All Obama supporters should watch this:

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Alright Boys you seem disillusioned. I got $20 on Obama, anyone for McCain?

Dude, that's not the point. We could have an argument about Bush's politics too but the man is already in the white house. He's got a 20% approval rating. Take my bet that he doesn't wake up on Pennsylvania Ave tomorrow? The day we can't argue politics, no matter the popular opinion, is a day I don't want to see.
I did not bring this topic up. Besides as much as I dislike McCain's administration I don't post propagandic clips a week away from Election Day in attempt to persuade others to vote for Obama. Therefore, I am free to voice my points, as much as you do.

$20 on Obama. Money talks B.S. walks.
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I did not bring this topic up. Besides as much as I dislike McCain's administration I don't post propagandic clips a week away from Election Day in attempt to persuade others to vote for Obama. Therefore, I am free to voice my points, as much as you do.

$20 on Obama. Money talks B.S. walks.

um excuse me where is a pic of that $20 bill?:rockon: at least someone is trying not seeing your money......

Alright cough it up. 20 buckaroos.
BTW, for your convenience I accept PayPal payments.
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nizmotech, is this like "neener-neener" to you or something?

Defy, I appreciate what you're saying but health care costs are not going up. For the same medical treatment you could have received in 1908 you could get the same now, inflation adjusted. Medical sophistication has skyrocketed though (as have malpractice claims for said care) and that has driven up costs.

My post seemed to indicate that I had a stong opinion on the matter (health care). I don't. I don't feel that I know enough about it to have a strong opinion. Anything I argued would be largely unfounded. It just scares me a little bit that a major illness could completely change my families life because of $$$$.
No, I just don't like being told that I'm missing the point when I am not. I could go on and fill pages worth of facts of how McCain is responsible for helping to ruin our current economy. Trying to persuade others by lame YouTube videos a week before Election day is pathetic. Anyway, I still have $20 on Obama - you in DefyInertia or out. Money talks, BS...
No, I just don't like being told that I'm missing the point when I am not. I could go on and fill pages worth of facts of how McCain is responsible for helping to ruin our current economy. Trying to persuade others by lame YouTube videos a week before Election day is pathetic. Anyway, I still have $20 on Obama - you in DefyInertia or out. Money talks, BS...

this is supposed to be a country of freedom of speech.... you can fill pages on stuff on both canidates....
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hi there

I live in Canada (please don't hate me) and my province (ie state) is British Columbia.
Our national government is Conservative (just re-elected for the 2nd time to a minority government). My provincial government is also conservative (although they're not called that. I can't tell you what they called b/c you'd freak and call me a lying liar!).

I probably pay a bit more in taxes than you folks south of my border. But I get all of it back. We have SOCIALIZED medicare up here. Everybody gets medical care up here - OMG! poor people, middle class and rich people all get health care. We all buy in.

Now here's my twist - my daughter is pretty disabled, spina bifida t10 and she gets everything. All of her meds (including her growth hormone at $1000/mo) paid for. Wheelchairs, standing frames, respite care, wipes, needles, diapers, etc - all of it. Very little cost to our family.

All of the taxes I pay, I'm sure I get it all back. Up until a month ago my annual wage was $130 G USD (it's around 100 now with the dollar being depreciated, yay economy).
But if everybody buys in, stuff gets cheaper.

I know you guys have a bunch of wars to fight because you're protecting the world and everything, but maybe banding together and helping people in your own country isn't a bad thing.
Productive companies dont put a nation into debt. Government overspending puts a nation into debt.

Uhhh....the government IS considered a productive company...and a regulator...that looks out for the financial well-being of it's citizens. Right now, the situation is stagnant. Barrack Obama simply wants to justify everyone's well-being (not JUST blacks). That's nothing remotely similar to communism.

If you want socialism and communism, just look at the bailout. I think you're dumping your **** in the wrong place...
hi there

I live in Canada (please don't hate me) and my province (ie state) is British Columbia.
Our national government is Conservative (just re-elected for the 2nd time to a minority government). My provincial government is also conservative (although they're not called that. I can't tell you what they called b/c you'd freak and call me a lying liar!).

I probably pay a bit more in taxes than you folks south of my border. But I get all of it back. We have SOCIALIZED medicare up here. Everybody gets medical care up here - OMG! poor people, middle class and rich people all get health care. We all buy in.

Now here's my twist - my daughter is pretty disabled, spina bifida t10 and she gets everything. All of her meds (including her growth hormone at $1000/mo) paid for. Wheelchairs, standing frames, respite care, wipes, needles, diapers, etc - all of it. Very little cost to our family.

