abusing cell phone users while driving :)


May 8, 2008
Reaction score
Santa Monica, California
So now that a hands free law has gone into effect in California, I find it only appropriate to do the following (which I did before, but feel justified doing now).

Last night: I'm turning on to the 90 freeway to leave my parent's house to go to mine...I pull behind a guy in a porsche convertible and he's yappin' on the cell phone. niiiiiice, there's a law fool!

I get next to him (in the next lane) and keep the bike in 1st gear up to 12,000 RPM so the noise is too loud to hear anything. I look over and motion that he has a cell phone to his ear. He tried braking, accelerating to get away, but I stayed with him until he got fed up (visibly mad) and hung up. Then I took off.

Join me in ending cell phone usage while driving...especially now that it's against the LAW now in California! w00h00!~
I sometimes do that, but only if they drive like idiots while on the phone, I talk while driving my cage and have no problems paying attention, but I know that some people just can't do it...
I'm glad you didn't cause an accident by further distracting the driver and not to mention yourself.

This is just me but, I don't try to piss people off on the road, especially when I'm on the bike. Car vs. bike = car wins every time. And some people are just crazy and will follow you and shoot your ass or run you off the road.

Next time wait until they're stopped and motion for them to roll down their window and tell them about the new law. Maybe they didn't know. If you're friendly, they may thank you for helping them avoid a ticket and you can both leave with a warm and happy feeling on the inside.

As a side note, I wonder how many accidents will be caused by people doing just this sort of thing since there is now a "law".
I gave him fair warning before getting loud. I looked, and put my hand up to my head like a cell phone and shook my head. He smirked and looked away...typical Los Angeles prick in a Porsche thinking he was better than the world.

sorry i had to make him hang up on his mistress...ha
I gave him fair warning before getting loud. I looked, and put my hand up to my head like a cell phone and shook my head. He smirked and looked away...typical Los Angeles prick in a Porsche thinking he was better than the world.

sorry i had to make him hang up on his mistress...ha

I don't want to make it personal or anything, but I think that's just a bad attitude to have. Don't judge a book by its cover. If you could afford a Porsche, would you own one? Or something similar?

I have a grandfather who is easily the nicest, most caring and humble individual I have ever met. I'd say I've met some pretty nice people too. He owns a Porsche.

Also, if you believe so much in this "law" and the system that supports it, why don't you leave enforcement to those professionals who's jobs are to enforce it. It certainly isn't your place to agress against your neighbors who do things that you don't agree with. Apparently your exhaust is loud, what if everyone tried to run you off the road for that?
I have a completely stock bike...that's loud enough for me.

Have you been to Los Angeles? THe Porsche stereotype only lives out here...in Los Angeles...so props do your gramps!

I guess it was a "you had to be there" situation to know how he was. My twin brother was behind me and knew exactly what I was doing and gave me a thumbs up, right move, after he hung up.

and cops don't do much out here...they pull over a Mercedes with a blonde bimbo to talk to her while so guy goes by dumping crap out the back of his pickup truck...it's lame
I get next to him (in the next lane) and keep the bike in 1st gear up to 12,000 RPM so the noise is too loud to hear anything. I look over and motion that he has a cell phone to his ear. He tried braking, accelerating to get away, but I stayed with him until he got fed up (visibly mad) and hung up. Then I took off.
I think that was a bit dangerous and over the top. What if he had swerved to try and hit you? The best thing you could've done was just ignore him and carry on your way! IMO
I have a completely stock bike...that's loud enough for me.

Have you been to Los Angeles? THe Porsche stereotype only lives out here...in Los Angeles...so props do your gramps!

I guess it was a "you had to be there" situation to know how he was. My twin brother was behind me and knew exactly what I was doing and gave me a thumbs up, right move, after he hung up.

and cops don't do much out here...they pull over a Mercedes with a blonde bimbo to talk to her while so guy goes by dumping crap out the back of his pickup truck...it's lame

Can't say I've been there yet. Fair enough. :)

About the cops, sounds like the people there need to elect a new official that'll promise to create change and make things better. Make the officers do their jobs right. Heck, that sounds soo good we should just go and do it everywhere.

Wait a minute, isn't that what people have been trying to do for years and years? Ha.

Sorry they don't do their jobs. But, IMHO, ignoring the other people on the road is a better choice. Just my thoughts
I think that was a bit dangerous and over the top. What if he had swerved to try and hit you? The best thing you could've done was just ignore him and carry on your way! IMO

Yes i agree with that! Theres no point to try to prove someone wrong at the cost of (possibly) your own life...Think about it, is it that important to you? Also you never know someday someone might be on the phone but it could be a very important call, you never know. Yes its the law, but i sometimes ride over the speed limit and thats also breaking the law, so should someone slam on their brakes in front me when i approch at 130mph?...So for me to go through all that trouble to bother someone who broke the law would be abit hypocritical...What goes around comes around, its not up to you or me to teach everyone a lesson, unless thats your thing :p
LOL, nice!

Be cautious though of road rage. You never know what is going on in the other persons mind.

Can't say I've been there yet. Fair enough. :)

About the cops, sounds like the people there need to elect a new official that'll promise to create change and make things better. Make the officers do their jobs right. Heck, that sounds soo good we should just go and do it everywhere.

Wait a minute, isn't that what people have been trying to do for years and years? Ha.

Sorry they don't do their jobs. But, IMHO, ignoring the other people on the road is a better choice. Just my thoughts

when barak obama loses the presidency you can elect him in las angels, isnt he the one promoting change? lol :Flip:
I have to admit, I have been guilty of reving up my engine so that the person on the phone couldn't hear. But I was at a light, and the taxi driver had his window rolled down. He simply just closed his window when I reved up my bike. Just did it for kicks.

Even though I don't own a car, whenever I drive the company vehicle around, I make a point not to use the phone. Doesn't matter who you are or what you are driving, the use of a cell phone while driving is viewed negativley by most of us motorcyclist just for reason being that it's dangerous and takes away the focus of drinving, so from that reasoning alone, I will refrain from using it.
when barak obama loses the presidency you can elect him in las angels, isnt he the one promoting change? lol :Flip:

I really don't care what obama does or what happens in LA. I don't ever plan on being there so, it doesn't matter to me. I was just sarcastically pointing out that they're all the same. Just say a bunch of stuff to get into office and then don't do any of it. Then when the next election rolls around say you need more time to work on your projects etc....
I saw a guy with a "Hang Up and Drive" sticker on his helmet. I want to get one of those. That's about as far as I am willing to go
I just get around the idiot quickly and mind my own business. As for the cage? I have a hands-free BT headset and can talk and drive at the same time (I do this on the bike too but without the headset in a conversation with myself. :D ) I don't own a Porsche but I CAN afford a headset. ;)

To the OP: Please do not mess with cagers. Two wheels is always going to lose to four if he nudges you. It's really not worth ending up a statistic. Relax and enjoy the ride.
Yeah man +30 on the let em be. I read this earlier and wanted to wait to respond and see if I felt the same way, and I do.

Man that crap can get you dead. Dont do it. Our only real defense is agility, if someone decides to mash a bike its a done deal. There are a few proven hey I just ran this guy over on purpose deals. Probley lots and lots that are not reported as such, since the biker is dead and the only witness isnt going to tell on himself.

Enjoy the ride and stay chill, let some body else in Excursion handle it.

Not knocking you man, just dont believe that what happened was the wisest course of action. If nobody says hey thats not right it could end up bad.
Props go to you man. I had a friend who was killed on his bike by a girl talking on her phone. I despise that S$#@, but far be it from me to challenge anybody on that issue around here. Just be thankful he wasnt the type to pop the proverbial cap in your A$$ L.A. style at the next stop light.