Joe Biden????


Moto Demi-God
Elite Member
Jan 13, 2008
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This one is a surprise to me. Mr. "Change" chooses a running mate who is one of the longest serving sentors at 35 years, very much established. Seems like an odd pairing to me. I will admit I really don't know much about him. What do y'all think???
Having a right-hand man who know intimately how the System works may be a good thing. :thumbup:
I'm still learning a bit about him, but I have found a few links ( and a few youtube clips )

An article him and the Violence Against Women Act.
Daily Kos: State of the Nation

Some Youtube clips with good moments of him going off into rants.

Philadelphia Debate Highlight.
[nomedia=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]

Iraq-Withdrawl bill
[ame=""]YouTube - Joe Biden Rips GOP On Iraq War Resolution[/ame]

Daily Show Moment of Zen
Moment of Zen - Joe Biden's Lecture - AOL Video

or Finding Memo | The Daily Show | Comedy Central for a little bit more on that one.

Im not personally happy with this one Jackson Williams: Joe Biden vs. Working Men and Women

There was another article I read that had a good writeup with good points to make the case for Biden as VP, unfortunately, it got lost in a 100+ page thread but a google search gave me this link.

The Case for Joe Biden - The Fix

a side note, on the forums in the obama thread, they decided to order a pizza to biden's for the press staking out potential vp's houses,

Countdown with Keith Olbermann - The Official Web site-

1894 Debate, old school
Biden Burris Debate US Senate 1984
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I think Obama diminished himself with the choice of Biden. Biden is such a dominating imposing figure compared to Obama. To put it in perspective, I think Obama chose a babysitter as opposed to a running mate. Biden will talk policy and Obam will continue to talk change.

If Obama gets in we will essentially have a puppet government with Geroge Soros pulling the strings establishing a socialist government as his goal. Our congress has established that laws mean nothing so it would be a short leap to start ignoring our constitution. The liberals in the supreme court have already signaled this by considering laws from other countries when considering cases before them.

I’m not totally excited by McCain either. I think he is a military hero and a political traitor, unworthy of the republican nomination. He feels he is entitled to be president like HRC. I don’t see our supreme court changing under his administration and his penchant for dealing across the isle spells trouble for conservative ideals. He’s a cranky old man with a bad attitude who for the last 10 years has tried mightily to keep it suppressed from the public.

Small government benefits everyone unless you’re a lazy SOB looking for a handout from your government(neighbor).

I think all politicians lie but I think with the Dems its genetic.
Joe lives 2 miles away from me great guy .
Joe was the only chance for obama to have a shot of getting into office .
I still feel that it is not enough of a chance .
Sorry Joe I cant vote for you at this time !!
Greg A.
I think Obama diminished himself with the choice of Biden. Biden is such a dominating imposing figure compared to Obama. To put it in perspective, I think Obama chose a babysitter as opposed to a running mate. Biden will talk policy and Obam will continue to talk change.

If Obama gets in we will essentially have a puppet government with Geroge Soros pulling the strings establishing a socialist government as his goal. Our congress has established that laws mean nothing so it would be a short leap to start ignoring our constitution. The liberals in the supreme court have already signaled this by considering laws from other countries when considering cases before them.

I’m not totally excited by McCain either. I think he is a military hero and a political traitor, unworthy of the republican nomination. He feels he is entitled to be president like HRC. I don’t see our supreme court changing under his administration and his penchant for dealing across the isle spells trouble for conservative ideals. He’s a cranky old man with a bad attitude who for the last 10 years has tried mightily to keep it suppressed from the public.

Small government benefits everyone unless you’re a lazy SOB looking for a handout from your government(neighbor).

I think all politicians lie but I think with the Dems its genetic.

Spot on. Not that Biden has anything to do with it. I'll probably be holding my nose at the poll booth and vote McCain. My real concern (read: hope) is that Q 1 (eliminating state income tax) passes in MA.
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can't say I like Biden.... he makes McCain seem cool calm and collected....

I thinki the thought of a person with as little experience and as fast a rise to power as obama has had Begs the question ----- WHO is behind him????

His house deal with reputed organized crime folks

His cries for the "common guy" while he had income last year of over 4 Million

His apparent love to taxing the people who provide jobs and thus reducing the incentives to grow the economy

that said McCain does not excite me a great deal either.... yet his character as demonstrated in N Vietnam says alot about him

my concerns stem from him not be conservative enough to suit me ....

72 yrs old ---not a factor.... I know plenty of 80yr olds sharp as a tack and full of wisdom.

