Asshat backs over bike.

Sorry man ... That sucks, best of luck in this. Like someone else asked, if totaled will you stay FZ or are you ready for something new?
If its totaled, I will fix it one way or another and roll on with it.
Thanks everybody.
Sorry to hear but good work keeping your head about you.

I know its probably too early to know but how's this gunna effect deal's gap?
UUUUGGGHHH!!!!! Oh Steve I am so sorry to hear about this. I hope you don't end up getting hosed by the insurance companies. They love to play the deprecation card.
:( Steve that really sucks, I really hope you get every cent you're owed.
Luckily you have your proof on film, but I hope the insurance company don't mess you about, good luck.
Some birthday Huh! Sorry to hear about that.

But Steve, you should know better not to park in a regular parking spot, that's what happens. Once again, another perfect example how even the simplest task of parking the bike, you have to keep a defensive mindset just like riding, for those goofballs who don't know how to park or back-up. It ain't worth the headache, at least for me. I know there are others who will disagree, but that's just me.
Oh, I should probably set up the picture mentally so you can see where I parked.

\ \ \ H \ door \ -- \ \ \ \


Ok the G are gas pumps. the lines are parking spots, the -- is my bike.

There were no other vehicles parked in any of the parking spots.

Dude is pumping gas at the second G when I pull up. He sees me park. I go inside. He pulls out from the second G to the right. He pulls towards my bike and past it. It is in his complete field of view the whole time. He sees he cant get out right. Then decides to back up and then runs into my bike.

Like the insurance lady said. "it would not of mattered if it was parked upside down in the middle of the parking lot, he still backed into a unoccupied vehicle. We are responsible"
I used to intentionally park towards the front of a spot to leave room for other bikes if they feel like sharing my spot - but with some of the less-visible parking lots, I intentionally park towards the back of the spot to make sure the bike is 100% visible to an unattentive cager. That totally sucks, man, it's a REALLY good thing you were there when it happened to get his information, rather than just coming out of a store to see that somebody backed over it and left without leaving a note.

Or worse, leaving this note: Double Fail « FAIL Blog: Pictures and Videos of Owned, Pwnd and Fail Moments
i would have gone for the throut on on that one man... grabed that guy and knocked som holy sense into him.. how do you back over a bike.. its not like its some small thing... sucks man.. sorry to hear it.. hopefully insurance can make it all ok... his insurance... take him to court if nothing else... good luck. keep us informed
I can tell your emotionally attached to your fizzer but it's ok to consider something else. I think they'd keep you in the family no matter what your ride... Put that money towards a dream bike and get yourself a real birthday present. Maybe even another fizzer, with that "new bike smell"!

Like Vegasrider said.. lets all learn from this misfortune and "park defensively" At least as defensively as we can. It wasn't your fault for sure, but obviously human stupidity has no limits.

Happy friggin birthday!!
Thanks everybody.

For the price there is no bike out there that I would like better right now.

If I could the only real other options would be a street triple, or a VFR, both of those would envolve buying stuff I already have that fits the fz6.

I mean this would be nice.

2008 Interceptor - Honda Powersports
way to much money though.

or this

Triumph - Street Triple

But again to much money.

The FZ just does exactly what I want a bike to do, I only wish it had ABS.
Here is what I have come up with.

Weld frame 150$
Set sliders 79.99
master cyl 120.94
lever 47.20
fender eliminator 122
mirror 69.99
subframe 441
labor 600

1631.17 is what I am going to ask for from the insurance company.

I dont want them to total it. I love that bike.
How the hell did I miss this thread !

Like everyone said mate,that really sucks.I myself hate carparks I always park in the most visible spot possible ,I don't think it would have mattered with this wanker !

good luck mate.
Here is what I have come up with.

Weld frame 150$
Set sliders 79.99
master cyl 120.94
lever 47.20
fender eliminator 122
mirror 69.99
subframe 441
labor 600

1631.17 is what I am going to ask for from the insurance company.

OK, you are making a mistake here.

You want to weld the frame, that's all well and good.

But they owe you a NEW frame, not a welded frame.

If you choose to weld the frame, that's your call. But they owe you a new frame.

$1,600 bucks??? Steve you are selling yourself very short.

What if they total it and you buy it back? What does that net out to? I'd assume you'd come out ahead dollar wise. As far as welding the frame - that leaves a bad taste in my mouth - I'm not sure if I would feel confident in the bike.
If welded properly, it should be stronger than the original part. No, a butt weld would not be sufficient. You'd need to add a little bracing on the inside in addition.
If welded properly, it should be stronger than the original part. No, a butt weld would not be sufficient. You'd need to add a little bracing on the inside in addition.

I won't deny that. A good weld is plenty strong.

That doesn't matter. They don't owe Steve a welded frame. They owe him a new frame, or a new bike.

Nevermind the fact that a broken frame may also be bent, which can lead to other problems. And welding won't fix a bent frame.