All Obama supporters should watch this:

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You know, I really wanted to stay out of this. I promised myself no political arguments on this board. But this statement is just plain wrong.

No flaming, I just want to let you know that comments like that really get you a bad rap. Implying that Obama is going to be giving hand-outs to Black people when he becomes president is wrong. So is fear-mongering by repeating his middle name.

The dispersion of wealth in our country is not right. Period. When a basketball player is making 100 times the salary of the average teacher, there is something wrong. Teachers shape the future of our country, wouldn't you want to attract competent people who will work their butts off? And really, for the most part, sports mega-stars don't help out society.

Im only restating in a clearer way what Obama himself said in the youtube link. I agree with you, it is wrong, but Im not incorrect, that is quite simply what he said. Im not incredibly concerned with having a bad "rap" so long as present facts. I will quickly retract anything that may be incorrect and Im not above saying Im sorry. Im not inciting "fear" I dont know where you guys are getting that from. Is using his real name so offensive?
Secondly, there are hundred of thousands of teachers in the U.S. if not more. There are only a few hundred NBA players. Logic tells me that those NBA players are probably in much higher demand and therefore are payed more. You are not going to get Kobe Bryant to play on your team for 40,000 a year. I agree that the NBA is not as important as education but that doesnt change the fact that they are more in demand.
Go live in France for a year and tell me if a socialist country is really all that bad :D 6 weeks vacation a year minimum, full -almost free- medical coverage, great wine and food :thumbup: These french bastards know how to live, and live well!

Having lived in both countries for at least a decade in each, I can tell you one thing: the answer is not clear cut. In my opinion, for a country to succeed, it has to support its own ppl (poor or rich), which means some socialism, and it also has to compete economically on a global market, which means capitalism. I personally believe that the country who manages to balance both sides will be most successful.

As per the Obama vs McCain, I think the whole thing is a huge marketing campain which is completely and utterly ridiculous... All I know is that the next President can only do better than the previous one (not that it really changes much anyway either way)... but after watching the few debates, Obama seems to be the one with a more balanced and reasonable approach (but that's just me and I suck at politics).
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Go live in France for a year......great wine and food :thumbup:

OMG has some of the 150 year Grand Marnier last night and almost shat myself it was so glass of liquor I've EVER had. Not a big fan of the regular GM though.


Now stay on topic y'all :Flip: :eek: *sorry*

I vote for Grand Marnier!!!

yeah the 150 yo GM is a bit better than the regular GM... the price tag is a bit better too :thumbup:

You need to keep some of that for when we meet :D
I read this whole thread and was able to resist saying anything.:rockon:
To pick Sarah Palin says something about how a McCain presidency would pan out. When asked, Palin couldn't even demonstrate a knowledge of what a VP does. No wonder that her handlers tried to keep her from press interviews.

For the record, it was Biden that demonstrated a total lack of understanding of the position he would like us to elect him to. Palin gets it mostly right.

I can't find an article with all the quotes, but googled it and got this (don't worry, it slams both):
Brainstorm: Do Palin and Biden Know What Vice Presidents Do? -

Personally, I think we're way too focused on the VP's. Obama would bring change, but looking at the bills he introduced and/or supported as a senator, you're going to get broad, sweeping liberal change

Based on the historical performance of the market vs. who is in charge, if the government is "locked up" by having different parties in the lead of congress and the presidency, the government has a tough time doing anything...and the economy tends to grow.
I don't care what your opinion is or the next guys... Just don't verbally attack the other members and the whole barrack hussein thing... that is unnecessary... I don't care who your voting for or why but I hate it when people start to use improper language and verbally abusing each other over it... Its unneeded and uncalled for... and that goes for EVERYONE... Instead of arguing and b*tching at each other just use logical explinations and leave the \"oh well you must be stupid\" comments out of it... bottom line... don't be a :squid:

and btw I did... I'm not like the refs in the NBA :rof:

rant over

Dude grow up! If you are going to Report someone, don't sit here and start a conversation about it.:Flip:You have just as much say in this forum as he does, i do, and the mods. That is why a forum is a forum.

Chill out people. It will be over in a matter of days.:rockon:
All I got to add is that expect a long line when you go vote. Since I'll be out of the country during election day, I decided to go vote over the weekend by going to one of those early voting locations. As soon as I got to the grocery store where you could vote, the line was around the entire building. I didn't even get off my bike and I said screw it. I'm not going to stand in line and wait hours and hours to go vote for somebody who's going to lose anyway.

When are we going to be able to vote online?
Im only restating in a clearer way what Obama himself said in the youtube link.

I don't think you are. He NEVER said that he wants to tax everyone so that he can pay reparations to Black people .
He didn't say, imply it, or suggest at it. :confused:
All I got to add is that expect a long line when you go vote. Since I'll be out of the country during election day, I decided to go vote over the weekend by going to one of those early voting locations. As soon as I got to the grocery store where you could vote, the line was around the entire building. I didn't even get off my bike and I said screw it. I'm not going to stand in line and wait hours and hours to go vote for somebody who's going to lose anyway.

When are we going to be able to vote online?

I'm assuming if everyone thought this way then we would be in big trouble. Many men have died for you to have the right to vote. How dare they expect you to stand in a line ever 4 years and do your civic duty.
Sorry to burst your bubble also but Obama is leading by a huge majority. It would be a miracle if Obama lost, but then again McCain would not live long enough, then if Palin becomes president I'm gonna be the Pope.

