That does it!

I had the same experience with an idiot about to pull out in front of me as I was traveling 50 MPH. I was able to fire off the Nautilus causing the driver to slam on his brakes. The horn paid for itself !:thumbup:

Last Sunday afternoon, while doing 55MPH or so on rural highway and on a get-out-of-town ride mission, a knucklehead motorist pulled up to exit a sports complex parking lot. Just as I'm approaching on my bike the motorist pulls pulls up in two stages perpendicular to the highway lane and makes two abrupt manuevers that would lead ANY defensive approaching driver to think that this is somebody about to pull out right, smack in front of you, and requires that you either slam on the brakes or abruptly decelerate/brake and/or cover the brakes because this is an accident just about ready to happen. I immediately hard braked, you know---not 100% or panic but enought to make the front end suddenly dive down---and hit my OEM horn. THAT DOES IT! The OEM horn, the way it communicates, reminds me of that VW Bug \\"Herbie\\" or something because the way it sounded that moment was too much like a meeky, cowardly \\"Howdy\\" greeting and not like an enraged mountain cougar or lion paralyzing freight-train-loud ROAR. As I passed---cautiously, all the while now covering both brakes and at a greatly reduced speed---I held up my right fist and shook it in anger trying to convey the message \\"WTF are you D-O-I-N-G?!\\". YUP, THAT DOES IT: I'm installing the \\"Big Boy\\" Stebel horn that I've had lying around and not in my van but on my FZ6. And, I apologize to you other FZ6-Forumers who have earlier posted about having done this mod already because I foolishly thought that the OEM horn was adequate. I APOLOGIZE! Please forgive me! The FZ6 OEM horn is NOT up to task to adequately fire a warning shot over such road morons, to adequately convey the message that \\"You're F'ING UP, moron, STOP!\\"