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  • Thanks Randy, John showed me a few things today and I dusted off the tripod :)
    p.s. ^^ nice pic, looks like home <3
    On the R1 rear shock thread you made, what was the part number on the 12mm and 20mm bolt spacers that you used? No one where I live locally have anything of the sort.
    Sure, man. I'll eventually get to the 04 model and do the same setup for it.
    Thanks Randy, I wish I could take pics half as good as you guys, but I guess that's what being an amateur is all about LOL
    Thanks for the belly laughs! I could not stop laughing at that video post. My favorite riding tunes playlist has nearly all those original artists/songs. Rock on my friend!!!
    Thanks, true story too....that bunny suit was hotter than Tennessee in April! Which is where I was.
    First day, t shirt + jeans, second day till the end, just the bunny suit!
    2013 and the Bike has been Parked since NOVEMBER 8TH!!!! Sadness continues! Please be nice out in February so I can Ride!!!
    Yes... and no.. lol. After Jamie cleaned the plug and pins with isopropyl alcohol, the error went away. Rode to work next day and it was fine. Started it the next morning and the error was back, so I rode to work. Came out after work and the error was gone. Will purchase a new sensor and see if it goes away for good. Cheers.
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