I would have like to have Ron Paul.... but alas it was not meant to be

I really would like a Flat tax and simplified tax code or a consumption tax which would capture the spending of drug dealers and illeagle immigrants

oh well in a few short months we will know
Small government benefits everyone unless you’re a lazy SOB looking for a handout from your government(neighbor).

That's funny but I think you can thank Bush for the largest government America has ever seen.

I also think you can thank Bill Clinton for "The 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act" aka Welfare Reform.
The only thing I give Bill Clinton credit for is the 9/11 attacks. If Clinton wasn't so involved with his dalliances and his inability to react appropriately to the earlier Trade Center Bombings and the Cole, Bin Laden wouldn’t have felt so confident about the attack on 9/11.

As for "The 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act" aka Welfare Reform, I believe the credit goes to Newt Gingrich, speaker 1994-1999, and the republican Congress. Clinton just signed the bill.

Bush’s legacy will be his reacting to 9/11 and I believe he has it right on the economy. He is a Democrat when it comes to growing the government and he is dead wrong on immigration.

We need to throw all the thugs and theives out of congress, Dems and Repubs alike and return the government to the people. We presently have a runaway government where our Sens and Reps are only concerned with staying in office.
First and foremost I am honored to have come across such a valiant thread. It reassures me that Americans are looking at issues, and discussing them in open forum.

I proudly served my country when I was just a kid, and on top of that, I am going back in. (reserves that is). My heart will always be with the men and women who are at the front serving and defending the last greatest hope in the world, America.

As for the presidency, Obama/Biden, Mccain/?????, I fell deeply pained about our choices. I for one am fed up with haveing to choose the lesser of two evils. I believe in this country, I am not ready to relinquish her to a self-grandizing sycophant.

Given the choices that are presented to us, I feel deeply remorse in what lies ahead. From the begginning, I knew of the trickery that sorounds Obama. From his bid the the Senate in Illinois, where by way Hillary Clinton was his largest single donator, to his 2 year too early bid for the Presidency.

I am in no way a supporter of Hillary.

But I find all this energy that is about him a bit erratic, strange, and evidense for farther investigation. Is George Soros behind this? A question I must ask.

So for Joe Biden to be selected as Obama's VP, I haven't a concern. I believe that there is more to be viewed then this circus.

A real question to ask, are we ready to relinquish our soveriengty to a Social elitist few, or to remove all evidence of a free and independent free market society. These are fundamental questions. Can a man that has less Government time than any other public official, occupy the highest political office in the world.

These are scary times. This is a time for long term thinking, a time for us to think of the future of our prodigy, a time to decide whether or not we are concerned that there is a United States of America in a few short decades.

Do we want the will of the few dictating policy on the majority. This country originally guaranteed unailenalbe rights to every man woman and child. A government for the people by the people. One of Majoruty rule, minority respect. One also that provided that we the people, can and must throw off the binds of a tyrantical government, that makes laws and rules for us when they are so very distant from us.

I for one will only be concerned about Obama/Biden if they become the President and Vice-President.

In your post I notice a very unusual coincidence of names
Obama/Biden is almost like
Osama/Bin ladin
Kinda makes you look twice.

Not trying to make any inferences in any way only to draw attention to the similarity.
Interesting. I hadn't noticed before. Not that I'm a Froidian, but along the lines of coincidence, it might not be. ( Sounds a little like Yoda ).

Right on spot. I have read a few pages in Obama's books. Well his last two. I believe it's best to know your enemies well. And I have investigated his PAC organizations, Senate voting records, Statements and counter statements made by, spoken by, and writen by Obama, and without any hessitation, I conclude that the man, is a puppet. Someone, somegroup, someone other than the American people are guiding this fellow.

I'll divuldge a quote from his latest book,

From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

You know what, here are a few more.

From Dreams of My Father: 'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'

From Dreams of My Father : 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself , the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'

Now there probibly a few who think me now a bigot, but a respond with a resounding NO, I am not. Race has nothing to do as far as my part is concerned. But It seems to be a major and fundamental cornerstone of his.


Interesting quotes... scary stuff. He seems to be a confused, angry, inexperienced young man, just what we need!
Wow, how did you guys figure it out? It's true, all of us liberal socialist democrats get a big fat check from George Soros every time we vote democrat.

Obama-Biden = Osama Bin Laden. Genius. no bigotry or xenophobia in that equation.

Apparently the red states are not voting for Obama this year. But kudos to you for being able to comprehend and fully understand the thoughts of a mixed race young man growing up in a majority white society from reading " a few pages in Obama's books"
Interesting. I hadn't noticed before. Not that I'm a Froidian, but along the lines of coincidence, it might not be. ( Sounds a little like Yoda ).

Right on spot. I have read a few pages in Obama's books. Well his last two. I believe it's best to know your enemies well. And I have investigated his PAC organizations, Senate voting records, Statements and counter statements made by, spoken by, and writen by Obama, and without any hessitation, I conclude that the man, is a puppet. Someone, somegroup, someone other than the American people are guiding this fellow.

I'll divuldge a quote from his latest book,

From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

You know what, here are a few more.

From Dreams of My Father: 'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'

From Dreams of My Father : 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa , that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself , the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'

Now there probibly a few who think me now a bigot, but a respond with a resounding NO, I am not. Race has nothing to do as far as my part is concerned. But It seems to be a major and fundamental cornerstone of his.



Oh god your quoting spam mail. Barack Obama in His Own Words
Wow, how did you guys figure it out? It's true, all of us liberal socialist democrats get a big fat check from George Soros every time we vote democrat.

Obama-Biden = Osama Bin Laden. Genius. no bigotry or xenophobia in that equation.

Apparently the red states are not voting for Obama this year. But kudos to you for being able to comprehend and fully understand the thoughts of a mixed race young man growing up in a majority white society from reading " a few pages in Obama's books"

Expain you point of view. If stateing a coincidental similarity is offensive to you, I apologize for the inference.

No, on the contrary, when Demacrats make like statements to the tune of "Potrieus - betray us", "The Big Lembosky, the term of the Dude", "Rumsfeld - Dumbsfield", "Republican leaders are ‘maniacs’ ", "Republicans are racist", it isn't even similiar, is it? To even state that it is, is reason enough to provoke "consequences".

While we are at it lets look at some more interesting statements by Dems, since how we are on the subject.

We must not reject all sexual contact between adults and young people as inherently oppressive.”

- Gayle Rubin , 1978.

The United States has some of the dumbest people in the world. I want you to know that. We know that.”

- Ted Turner

A system of world order – preferably a system of world government – is mandatory. . . The proud nations someday will see the light, and, for the common good and their own survival, yield up their precious sovereignty.”

- Walter Cronkite

I’m an internationalist. I’d like to see our troops dispersed through the world only at the directive of the United Nations.”

- John Kerry , February 18, 1970.

Over time we [the Supreme Court] will rely increasingly . . . on international and foreign courts in examining domestic issues.”

- Sandra Day O'Connor

I can go on and on.

Fact of the matter, there is no other way for the sovereignty of this Great Republic to surcome to a Socialist Government agenda except by the hands of crafty Dems.

If not explain by what means Obama intends to TAKE money rightfully earned by Big Oil, and disburse it at $1,000 per American family? This I assure you is Socialistic Manafesto 101.

Again I wish you no hard feelings.
Have a sweet and blessed day

I guess I’m a bigot or xenophobe, NOT! Leave it to liberals to hurl stones of insults when they don’t have an intellectual club. Liberals are so steeped in political correct dogma that they choose to be offended whenever they find it convienient. They use it to achieve the moral upper ground in an argument. I think it’s strange how quick they lose focus on and issue and go to spin for a defense. Did you choose to overlook my disclaimer that no inference was intended, or didn’t you get that far!

I can understand the confusion that a mixed race young man may go thru, but at some point the confusion has to end! Obama isn’t confused, he is married to the tenants of socialism. He has attended the Rev. Wright’s church up to the time he was criticized. He associated with the guy who bombed the Pentagon up to the time he was criticized. He didn’t wear the flag on his lapel until he was criticized. He didn't put his hand over his heart until he was criticized, He is now not a young man. He is not confused. He is a confirmed socialist!

Right on, I did quote the spam. Better yet said, I Copied and Pasted. I did however make a mistake, There is one quote in the aforementioned that was incorrect. I had ment to remove it. I too use snoops. This mistake I acknowledge. But the rest, I read them and I came to the same conclusion as the original. The quotes are nothing more than a summary of actual statements made by Mr. Obama.

Right on, I did quote the spam. Better yet said, I Copied and Pasted. I did however make a mistake, There is one quote in the aforementioned that was incorrect. I had ment to remove it. I too use snoops. This mistake I acknowledge. But the rest, I read them and I came to the same conclusion as the original. The quotes are nothing more than a summary of actual statements made by Mr. Obama.


Statements they may be, but standing alone without the context from which they are derived from does not offer the true intent.

My own point of view is as such: Once again, we do not have a choice for President that is worthy of America. The All American Dollar will obviously decide the most powerful seat in the free world once more. The only question left is which evil to cast a vote for. This, my friends, is a secret known only to myself, for if I do not vote, I cannot complain. :rockon: