Another silly poll from yours truly!

Should I cut my hair and not listen to husband?

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jsteinb95's the deal;

I've been wanting to cut my hair....(I know what you're thinking already - :rolleyes: ).....but I'm "not allowed to"- Danny (husband). My hair is almost to my butt and I'm just looking for a change (don't even know if I would like it short), but I don't want to "be in the dog house." I was thinking about cutting it to my shoulders.
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According to the should obey your husband. Of course, he should be loving you as God loved the church in return, which means he should love you unconditionally.
I voted no...long hair is better, but if you compromised and cut it about half way up your back, I think that would be ok. I do think long hair is better, and my wifes hair came down to her rear when we met. But over time it has slowly gotten shorter, and since it is not drastic, it does not seem to bother me. Slowly get it shorter, let him get used to it. Guys do not like change.
I voted cut it. You're an individual and it's your body and appearance. You only have to please yourself.

Now, with that said, PLEASE contact your local Cancer chapter first! They would be SOOO appreciative to get the long locks from you as they look for hair donations all the time to build natural wigs for cancer patients. You'll not only feel good but will go a great thing for some others! With hait that long, they can likely weave two wigs, one shorter and one longer.

:thumbup: Besides, it can grow back Danny. It's not permanent!

*EDIT* Many links here for chapters:
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I voted cut it. You're an individual and it's your body and appearance. You only have to please yourself.

Now, with that said, PLEASE contact your local Cancer chapter first! They would be SOOO appreciative to get the long locks from you as they look for hair donations all the time to build natural wigs for cancer patients. You'll not only feel good but will go a great thing for some others! With hait that long, they can likely weave two wigs, one shorter and one longer.

:thumbup: Besides, it can grow back Danny. It's not permanent!


The minimum length is 10", and it usually takes I think 7 heads of hair to make one wig. I am growing mine out for that very reason. I have done it 3 times so far. Great idea :thumbup:.
I voted cut it. You're an individual and it's your body and appearance. You only have to please yourself.

Now, with that said, PLEASE contact your local Cancer chapter first! They would be SOOO appreciative to get the long locks from you as they look for hair donations all the time to build natural wigs for cancer patients. You'll not only feel good but will go a great thing for some others! With hait that long, they can likely weave two wigs, one shorter and one longer.

:thumbup: Besides, it can grow back Danny. It's not permanent!

*EDIT* Many links here for chapters:

I voted - cut it, it's your hair. That said however, you may want to compromise on a medium length as it will be easier to get used to and not so bad to grow back if you don't like it.

My daughter wanted to have her hair cut and donate it to "Locks of Love" when she was 8 - I allowed her to and she felt great for having done something for someone else.
Well, it will always grow back if you decide you don't like it....Mine is about mid length, but only because I need to be able to pull it back into a clip or a ponytail! And you might find that shorter hair is easier to manage....but it is YOUR decision. I'm sure Danny won't divorce you over it!
I voted no...long hair is better, but if you compromised and cut it about half way up your back, I think that would be ok. I do think long hair is better, and my wifes hair came down to her rear when we met. But over time it has slowly gotten shorter, and since it is not drastic, it does not seem to bother me. Slowly get it shorter, let him get used to it. Guys do not like change.

i agree with this as my wife has hair about as long as yours and i dont know what i would do if she cut it that far that quick. try about mid back and see how both of you like it and go from there..
i voted cut your hair. i have a feeling it would be easier to take care of too. lot less time to wash and style lol. long hair has to be hard to take care of
OK, didn't read the to your butt part... I do like long hair, but to your toosh is a bit too much maintainance... A little longer than shoulder is perfect for most girls I've seen. Do you have a pic of how long your hair is?
You're the boss of you, but I like long hair for woman. Shoulder length should be fine though. My wife cuts her hair shorter than mine. I don't like it, but it's her body, her choice. I just don't like that she keeps asking me "Doesn't it look better this way?"
Do the cancer donation thing!!!!! Even though my Dad had cancer treatments and lost his hair I don't think he would have worn the wig.

But my girlfriend and an aunt of mine would have loved the long locks of hair!

If you cut it, donate it!!!
I say go GI Jane on it! Seriously my wife had hair down to her butt and I loved it, then she cut it and I loved it even move. I say go for it, you can always grow it back if you don't like it.

Oh yeah, Ex-wife now.