree with total censorship but is this the place for it?

It's things like this that people need to see! These things are dangerous and we have to be on our toes at all times. Forget they're dangerous and you're dead! I can remove it, and it won't faze me either way. Personally I watch every crash and wreck I can. If I learn one thing from their mistakes then I could possiable save my life.

There is no way I would have let a truck that size get that close to me!
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I think it is OK to post for the reasons ant_mb indicated. It also had warnings so people could choose not to view it... same thing with that "ride to die" site posted awhile back... look if you want to or don't...

Leason learned from this posting should be - always check your mirrors frequently per the MC safety courses...
That was awful.
Do you think his scooter ran out of gas or just stopped running? Did he jam on the brakes?
That was awful.
Do you think his scooter ran out of gas or just stopped running? Did he jam on the brakes?

He was on the passenger side of the truck until the turn and it looks like he was just trying to go into the next lane. He didn't even look over his shoulder.....they obviously didn't see eachother.
Leave it Ant.. it reminds us to always be aware and always check your 6. It shows how in a matter of seconds its can be all over if your not aware of your surroundings... To me its a reminder to be aware... and make sure your mind is on your ride... not the fight you had with your boss or whatever....

I agree this is a lesson learned to always be on the look out.. This is a good reminder (wake up call to be careful and watch out for all the other distracted people on the road)
I think it is OK to post for the reasons ant_mb indicated. It also had warnings so people could choose not to view it... same thing with that "ride to die" site posted awhile back... look if you want to or don't...

Leason learned from this posting should be - always check your mirrors frequently per the MC safety courses...

This and the other website mentioned are very disturbing. I hope none of those things happen to us.
Hmm... I saw two traffic violations before the crash even occured. Taiwan fools.
i wonder how many intersections like that have camera's? not such a bad idea to establish blame for incidents. Still a shame about this incident.
There are things we should watch as bikers so that we can learn from them, this video is certainly not one of those educational videos. we dont know whether the bike ran out of fuel, the biker hit the brakes, the truck driver sped up for the fun or simply didn't see the bike or assumed the bike wanted to move to the other lane. What I do know is that it took the trucker time to hit the brakes!! I know you guys are saying we should check our 6, but remember our bikes move in a forward direction, we cant be checking our "6" all of the time...maybe this incident happened between the checks as it did happen quite quickly.

Its eye opening, but I personally dont think its suitable here..considering we cant even say as-s on this forum without seeing "***" so why is it ok to see a persons body being driven over, cut in half and then dragged along the ground. But the majority will rule on that one!

I'm not squeemish and I've seen my fair share of blood already at 22 years old...but this video has surpassed everything I could have imagined.
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that really turned my stomach, surely the lorry driver saw him. i keep thinking if only he had fell the other way, what a waste of a life.

Its eye opening, but I personally dont think its suitable here..considering we cant even say as-s on this forum without seeing "***" so why is it ok to see a persons body being driven over, cut in half and then dragged along the ground. But the majority will rule on that one!

Why anyone would want to hide the harsh reality of bike riding is beyond me. Watch the video and learn from it!
