backpack tip


Junior Member
Aug 17, 2008
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Loss Vegas, NV
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Just a story my sister-in-law told me that's worth passing on and learning from....

She was riding pillion and wearing a backpack. Like a lot of people, she zipped up the main compartment dual zippers--one up from the left, one up from the right--to the top of the backpack and didn't think too much about a small gap between the zippers. She went on a long ride (couple of hours) and when they got to their destination, she discovered that wind had taken advantage of that small gap between the zippers. No doubt the pack had filled with rushing air, the zippers were worked apart gradually over time, and the bigger the gap got, the wider the pack opened, unbeknownst to her. At the end of the ride, she had lost much of the contents of her pack. :eek:(Balls of yarn if you must know.)

So if you're gonna ride with a backpack, close your zippers DOWN on the side, not at the top, and leave as little gap between them as possible. :thumbup:
LOL when I read "backpack tip" I immediately thought of my friend on his Ninja 500. He strapped down a backpack on the passenger seat. While riding on the highway, wind freed up on of the straps and the strap flew into the chain and tire. It destroyed the chain and locked up the rear. Thankfully he was able to control the bike to a stop without going down. Lesson learned the hard way though.
LOL when I read "backpack tip" I immediately thought of my friend on his Ninja 500. He strapped down a backpack on the passenger seat. While riding on the highway, wind freed up on of the straps and the strap flew into the chain and tire. It destroyed the chain and locked up the rear. Thankfully he was able to control the bike to a stop without going down. Lesson learned the hard way though.

That story made me laugh, allright! Good to know that everything went well with your friend, but if it hadn't, he could have been a very good candidate for the Darwin award!
That story made me laugh, allright! Good to know that everything went well with your friend, but if it hadn't, he could have been a very good candidate for the Darwin award!

Anyone who rides a Ninja is potentially a good candidate for the Darwin award :D
LOL when I read "backpack tip" I immediately thought of my friend on his Ninja 500. He strapped down a backpack on the passenger seat. While riding on the highway, wind freed up on of the straps and the strap flew into the chain and tire. It destroyed the chain and locked up the rear. Thankfully he was able to control the bike to a stop without going down. Lesson learned the hard way though.

Oh that could have made for a VERY bad day. Glad he's okay; someone was watching out for him.
Heh... I learned that one in elementary school... I walked every day and quickly learned you never leave the zippers at the top because the weight of whatever is in the pack will naturally open the pack up.
good tip, it is one that i learned the easy way, i just went for a short trip and got to where i was gong before anything had fallen out.
I have never done it, but I always used to wonder how shoes ended up on the side of the highway. Now I know.....
I have never done it, but I always used to wonder how shoes ended up on the side of the highway. Now I know.....

I'm sure that counts for some of the shoes but I think your basic 3 year old having fun counts for more :rof: