F the Police!!!!

I live in Wa state and you can buy special plates. One I have for my work van is the Law Enforcement Memorial or an LEM plate. I have had troopers come up along side of me and give me a wave more than once.My son who is a motor cop has one for his BMW 1200. He got pulled over the other day for doing a bit over, when the trooper saw his LEM plate ask him if he was a cop and with out having to show any ID the trooper told him to get lost. If you have custom plates in your'e state they might have a LEM. You might not get hassled as much if you have one of those. Good luck.


Don't you have to "qualify" for some plates? Like veteran plates for instance. Or is that one just a "feel good" plate? Good idea though.
I live in Wa state and you can buy special plates. One I have for my work van is the Law Enforcement Memorial or an LEM plate. I have had troopers come up along side of me and give me a wave more than once.My son who is a motor cop has one for his BMW 1200. He got pulled over the other day for doing a bit over, when the trooper saw his LEM plate ask him if he was a cop and with out having to show any ID the trooper told him to get lost. If you have custom plates in your'e state they might have a LEM. You might not get hassled as much if you have one of those. Good luck.


Thats not right at all. Just because your a cop doesn't make you immune to the law. What that trooper did was wrong, he should have given that guy a ticket...who cares what sort of number plate he has, its just a number plate!!

Speeding is speeding, that cop (your son) should have been given a ticket. Having this numberplate might be a way to get around being hassled by cops but for them to see this special, get out of trouble, numberplate they obviously have to be close to it which would still make it dangerous for bikers, especially as it has already been explained that the trooper was tailing too close!!

I hate this attitude that "hay I'm a cop, you cant give me a ticket"...being a cop is just a job, its not a position worthy enough to break the law, no position in life is...especially when those laws are in place to save lives and prevent stupid acts of carelessness that can cause harm to innocent people.
yep all the squids blocking traffic on the interstate to do "stunts". running from the leo's endangering everyone. these bikes bring attention from leo's. cant blame them. heck pull over in next safe place and see what is up. you might be surprised. had a state trooper pull me over and went around my bike ten times, feeling of the seat, asking about the bike in general. i thought he wanted to take it for a test ride. didnt get a ticket.

And the :squid: :squid::squid: SHOULD get attention from the police. I got passed in a 55 zone with moderate traffic by a :squid: going well over 125 just yesterday. Very seldom do I wish a fellow biker receive a Darwin award, but this guy got my vote.
Thats not right at all. Just because your a cop doesn't make you immune to the law. What that trooper did was wrong, he should have given that guy a ticket...who cares what sort of number plate he has, its just a number plate!!

Speeding is speeding, that cop (your son) should have been given a ticket. Having this numberplate might be a way to get around being hassled by cops but for them to see this special, get out of trouble, numberplate they obviously have to be close to it which would still make it dangerous for bikers, especially as it has already been explained that the trooper was tailing too close!!

I hate this attitude that "hay I'm a cop, you cant give me a ticket"...being a cop is just a job, its not a position worthy enough to break the law, no position in life is...especially when those laws are in place to save lives and prevent stupid acts of carelessness that can cause harm to innocent people.

In my city we just ousted a sheriff for drunken driving. Turns out he had been given "get out of jail free" passes by local LEOs for years. Finally a decent cop decided to give him the ticket and stuck with it. Reporters then jumped in and found the sheriff had like twenty incidents that got buried. We had to vote him out, but at least he's gone now. I think he spent like 36 hours in jail - Paris Hilton style :rant:
They are still looking for that 168MPH RED STREAK!!!!!

Around here all the highway overhead signs have been reading "POLICE ENFORCING MOTORCYCLE RECKELESS DRIVING"

It's been like that for a few weeks now....but there are more squids than actual motorcyclists around here so it makes sense. Imagine if it said "POLICE ENFORCING ASIAN RECKLESS DRIVING" or "POLICE ENFORCING RAG-TOP RECKLESS DRIVING" :rof:
thats why I didn't cry too loud when I got a ticket, all the times I got away with my "testing" runs. oh well maybe some drug dealers will move into the neighborhood and they will leave me alone.
You guys must just live in some messed up places. I have ONLY ONCE in 13 years of law enforcement written a ticket to a motorcyclist. That was after he was doing 95 in a 35 mph zone while doing a wheelie and nearly taking out a pedestrian. He would have ran but was quickly stopped by another unit. There are alot of PRICKS on motorcycles that give other riders a bad name. I thought I would speak up and say something. I get sick and tired of cop bashing on every forum. People always blame the officer for something THEY did wrong,speeding,DUI,etc. Man up if you get stopped...think about the times you did not get stopped! On that note , not all cops are people friendly or motorcycle friendly like I am. Afterall, we do recruit from the same hiring pool as everybody else. There will always be bad apples and for that I apologize. RANT OFF:thumbup:
I don't think all cops are bad, I was just pissed about getting tailgated by one for 8+ miles, when for once I wasn't speeding. I have no problem being accountable for my actions. I think I am going to stop if he does it again tomorrow. watch, I'll pull over and he'll just drive by then I'll be like WTF. I'd be interested to see what he says if I ask him, "is there any reason in particular your following me again?" he'll problably say "parinoid are you, you must be on drugs normal people don't act that way" then I'll ask him for a pepsi.... LOL

FYI: that's all from a Suicidal Tendencies song. :D
I sure am not bashing the police. That police officer was doing wrong. Not all the police.

