As if motorcycling weren't dangerous enough already....

That's terrible! Astronomical odds.... I guess his time was genuinely up. RIP kind Sir!
Lightning strikes to people happen more than you would think, fortunately 80% of victims survive. Being a survivor of a lightning strike while hiking in 2000 I'd like to offer a few tips:

1. If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to get struck by lightning
2. Count the seconds from the time you see lightning until you hear the thunder - 5 seconds equals one mile (ie......count of 10 would mean the storm is 2 miles away). Take shelter immediately if storm is within 6 miles but be advised that lightning can travel from cloud to cloud up to 20 miles before striking.
3. Seek shelter and stay away from windows. An enclosed vehicle will offer protection since the metal body will conduct the electricity along the vehicle - just don't touch any metal
4. If you can't find shelter, find a ditch and stay there until the storm has passed
5. Don't seek shelter under a tree!
6. No one suvives a direct lightning hit - it will dismember you.

You can check this site out for more info/stats:

National Lightning Safety Institute (NLSI) Home Page. We provide expert training, consulting, education, videos, and witness service on structural lightning safety. We also promote proactive defenses to mitigate the effects of lightning hazards.
Huh...maybe it's due to your location?

Fox News is one of the big players in terms of news/media in the US, I just double-checked the link and it works fine for me.