All of the taxes I pay, I'm sure I get it all back. Up until a month ago my annual wage was $130 G USD (it's around 100 now with the dollar being depreciated, yay economy).
But if everybody buys in, stuff gets cheaper.

I know you guys have a bunch of wars to fight because you're protecting the world and everything, but maybe banding together and helping people in your own country isn't a bad thing.

Thank you for your post.
Productive companies dont put a nation into debt. Government overspending puts a nation into debt.

I'm sorry if this has been addressed already but I have to point this out. Also I have a BS in Business Management and have worked for a financial institution for 3 years now(just so you know I'm not just spouting).... the reason we're in the financial mess we're in right now is because the "Productive" companies put us into 700billion worth of debt. If the govt hadn't bailed the banks the entire world economy would have been at risk of unraveling. (For those of us that have an awareness beyond our own borders, there were Bailouts all around the world as well)

Capitalism doesnt suck unless the goverment interferes.

Oh and the reason the "productive" companies were able to put us in this mess is because the S.E.C. (or government) was not doing it's job in regulating them. So there goes that argument.

Finally, IMHO, the reason so many people are backing Obama isn't because they necessarily agree with what ever he's saying now, it's because he's not afraid to challenge the norm. He's not afraid to ask, "Why are we doing this?" or "Can this be done a different way?". And when he seems to not know an answer, he's not so stuck on himself to make up his own answer and totally F things up... He gets the experts and makes a decision based of their advice. That is what this country needs. and that is why he's kicking McCain's butt all over the map!

/rant off
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Yeah, if you haven't noticed lately, this country is in a big trouble. The 700 Billion dollar bailout and heading into a recession, the list goes on and you can't blame me because I didn't vote these knuckleheads into office.

Being patriotic has nothing to with voting. You could have people who are unpatriotic who vote. Civic duty yes. But not when you have to stand in line all day. I say that because with today's technology, you would think that they would have devised a better system to vote. After all, we all can file our taxes online and renew our driver's license online, why can't we be able to register and vote online. Just shows how the political arena is still a joke. You would think that they would have learned from the last election.

I physically had to go to my local Acorn office and register, but that office wasn't very busy.

I will try 1st thing in the morning in a few days.

You might want to move to Oregon. The whole state apparently does mail-in voting. O.B.A.M.A. :cheer: O.B.A.M.A.
Seems like most of the coastal states are blue; midwest and central U.S. is generally leaning towards the GOP regardless of how the country is run.
Obama is liked all over the world unlike John. Even very nationalist Germany showed great support for Obama. Our country's reputation has been basically ruined by the administration. Barak is a hope to set things straight.
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To all the "Free Marketers" and the "Anti-Socialists" and "No Government Regulations" types, I have one question:

After 28 years of having gotten virtually everything the "Trickle Down Economics Philosophy" espoused, Tax Cuts for the Wealthiest (cause they are the most productive and shouldn't be punished), Merger Mania (cause competition loves fewer companies), globalization of the labor markets (cause lower wages are good for the middleclass and America) (I wonder why they don't out-source Executives?), and no government regulation or oversight (cause the free hand of the market will make everything wonderful like magic), Why is the world economy spiraling into financial collapse?

Oh, that's right, its those godless socialists and damn liberals!

Here is the current Neo-Con economics in a nutshell, Privatize the profits and socialize the losses.
To all the \"Free Marketers\" and the \"Anti-Socialists\" and \"No Government Regulations\" types, I have one question:

After 28 years of having gotten virtually everything the \"Trickle Down Economics Philosophy\" espoused, Tax Cuts for the Wealthiest (cause they are the most productive and shouldn't be punished), Merger Mania (cause competition loves fewer companies), globalization of the labor markets (cause lower wages are good for the middleclass and America) (I wonder why they don't out-source Executives?), and no government regulation or oversight (cause the free hand of the market will make everything wonderful like magic), Why is the world economy spiraling into financial collapse?

Oh, that's right, its those godless socialists and damn liberals!

Here is the current Neo-Con economics in a nutshell, Privatize the profits and socialize the losses.

That is fine, if you are a socialist just stand up and say that you are. Don't sneak around and pretend that you aren't.
I think thats the general consensus. I also think that's why Obama is so popular.
I think he is so popular because Americans want some one to say "Elect me and every thing will be wonderfull." They don't want to know how they are going to make it wonderful they just want to hear that it will be.
How can anyone vote for somebody who doesn't ride? All these F4&9y7#&'ing politicians need to get off their ass and on an FZ6. THEN, we can start talking business!
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