It sucks and I probley would of stopped or at least giving him the WTF turn around and look.

On the other hand he may of been new, and thought you knew the way to the doughnut shoppe. Ba dum bump.

Did you have a 12 pack of Krispy Cremes in the tank bag? Ba dum bump.

Were you wearing that new cologne Eu Du Dooh Nuts? I'm here all night folks.
this prick gets right on my tail and stays there for 7 miles. I signal and change lanes into the left lane (seeing how I was in the right lane) preparing to make my left off the expressway. this idiot swings right in behind me and follows me off the expressway at about 5 feet from my tail. I stop at the stop sign, doing an exaggerated foot down, look left, look right, look left again, stop and proceed to make a left and putt down the street at 27mph as the posted limit there is 25mph. I signal my intension to turn right about 100 ft from the intersection and make my turn. the cop stops in the middle of the intersection for a second then turns right and gets right back on my tail. I made it obvious I was looking in my mirror and just shook my head. he followed me tell I turned onto my street before he flipped a u-turn and took off. I don't know what the hell is going on but it's really starting to piss me off!!!:rant:

I've been followed before once or twice, but the police here usually stay a decent distance back. If he's tailgating you that close I'd try the hand signal for "stay back", but it isn't likely to work (it will go on the dashcam if he's got one). If he stays on you, just pull over. If he comes with you and asks why you stopped just say you thought he was in route to an emergency and wanted to give him room to get by. Don't make it about YOU, make it about HIM. Let HIM explain that no, he was wasting his time with a law abiding citizen instead of doing his job. DO NOT go on the offensive. The only way you win this battle is to be the good guy - all the way. Maybe it will change his mind about SOME of the riders he meets. :thumbup:
Whenever I'm being tailed I pull into a convenience store or other business. They usually don't want to bother if they think you'll be walking into a store.
Donuts make you too fat to ride:D

I sure am not bashing the police. That police officer was doing wrong. Not all the police.

It sucks and I probley would of stopped or at least giving him the WTF turn around and look.

On the other hand he may of been new, and thought you knew the way to the doughnut shoppe. Ba dum bump.

Did you have a 12 pack of Krispy Cremes in the tank bag? Ba dum bump.

Were you wearing that new cologne Eu Du Dooh Nuts? I'm here all night folks.
I live in Wa state and you can buy special plates. One I have for my work van is the Law Enforcement Memorial or an LEM plate. I have had troopers come up along side of me and give me a wave more than once.My son who is a motor cop has one for his BMW 1200. He got pulled over the other day for doing a bit over, when the trooper saw his LEM plate ask him if he was a cop and with out having to show any ID the trooper told him to get lost. If you have custom plates in your'e state they might have a LEM. You might not get hassled as much if you have one of those. Good luck.


Here out west, you really don't see it, but out East, the Fraternal Order of Police AKA "FOP" is very big. There are even special licence plates that says FOP that you can get, but I think it's only for law enforcement people or if they are retired.
Perhaps you were acting suspiciously? You must've been driving so good, the officer became suspicious of you!

Next time, you can get to a phone and call the police!!

"California Salton City Police, how can we help you?"
"Yeah...I'm was driving my motorcycle and I'm being followed by somebody..."
"Can you give me a description?"
"Yeah...it was a Crown Victoria, Black on White and being driven by a police officer!"
"Car number 29385?"
"Is this some kind of joke?"
"No! I'm being followed by one of your police officers!! Please! Tell him to go away!!"
"We're tracing your phonecall sir...and we're sending out a warrant for your arrest!!"
"What!! You can't do that!! I've done nothing wrong! Some officer "After Your Ass" comes following me and I wish to issue a complaint about it!"

Don't worry about it. "Why so serious??"
[rant] Phuck The Popo [/rant]... :D I had a cop once following me just like that, i hadnt done anything wrong, i speed up he speed up, i slowed down he slowed down so i just pulled over because he was riding my a$$. He gave me $hit and asked me a zillion questions but i had nothing but time to kill. I was very polite and asnwered all his questions but inside i was really pissed, i feel like its a freaking nazi police state i live in. In the end his excuse was that i was suspicious, i was like "...okay...i was just riding, is there something wrong with that?" he said "no its not illegal to ride but i'll pull you over each time..." and he walked away. Whatever he obviously has issues. Power trip? Bad day? Who knows, but he should not have a right to do that...
[rant] Phuck The Popo [/rant]... :D I had a cop once following me just like that, i hadnt done anything wrong, i speed up he speed up, i slowed down he slowed down so i just pulled over because he was riding my a$$. He gave me and asked me a zillion questions but i had nothing but time to kill. I was very polite and asnwered all his questions but inside i was really pissed, i feel like its a freaking nazi police state i live in. In the end his excuse was that i was suspicious, i was like "...okay...i was just riding, is there something wrong with that?" he said "no its not illegal to ride but i'll pull you over each time..." and he walked away. Whatever he obviously has issues. Power trip? Bad day? Who knows, but he should not have a right to do that...

