If you need to find a picture of some part of an FZ6, here is a small collection. Feel free to use them for reference.
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Hi Randy, Vegas Rider - Kenny will be here next weekend and is wanting to ride to the coast. Hi mom lives in Beaverton and he is coming here for her but want to ride. Was thinking the twisty way to Astoria HWY 202? Any way let me know if you think you want to join in. Nothing set up yet but we will be riding for sure some where cooler.
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Tire wear patterns.... Race Track Motorcycle Tyre Wear Guide - Types and Causes
Bike setup vid w/ Dave Moss.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ikjw4IheeF4
Bike Setup Tech article..... Motorcycle Suspension Set-up
Well they were great pics, amazing scenary I'm jealous, I only have windmills It makes it so much better to have shared it with your son, I went for a horse ride with my "gals" last weekend and it was great, it's just a shame they don't like bikes.
Hi Randy, Are you riding this weekend? Not much going on here. Did you ever figure out how much I need to cut off the fork tube to use the adjustable caps? I hope all is well.