Check this Halloween decorated house in West Hollywood. Can you guess who's climbing out the flaming chimeney and who's hanging from a noose?

I'm assuming if everyone thought this way then we would be in big trouble. Many men have died for you to have the right to vote. How dare they expect you to stand in a line ever 4 years and do your civic duty.

Yeah, if you haven't noticed lately, this country is in a big trouble. The 700 Billion dollar bailout and heading into a recession, the list goes on and you can't blame me because I didn't vote these knuckleheads into office.

Being patriotic has nothing to with voting. You could have people who are unpatriotic who vote. Civic duty yes. But not when you have to stand in line all day. I say that because with today's technology, you would think that they would have devised a better system to vote. After all, we all can file our taxes online and renew our driver's license online, why can't we be able to register and vote online. Just shows how the political arena is still a joke. You would think that they would have learned from the last election.

I physically had to go to my local Acorn office and register, but that office wasn't very busy.

I will try 1st thing in the morning in a few days.
One thing I have to say is everyone has the right to their opinion! as far as attacking other people seemed to be a bit of that going on... As far as the presidential election, it reminds me of prom court in high school it is a popularity contest it is made up of useless lies and just who gets to be richer than the other person.... I don't really care what either of them says they are gonna do, they will do very little if any of what they say... One thing i can tell you is if obama gets elected you will see stupid crazy interest rates... You will see 20%+ on car loans and even higher on houses and that will be for good credit. if you don't believe me get out your text books and check out history it is in there and it wasnt really that long ago.... George Bush should have been impeached a long time ago and any of you that voted for him int he second election need your heads examined... Funny thing about that election was the states with the overall higher IQ's didnt vote for bush... hmmmm what does that tell you... Ok enough.... Its gonna take a lil bit to get this country out of the hole it is in! 10 years ago buisness was booming in the tiny little town I am from my father was putting away a 6 digit sum a year from just being powersports dealer at 2 locations. im talking motorcycles, atv's, snowmobiles, and generators.... He had a brand new corvette, 2 racecars and we did whatever we wanted whenever we wanted! now he is down to a f150 and one buisness.... hate to tell you but things are gonna get much worse they they are now before they get better! and im getting a little tired of the keyboard hero's here.... INSTEAD OF FIGHTING ON HERE GET UP OFF YOUR LAZY A$$ AND START SPEAKING PUBLICALY OR BETTER YET. GO TO COLLEGE AND BECOME A POLLITITION SO YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT..... If you can't handle the truth then i guess you should crawl in a hole and not come out...
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I don't find this the least bit funny, actually see it is a death threat to those two... I guess Arnold should do something useful.... But hes to busy riding his bike with no license... O and why didn't these people do something bush related? They must be rich... their priorities are a lil confused... another thing is i travel around to many college campus's around the south and i see many more mccain stickers and other things than obama... dont know but will see what the outcome is and also depends on if someone cheats again...

Sorry to burst your bubble also but Obama is leading by a huge majority. It would be a miracle if Obama lost, but then again McCain would not live long enough, then if Palin becomes president I'm gonna be the Pope.

Check this Halloween decorated house in West Hollywood. Can you guess who's climbing out the flaming chimeney and who's hanging from a noose?

I get what you're saying and agree in pricipal, but you can't deny the fact that medical bills can far exceed what any above average hard-working individual could realistically save for on their own. Taking the extreme downside out of a situation ineveitably requires removing some of the potential upside. Of course you can throw benefits to raise $$$ etc. etc......

Defy, I appreciate what you're saying but health care costs are not going up. For the same medical treatment you could have received in 1908 you could get the same now, inflation adjusted. Medical sophistication has skyrocketed though (as have malpractice claims for said care) and that has driven up costs.

It's obviously difficult to say that medical coverage should be an incentive for success... but I feel it should be. Knock out the incentive for more R&D (via medical price controls) and we'll quickly enter a dark age of medicine. This is the myth of importing drugs from Canada. If I was leading a pharma, do you think I'd invest billions in a potential product that would have no more than a 5 year, price controlled life cycle? No, and innovation would die. And I don't want to let the government manage a massive subsidy project on my behalf. For every $1 put in the gov takes $.40 in bureaucracy.
Sorry to burst your bubble also but Obama is leading by a huge majority. It would be a miracle if Obama lost, but then again McCain would not live long enough, then if Palin becomes president I'm gonna be the Pope.

Nizmo, again battling political opinions with poll numbers? Apples and oranges, man.
Defy, I appreciate what you're saying but health care costs are not going up. For the same medical treatment you could have received in 1908 you could get the same now, inflation adjusted. Medical sophistication has skyrocketed though (as have malpractice claims for said care) and that has driven up costs.

It's obviously difficult to say that medical coverage should be an incentive for success... but I feel it should be. Knock out the incentive for more R&D (via medical price controls) and we'll quickly enter a dark age of medicine. This is the myth of importing drugs from Canada. If I was leading a pharma, do you think I'd invest billions in a potential product that would have no more than a 5 year, price controlled life cycle? No, and innovation would die. And I don't want to let the government manage a massive subsidy project on my behalf. For every $1 put in the gov takes $.40 in bureaucracy.

If the government starts paying more towards heathcare you can kiss low car loan and house loan interest rates good buy that money has to come from somewhere.....
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