If you had time to kill, I don't see what's the big deal. I've been stopped and searched a number of times. Everytime, I was really in no hurry, I usaully allow a search if I think that I can get off without a ticket. It's great when you have nothing to hide, and know that they are just wasting their time. I've been pulled over by K-9 units as well, and offered them to take their dog out and do a walkaround. I always warn the officer, that the dog isn't going to earn a bisquit on this stop.
sportrider said:
and follows me off the expressway at about 5 feet from my tail.

I don't know about the US but in most countries that would be constricted as dangerous driving, and the police have to follow the highway code too. Don't suppose you got a glimpse of his number?
This is what I would do as well.

I would also point out the dangers of tailgating to him.

They are law officers ..not gods. You are entitled to tell him what you think. Just be polite about it.

I know these things because I used to be one.

[rant] Phuck The Popo [/rant]... :D I had a cop once following me just like that, i hadnt done anything wrong, i speed up he speed up, i slowed down he slowed down so i just pulled over because he was riding my a$$. He gave me and asked me a zillion questions but i had nothing but time to kill. I was very polite and asnwered all his questions but inside i was really pissed, i feel like its a freaking nazi police state i live in. In the end his excuse was that i was suspicious, i was like "...okay...i was just riding, is there something wrong with that?" he said "no its not illegal to ride but i'll pull you over each time..." and he walked away. Whatever he obviously has issues. Power trip? Bad day? Who knows, but he should not have a right to do that...

I have had this happen...although not in last few years. I was riding to work in a line of traffic on a (2) lane road. We passed LEO sitting in parking lot. He flipped on the blues as soon as he saw me. Mind you I am in a line of traffic a 1/8 mile long, going the same speed as everyone else...maybe 45 in a 40 MPH zone.
Guess who get pulled over....
wait for it.....
wait for it......
Oh ...it was me!:rolleyes:

So I pulled over and took off my helmet and gloves and sat there waiting for him. After a couple of minutes the LEO approaches me and asks for licience and reg and I give them to him. Then I ask why he stopped me.....his reply.....I quote "you were a suspicious cyclist"...end quote.:eek:

I politely asked him what a suspicious cyclist was......what was it about me that made me look suspicous to him?

No answer was given, he just turned back to his car and sat in it for a few minutes...He finally came back with "verbal" warning.

His parting wisdom was "don't ride in this town"!


I continued to ride the route averyday after that and he didn't stop me.:don'tknow:
If you had time to kill, I don't see what's the big deal. I've been stopped and searched a number of times. Everytime, I was really in no hurry, I usaully allow a search if I think that I can get off without a ticket. It's great when you have nothing to hide, and know that they are just wasting their time. I've been pulled over by K-9 units as well, and offered them to take their dog out and do a walkaround. I always warn the officer, that the dog isn't going to earn a bisquit on this stop.

That's fine you let them search, you can waive your right and have them desperately looking for reasons to write you up or take you in, but I'll never let them search. Even though I have nothing to hide. It's my right and I don't intend on loosing it. If they want in they've got to play by the rules (which takes more time if you want to play that game).

Oh and their not just wasting both of your time, they are wasting your tax dollars. Instead of harassing a good person that is hurting nobody (yourself), they could be trying to solve real crimes like rape and murder. They could be looking for people with warrants for violent crimes against other people, because there is never a shortage of them. And no, doing so does not consist of pulling everyone over and checking their papers. Oh and I understand they're "just only following orders", but that really only goes so far in my book...
If having cop behind you distracts you that much, make the first available turn. Even the popo have places to go and a job to do, that means they'll be moving their cage along with them.

I see it this way: if the cop behind me was going to pull me over, he wouldn't have come up behind me without lights and siren. Relax and ride - they're just another cage.

Sure sometimes you get the rookie, like the one who wanted to give my wife a ticket for driving on a Sunday with dealer plates (she was a car salesman at the time, they got to drive a car of their choice - with dealer plates) I believe his thinking was that dealers are closed on Sundays here (by law), the dealership's cars shouldn't, therefore, be on the road (a fair assumption). He forgot to consider that the employees of the dealership just might get a free ride, but, being a rookie cop, couldn't very well admit he'd made a mistake...anyway, he issued an apology, in the form of a written warning.
No answer was given, he just turned back to his car and sat in it for a few minutes...He finally came back with "verbal" warning.

His parting wisdom was "don't ride in this town"!


I continued to ride the route averyday after that and he didn't stop me.:don'tknow:

What town? We might need to set up a meet at the local Dunkin Donuts. :thumbup: