Almost got wiped out by a Cop!


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May 5, 2007
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I was towards the tail end of a group of cars at a redlight in a double left hand turn lane around 3 am this morning. As the light turned green and all of the traffic started to turn left, I noticed that one of the cars ahead was a Police cruiser. The left turns into a major surface street that has four lanes traveling in each direction. The traffic was backed up pretty good, but I noticed that the far right lane was pretty empty so I jolted across three lanes with my signal on passing up the Police cruiser who was in one of the outside lanes. I started to accelerate as I had some empty space ahead of me then all of a sudden a car makes a bad lane change on me, and I noticed that it was an unmarked Police cruiser. I had the option of refraining from hitting the horn while hitting the brakes, but what the heck, a bad lane change is a bad lane change so I let her rip and layed the horn down for a good 4 seconds. I then switched to the #2 lane to pass up the unmarked Police cruiser who just cut me off and gave him the customary stare. You know what I'm talking about, we've all done it. As I was pulling away, I noticed that the marked Police cruiser got behind me and hit his lights and sirens. I said to myself, WTF? I did nothing wrong, I used my turn signals, and I'm the one who got cut off. Then the unmarked Police cruiser shines his freaking spot light at me blinding me as I'm looking in my mirrors to pull over. So he want to pull me over too? The four lanes turns into six as we approach an intersection in which the two right lanes become right hand turn lanes to enter the freeway. So I'm running out of real estate to pull over so I put on my turn signal and make a pretty aggressive move to pull over to the right. Remember, I just got blinded from the spot light. From nowhere, the unmarked police cruiser was right behind me to the right, kind of in my blind spot. He then hit the brakes and I flicked my bike to the left. It was close, might of came within an inch or two from contact. I finally pull over, the unmarked unit goes by and enters the freeway. Then the marked Police cruiser drives by and gets on his PA and sais "You need to learn how to ride a motorcycle or go home". I was laughing and waved at him. I think it was the other way around, the police officer needed to learn how to drive. The whole scenario was a freaking circus. I was kind of upset, because If the cop is going to hit the lights and siren, I'm trying to pull over as quickly as possible, by doing so, I nearly collided with the other Police cruiser, who was shining his spot light at me. He should have slowed down, seeing the obvious that I was getting pulled over. Why would he speed up and try to pass me on the right while I have my signals on to pull over to the right from the other police cruiser? Still don't know why the cop didnt stop. I guess he realized I really did nothing wrong? I actually wanted him to stop me so I could vent my frustation of getting cut off by the other cop.
It sounds like they both were not having the greatest of days. I have noticed that cops sometimes do bully up on motorcycles because they think we are SOOO aggrresive and don't pay attention to what we are doing when really most the time it isn't our fault. Don't let it get to you like you said just laugh it off because obviously you didn't do anything wrong or they would have told you about it. Glad you are ok and didn't get mowed over. Oh, and i think they should have some kind of like by-law about putting the spotlight in our mirrors and blinding us. They only need it to see in cars what the heck do they need it for with us. You can see everything we are doing plain as day.
Oh, and i think they should have some kind of like by-law about putting the spotlight in our mirrors and blinding us. They only need it to see in cars what the heck do they need it for with us. You can see everything we are doing plain as day.

+ 1 on that! WTF was that spot light all about. All it did was almost make me freaking wreck. If they are going to use the spot light, use it when we are stopped. But again, like you said, they only need it to see what's in the cars. I never realized how much of a hazard the spotlight was until tonight, after it was shined on me while I was riding. I'm going to ask a motorcycle cop about this particular incident and see what kind of response I get.
Glad your ok. Most cops are cool, but some are pricks.

I understand, most cops are real cool. I like them, Metro ( Metropolitan Police Department ) Rocks! They never really bother me, I wave to the other motorcycle cops. I made a defensive move and used my horn. The cop didn't like it I guess. The other cop teamed up and used his lights and sirens to intimidate me and nearly caused a wreck.
I don't envy cops. Sometimes they are way too stressed out. Glad you didn't get a ticket or a scolding.

Check this out: I'm a truck driver and about a week ago I was driving at night and getting ready to go through an intersection to turn onto a freeway. I get the green arrow to turn left and as I am entering the intersection I see a car approaching fast coming right at me. All I can see are headlights but I can tell he's not going to be able to stop at his red light. Then just about the time he's whizzing by me he puts on his red and blue police lights. He was already in the intersection when he turned the lights on. The moron almost hit me. If I would have been on my bike I would have really been mad.

Sometimes cops just screw up. The don't usually admit it though.
I would report the tosser, great use of the horn. Pity it isn't a heat seeking missile.
Glad you didn't go down ...
I'm guessing that if you did do something wrong, they would have pulled you over (cops are really predictable in that way).
Fact they didn't, suggests your only fault was being in their way ...

You rude person ... didn't you know cops get honourary godhood?
Glad you didn't go down ...

First time I had to "Flick" the bike under an emergency. If I didn't know how to do it or was passive or slow in doing it, like didn't "Flick" it hard or aggressive enough, I would have had contact with the cop.
Sounds like PURE HARASSMENT to me! Jerks!

The only problem is, if you go report it, it'll get as far as the circular file.
Glad you didn't go down or anything. Had it been me, I would have let the cop hit me! But again that's just me. Cops these days........:Flip: LOL
Being a cop doesn't make you in the right. But, their game, their rules. Sad to say. If you had an issue of it, there would have been TWO cops making a report amd who's to say that they wouldn't have got on the radio to sinc the story for the judge? GRUMPY
This is why I'm considering an air horn. My brother got one for his truck for $39.99. It has a build in relay so I'd only have to run a new (heavier) Power and Ground. But if it saves my skin a couple of times it would definitely be worth it.