F the Police!!!!

I've never been picked on by the cops on any bike but my dad did on his harley. He was going with the flow of traffic and got pulled over for going 1mph to fast. they had there radar set at 40 he was going 41. He got out off it though because the cop that pulled him over wasent the one who clocked him it was another unit down the road. But this is the same police department that will set up 6 cars in a one mile stretch of 2 lane highway and pull over everyone doing more than 5mph over.
I've never been picked on by the cops on any bike but my dad did on his harley. He was going with the flow of traffic and got pulled over for going 1mph to fast. they had there radar set at 40 he was going 41. He got out off it though because the cop that pulled him over wasent the one who clocked him it was another unit down the road. But this is the same police department that will set up 6 cars in a one mile stretch of 2 lane highway and pull over everyone doing more than 5mph over.

Where is this? Pardon me if I never come visit, but willing to meet someplace nowhere near there! :D
That's fine you let them search, you can waive your right and have them desperately looking for reasons to write you up or take you in, but I'll never let them search. Even though I have nothing to hide. It's my right and I don't intend on loosing it. If they want in they've got to play by the rules (which takes more time if you want to play that game).

Oh and their not just wasting both of your time, they are wasting your tax dollars. Instead of harassing a good person that is hurting nobody (yourself), they could be trying to solve real crimes like rape and murder. They could be looking for people with warrants for violent crimes against other people, because there is never a shortage of them. And no, doing so does not consist of pulling everyone over and checking their papers. Oh and I understand they're "just only following orders", but that really only goes so far in my book...

But I enjoy playing the game :Flash:....but the reason I got pulled over from the first place was for speeding by the highway patrol or trooper. If a search allows me to get me out of a ticket, I have no problem with that. I think about a dozen times I've been pulled over for speeding and allowed a voluntary search, all but one resulted in a ticket. Not saying that I only got one ticket, just saying that if the police took the time to search and found nothing, they usually let me go with a warning. I've been pulled a over a number of times and have been asked a few questions, received the ticket and continued on, speeding again :Flash:.

As far as wasting tax dollars, when they should be looking for criminals, the Highway Patrol or Troopers primarily focus on traffic stops such as speeding, which I was doing. And a number of these stops results into a major bust. Warrants, contrabands, drug smuggling etc. But as for me, if they are spending time with me, that's one cruiser you don't have to worry about trying to catch you speeding. Unlike most drivers, I do the opposite, whenever I see someone getting a ticket, I speed up and drive even faster. The person who got pulled over is taking one for the team, allowing us to continue down the road with one less cop who's trying to give ya a ticket. Plus, anykind of a stall, such as a search, and a real emergency arises such as an accident, they will not take the time to write you a ticket and they will take off.

The only negative side I see in my opinion is that lately, I see more and more traffic stops becomes a magnet for wrecks. Pulling over on the side of the higway is very dangerous, even with emergency vehicles. You see these cops get creamed all the time from drivers who aren't paying attention.
When my ex girlfriend was learning to drive standard she rolled through a couple stop signs on a hill and took a little longer to get going on green lights. The cop followed her for blocks. Eventually he pulls her over and he says he though she was drunk. My ex, a self proclaimed bitch, raises her voice and says "so you are telling me you though I was drunk driving yet you followed me for 10min. If I really was and I hit or hurt someone I'd really like to see you add that to your police report". He let her go but a funny story none the less.

As for cops in general, I work for our local governments fleet services so I know the workings of a few things. In good with the firefighters, paramedics, by-law officers but no cops. Why? cause they think they are so cool and have this god given right. Except most are young and were picked on as kids or had a problem with authority and now they are in the position of power. So many guys that I hear of becoming cops in my city I laugh at cause I knew them as who they were before and they were in no way fit to be out enforcing our laws.

That is why I don't respect them. They have to earn my respect, just like I'd have to earn theirs. There are the good ones but when you come across them you'll know right away that they are just good people first.
But I enjoy playing the game :Flash:....but the reason I got pulled over from the first place was for speeding by the highway patrol or trooper. If a search allows me to get me out of a ticket, I have no problem with that. I think about a dozen times I've been pulled over for speeding and allowed a voluntary search, all but one resulted in a ticket. Not saying that I only got one ticket, just saying that if the police took the time to search and found nothing, they usually let me go with a warning. I've been pulled a over a number of times and have been asked a few questions, received the ticket and continued on, speeding again :Flash:.

As far as wasting tax dollars, when they should be looking for criminals, the Highway Patrol or Troopers primarily focus on traffic stops such as speeding, which I was doing. And a number of these stops results into a major bust. Warrants, contrabands, drug smuggling etc. But as for me, if they are spending time with me, that's one cruiser you don't have to worry about trying to catch you speeding. Unlike most drivers, I do the opposite, whenever I see someone getting a ticket, I speed up and drive even faster. The person who got pulled over is taking one for the team, allowing us to continue down the road with one less cop who's trying to give ya a ticket. Plus, anykind of a stall, such as a search, and a real emergency arises such as an accident, they will not take the time to write you a ticket and they will take off.

The only negative side I see in my opinion is that lately, I see more and more traffic stops becomes a magnet for wrecks. Pulling over on the side of the higway is very dangerous, even with emergency vehicles. You see these cops get creamed all the time from drivers who aren't paying attention.

Take one for the team! Hahaha I like your thinking!!! ROFL! Oh and hopefully I didn't come off as too much of a jerk in my post, I re-read it and I didn't mean for it to sound that way. (unless I'm just crazy and am imagining things)

But yea you've got some really valid points. There's been 2 rollovers in the past 2 days coming home from work in a spot where many people get pulled over on the highway for speeding. I don't know the details of the accidents but I saw the cars flipped in perfect weather and broad daylight, so IDK. But it wouldn't suprise me if they were gawking at a traffic stop...
I've been thinking...how many of you keep your registration under the seat? When you get pulled over by a cop do you just sit there and once he walks up you tell him you have to get off the bike and get your info from underneath the seat? I'm a n00b at getting pulled over :D
I've been thinking...how many of you keep your registration under the seat? When you get pulled over by a cop do you just sit there and once he walks up you tell him you have to get off the bike and get your info from underneath the seat? I'm a n00b at getting pulled over :D
I keep the reg & proof of insurance in my wallet(which I keep in my tail bag). but yes, I just stay put until I'm instructed to get off the bike. once he/she asks for my papers I tell them where they are at so they don't shoot me thinking I'm reaching for a gun or something.
I keep the reg & proof of insurance in my wallet(which I keep in my tail bag). but yes, I just stay put until I'm instructed to get off the bike. once he/she asks for my papers I tell them where they are at so they don't shoot me thinking I'm reaching for a gun or something.

+1 on the above. Stay put until instructed to do something and always let them know when and where you are reaching.:thumbup:
I keep the reg & proof of insurance in my wallet(which I keep in my tail bag). but yes, I just stay put until I'm instructed to get off the bike. once he/she asks for my papers I tell them where they are at so they don't shoot me thinking I'm reaching for a gun or something.

Sportrider: Not trying to dictate your personal choice, but you said, "I keep... my wallet ...in my tail bag." I think it might be a bad choice if you were in a really bad wreck (heaven forbid) and you got separated from the bike and were unconcious. (yeah, I know, "he's certainly got a vivid imagination") The first responders aren't likely to put your tailbag in the ambulance with you and to them you'll be a "John Doe" without family or insurance until the cops take the time to sift through the scene - IF your wallet isn't stolen by the first bystander who discovers the bag... Please tell me you've got a good reason for doing it your way - maybe I'll change. I keep mine in pants pocket or jacket for what that's worth.
On the bike I keep the info under the seat, or otherwise not easily accessible. It's part of my ticket avoidance plan, and it works.

When I get pulled, I get off the road fast in a safe spot. They don't like to chase you, and every second you keep going, their blood pressure goes up another notch.

Sit on the bike until they tell you otherwise. It's OK to remove your helmet, just be obvious that this is what you're doing.

I remove my gloves first, to the side so that they can see I'm not fumbling for a gun in my waistband. Then the helmet. Finally the earplugs. If they say anything in the meantime I tell them,"I have earplugs in, Sir/Maam. I'll need to take my helmet off so I can take them out."

While all this is going on, the cop's blood pressure is dropping and they're becoming more certain that I am A: wearing proper safety gear and B: not likely to become violent or run.

Finally the helmet is off and we can talk. At this point, friendly and respectful earns mucho points. I don't BS the cops, they're not stupid and lying to them will just make them want to punish you.

For example, I got pulled for doing 100mph on HWY 71 in Bastrop, TX. Cop asked,"Is there an emergency?" I replied,"Nope, it's just a nice night, the roads are empty and the bike's running great."

I got a warning for that one. And note that I didn't actually admit to anything that would stand up in court.

Anyway, back to the point. All the time that I spend removing safety gear and getting the registration out from under the seat is time that I spend letting the cop come to the conclusion that I'm not a squid or a criminal. Don't be afraid to make conversation while you're going through this process. It can pay off.

(I even hit on a cute lady cop one time. I didn't get a date, but she did knock 15mph off of the ticket.)
Sportrider: Not trying to dictate your personal choice, but you said, "I keep... my wallet ...in my tail bag." I think it might be a bad choice if you were in a really bad wreck (heaven forbid) and you got separated from the bike and were unconcious. (yeah, I know, "he's certainly got a vivid imagination") The first responders aren't likely to put your tailbag in the ambulance with you and to them you'll be a "John Doe" without family or insurance until the cops take the time to sift through the scene - IF your wallet isn't stolen by the first bystander who discovers the bag... Please tell me you've got a good reason for doing it your way - maybe I'll change. I keep mine in pants pocket or jacket for what that's worth.
I don't like to carry my wallet in a pocket, I find it distracting. normally I'm riding with someone other then while comutting, if something bad ever did happen someone would be there to tell them who I am or contact family.
5 MPH!!? What a joke! We don't pull cars over unless they are traveling 15 MPH over the posted speed. Seems fair to me.

I've never been picked on by the cops on any bike but my dad did on his harley. He was going with the flow of traffic and got pulled over for going 1mph to fast. they had there radar set at 40 he was going 41. He got out off it though because the cop that pulled him over wasent the one who clocked him it was another unit down the road. But this is the same police department that will set up 6 cars in a one mile stretch of 2 lane highway and pull over everyone doing more than 5mph over.
I have found there are a wide range of personalities in cops around here. I've been pulled over... let me count... 8 times i think. (this was all in my car.)

I got one ticket for doing 83 in a 70 up I-5. The cop was a nice guy and informed me that he wasnt the one giving me the ticket it was the plane!! Damn planes.. I was not angry at the officer for giving me a ticket, it was his job and it wasnt like he could fudge it and say i was doing 5 over since the plane got me.

I got another ticket which made me very angry. I am usually very compliant with cops, but this guy was a real *******. He is known in town as the town d...head. He gave me a ticket for cutting a corner by 2 feet while turning left on onto a street when there were cars lined on both sides. I returned the next day and took pictures of about 15 cars cutting the line more than I had with no cars parked on the street. I took it to the probation office (i was a minor) to fight it and he never showed up! so that was thrown out...

I have been pulled over by 2 sherriffs, one very very nice, and one very very not nice.

I was driving out to a friends house at about 2 in the morning, came around a corner, floored it and was doing about 85 in a 55 when I saw him parked on the side of the road.. I thought sheet... this is going to be really bad. I had my license with me, no proof of insurance and no proof of reg (even though i did have both valid.) oh and an empty bottle of jager in the backseat... i was very polite and honest with him.. you know what he did??? said "just slow down out here, theres a lot of deer" i was like wtf!?! wheres my ticket..

and the other sherriff... i came up to a stop sign and he drove in front of me on the cross street. i headed down the street and he flipped around and pulled me over, telling me i had a tail light out, then proceeded to question my buddy for lighting up some weed. he was eating a burger. he said oh ok and left. no broken tailight.. no weed. just driving like a normal person.

so here's my point. it all depends on the cop. some will pull you over for 5 over the limit, while some won't even look at you for 10 over. some will give you a ticket for a signal out, while others say "just fix it". some are polite, some a assholes. i believe there are some cops who want to do their job correctly and for the good of the people, and there are some who want to hassle and intimidate others.
I was stopped once by a CHP and he was very nice. I was stopped once by a Glenn County Sheriff and he was a prick. Both in my car.

I was stopped once at the local airport too for taking pictures of airplanes the week after September 11, 2001. I used to always go and take pictures cuz I'm a nut like that, but because of the recent incident the cops were patrolling the airport. I explained to the guy what was up and he knew I wasn't trouble but had "to do it anyway." He was nice.
My friend was driving on a country road in his talon late at night. Headlights came up behind him and started tailgating him so he slowly, slowly, sped up to get them off his ass. They stayed right there. Let him get all the way to 87mph before they turned the lights on. A-holes. Oh well...

My wife has had the cops here in Henry County, GA do that to her. I think the freakin' cop was provoking her like your friend got provoked. Lucky for me and my wife, she choose not to speed up.
Just like any other occupations, whether it's a customer service agent, pilot, doctor, waitress or waiter, reporter, tow truck driver, etc, you will come across people who are nice and friendly, and some will be just total pricks. So you just can't single out cops. There will always be a bad batch in just about every profession.
My grandfather was a cop and he was a very nice guys, did like to scare people a little but typiclay gave people a lecture and a warning. Now my brother in-law I am sure he is on a power trip and would suck to get pulled over by.
100% correct Vegas!!! :thumbup: And let's not forget it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch. If we want to be mad at someone, why not be mad at the jerks on two wheels that show no respect and act like idiots!!
The last ride on my fz6, I was riding with a buddy in Lexington Ky. I told him I was comfortable at or nearly around the speed limit, and he obliged, of course we had some safe fun when the opportunity presented itself. We were going down this lonely stretch of highway, and hit a speed trap, going the speed limit no doubt. Of course I saw the state trooper as did my friend. We didnt see the trooper for a while, but out of the blue that trooper caught up with us, he must have been booking straight up to catch us. He then stayed on our tails for 15 miles before he realized we were law abiding civilians and went on his way. I cant believe with gas so expensive they can do something like that, he must have hit over 100 to get up on us so fast like he did. Bastage!!!.