That does it!


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Jan 12, 2008
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Sacramento, CA
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Last Sunday afternoon, while doing 55MPH or so on rural highway and on a get-out-of-town ride mission, a knucklehead motorist pulled up to exit a sports complex parking lot. Just as I'm approaching on my bike the motorist pulls pulls up in two stages perpendicular to the highway lane and makes two abrupt manuevers that would lead ANY defensive approaching driver to think that this is somebody about to pull out right, smack in front of you, and requires that you either slam on the brakes or abruptly decelerate/brake and/or cover the brakes because this is an accident just about ready to happen. I immediately hard braked, you know---not 100% or panic but enought to make the front end suddenly dive down---and hit my OEM horn. THAT DOES IT! The OEM horn, the way it communicates, reminds me of that VW Bug "Herbie" or something because the way it sounded that moment was too much like a meeky, cowardly "Howdy" greeting and not like an enraged mountain cougar or lion paralyzing freight-train-loud ROAR. As I passed---cautiously, all the while now covering both brakes and at a greatly reduced speed---I held up my right fist and shook it in anger trying to convey the message "WTF are you D-O-I-N-G?!". YUP, THAT DOES IT: I'm installing the "Big Boy" Stebel horn that I've had lying around and not in my van but on my FZ6. And, I apologize to you other FZ6-Forumers who have earlier posted about having done this mod already because I foolishly thought that the OEM horn was adequate. I APOLOGIZE! Please forgive me! The FZ6 OEM horn is NOT up to task to adequately fire a warning shot over such road morons, to adequately convey the message that "You're F'ING UP, moron, STOP!"
Humm, either the driver was purposely trying to intimidate you or he just didn’t see you but either way, whether it was the horn or intimidation, he DID see you. I guess I don’t see how a bigger horn would have helped in this situation but you were there and I was not!:thumbup:
Last Sunday afternoon, while doing 55MPH or so on rural highway and on a get-out-of-town ride mission, a knucklehead motorist pulled up to exit a sports complex parking lot. Just as I'm approaching on my bike the motorist pulls pulls up in two stages perpendicular to the highway lane and makes two abrupt manuevers that would lead ANY defensive approaching driver to think that this is somebody about to pull out right, smack in front of you, and requires that you either slam on the brakes or abruptly decelerate/brake and/or cover the brakes because this is an accident just about ready to happen. I immediately hard braked, you know---not 100% or panic but enought to make the front end suddenly dive down---and hit my OEM horn. THAT DOES IT! The OEM horn, the way it communicates, reminds me of that VW Bug "Herbie" or something because the way it sounded that moment was too much like a meeky, cowardly "Howdy" greeting and not like an enraged mountain cougar or lion paralyzing freight-train-loud ROAR. As I passed---cautiously, all the while now covering both brakes and at a greatly reduced speed---I held up my right fist and shook it in anger trying to convey the message "WTF are you D-O-I-N-G?!". YUP, THAT DOES IT: I'm installing the "Big Boy" Stebel horn that I've had lying around and not in my van but on my FZ6. And, I apologize to you other FZ6-Forumers who have earlier posted about having done this mod already because I foolishly thought that the OEM horn was adequate. I APOLOGIZE! Please forgive me! The FZ6 OEM horn is NOT up to task to adequately fire a warning shot over such road morons, to adequately convey the message that "You're F'ING UP, moron, STOP!"

Tailgate you are WRONG! My '64 bug had a louder horn, so don't insult my old car. ;) The FZ6 horn is a joke.

I agree, the Stebel is a great horn. I wonder if a plain old GM car horn will fit/work???
Tailgate you are WRONG! My '64 bug had a louder horn, so don't insult my old car. ;) The FZ6 horn is a joke.

I agree, the Stebel is a great horn. I wonder if a plain old GM car horn will fit/work???

Hmmmm... gears are grinding now! :D
Getting rid of the stock horn was the very 1st mod I did on my bike.

Most riders either undersestimate the effectiveness of a horn or they do not have the skills to effectively use the horn in most situations until after the fact. Skill? It's not about pushing the horn, but to have the abiltiy to hit the horn without even thinking about using it. It should come instictivley, not after the fact that "gee, I should have use the horn".

In most situations, properly using your horn will prevent potential threats from escalating to a very bad situation without you even hitting your brakes. When I ride, I notice that I end up covering my horn more than I cover my brakes.
Humm, either the driver was purposely trying to intimidate you or he just didn’t see you but either way, whether it was the horn or intimidation, he DID see you. I guess I don’t see how a bigger horn would have helped in this situation but you were there and I was not!:thumbup:
You're right. It's more/bigger ammo for the "next time."
A better horn is ok but I have always thought about towing one of those electric signs the transportation departments uses in order to send messages to my fellow motorists.

My favorite messages would be:
"I realize I am on a motorcycle but that does not mean you follow me at two motorcycle lengths."

"Just because I am on a motorcycle and first in line at a light doesn't mean I care that your POS has an exhaust tip on it."

"Yes, I am towing a huge electric sign!?"

And of course in your situation "HONK HONK!"

Edit: Seriously though be careful about too much horn otherwise you will set off the twitchy driver and only make the situation worse by them veering at the sound or getting road rage.
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I just replaced the stock horn with a nice loud Fiam. now I sound like a semi. Love it. Combined with my VisVest, I am aurally and visually stimulating!
Vegas, you have long since sold me on the horn thing...something I have worked into my periodic street riding practice.

I use the freeway blaster

I really want a mega-loud horn for my truck but have yet to make it happen.
Vegas, you have long since sold me on the horn thing...something I have worked into my periodic street riding practice.

I use the freeway blaster

I really want a mega-loud horn for my truck but have yet to make it happen.

Thanks, glad to see some members are not just incorporating the use of the horn during their rides, but have upgraded their horn too.

Trust me, it will save your ass many times if used properly, meaning using it ahead of time. If you have to resort to emergency braking, it's too late. Your opportunity for warning the other motorist have past and have escalated the potential threat into a life threatening situation.
Vegas, you have long since sold me on the horn thing...something I have worked into my periodic street riding practice.

I use the freeway blaster

I really want a mega-loud horn for my truck but have yet to make it happen.
DefyInertia: contact Southern Pacific, find out what they're running in their diesel engines for a horn.