Got Hit by a Deer Today!


Jul 3, 2010
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Pescadero, CA
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Yes you read correctly, I didn't so much hit a deer as the deer hit me! Well, ok, I guess you can call it 50/50. lol

I just left home for work, and was less than a mile from home, at 6:20AM. I was cruising through the sweepers at about 45mph. Suddenly, in my peripheral vision, I see a small deer head inches away from me, on my right side. No time to react, I knew I was boned. I straightened up, and maintained throttle. THUD!! The little buggers head(i think, it happened fast), smashes me in my foot and ankle, smacks some part of the FZ, and I'm guessing tumbles away. I kept the moto upright, and gently pulled it over. I say gently, because I had no idea if anything was damaged or not, and didn't want to drop it. I check my mirrors, and the little b*****d is nowhere to be seen. There was a car behind me, and he stopped, and asked if I was ok. I was! The deer hit just right, so that I sustained no damage. According to the driver, the deer ran off. Too bad. lol I wish the dude had a camera going, that would've been neat to see from that perspective. :D

The shin guards in my Alpinestars A-10's did their job! It did hit my ankle and foot at 45mph after all. There's some deer hair still lodged in the fabric, and a small chunk of deer hair on my passenger peg, which I have pics of, which I'll post tonight when I get home from work. The only damage the FZ received, is a bent rear brake lever. I'll be replacing that ASAP. It works fine, it's just a little off is all.

Anyways, that's my tale of the week! I still have trouble believing that it happened. It all happened in an instant! But, at least I didn't go down and/or get hurt. Just goes to show you, you can only prepare for so much, sometimes things are just unavoidable!
Wow you got lucky! That is something that scares me every time I am out, the deer around here are huge and everywhere you look. We have had 2 people total their cars in the past 4 or 5 weeks here at work due to deer running out in front of them. Glad you are okay.

The only animal incident I have had on the bike so far was I came inches from hitting a huge bear which would have just pissed it off and made it attack me I am sure lol.
You are lucky! My buddy totaled his 4 month old bike when he clipped a deer and tumbled the bike into a ditch.

Did I read correctly that a car was on your tail through the sweepers? You must not be doing something right or it was someone who knew how to drive. :BLAA:
Glad you rode away unharmed! Sometimes it's nearly impossible to spot those effers :(
You are lucky! My buddy totaled his 4 month old bike when he clipped a deer and tumbled the bike into a ditch.

Did I read correctly that a car was on your tail through the sweepers? You must not be doing something right or it was someone who knew how to drive. :BLAA:

I was taking it easy as I just set out, and it was cold, so I warming everything up. And yes, it was a local, so the he was moving pretty good. He wasn't right on my tail, just pacing a few car lengths away. Just the same, I'm still working on my cornering, as I'm not all that good yet. :thumbup:

I took another look, and as it turns out there's more damage. :( The little separate "handle" plastic piece on the front fairing is cracked in 3 places, and my turn signal got tweaked a bit. I have no idea how that happened, as I don't recall the deer hitting that! :confused: Oh well, it happened so fast, I guess I missed that part.
Holy smokes! Glad you're okay, and that you were able to keep the bike up! Even though the animal ran away, it sounds like you taught it a good lesson.
Oh man, I almost hit one on the TW last weekend. Glad you kept it upright. :thumbup:
No helmet cam = no video!
Do you have insurance? FYI, hitting an animal is covered under comprehensive (instead of collision) and if you have that you should be covered.
Oh man, I almost hit one on the TW last weekend. Glad you kept it upright. :thumbup:

I've had tons of near misses in my cars. First time I've hit one though! lol You have a TW as well? Me too! Awesome little bikes! I need to get some pics of it up in "my garage" on this board.

No helmet cam = no video!
Do you have insurance? FYI, hitting an animal is covered under comprehensive (instead of collision) and if you have that you should be covered.

I do have insurance, full comprehensive. I'm debating whether or not I want to deal with it. It's only an $80 part(pfft, "only"). I don't want them to even think about raising my rates because of a claim. Besides, it'll be much faster for me to just order the part and be done with it. lol
I've had tons of near misses in my cars. First time I've hit one though! lol You have a TW as well? Me too! Awesome little bikes! I need to get some pics of it up in "my garage" on this board.

I do have insurance, full comprehensive. I'm debating whether or not I want to deal with it. It's only an $80 part(pfft, "only"). I don't want them to even think about raising my rates because of a claim. Besides, it'll be much faster for me to just order the part and be done with it. lol

You really don't know how expensive it is to fix your bike. I guarantee if you take this to your dealer he will 'find' so many things wrong with your bike. The cost to 'fix' your bike could be $3000. If you have the title to your bike, you can request they (insurance company) send YOU the check which you pocket and fix bike yourself. And no, this is not insurance fraud. Bikes are expensive to fix. P.s. Don't tell the dealer you're going to fix it yourself.
You really don't know how expensive it is to fix your bike. I guarantee if you take this to your dealer he will 'find' so many things wrong with your bike. The cost to 'fix' your bike could be $3000. If you have the title to your bike, you can request they (insurance company) send YOU the check which you pocket and fix bike yourself. And no, this is not insurance fraud. Bikes are expensive to fix. P.s. Don't tell the dealer you're going to fix it yourself.

Good advice! I'll never take my babies to dealers though. I don't have the title yet, as I haven't paid the thing off yet. I'm aiming to have it paid off by the end of the month though.
Good advice! I'll never take my babies to dealers though. I don't have the title yet, as I haven't paid the thing off yet. I'm aiming to have it paid off by the end of the month though.

Taking it to the dealer will guarantee the higest possible estimate. And that means more money in your pocket if you choose to file a claim. Timing is critical since you don't have the title just yet. Good luck.

p.s. invest in some helmet cam. It pays you back in entertainment value. I'm sure you saw my little accident.
Of course, that is the time when deer are out too. Great story. Why even bother to replace the parts? Can one even tell the difference?
Yeah, it's cracked pretty bad, more than you can see in the pics. The signal stock was flopping around quite a bit on the way home. Most people wouldn't notice, but I'll know it's there. lol I might just bend the lever back and call it good, as it's not that bad. I'm in no real rush to deal with it though. As for when deer are out, it's been a real roll of the dice. Sometimes they're out at that time, but usually they're not. On the way home I snailed through that stretch of road. lol They're not getting me again!!

I'd love a helmet cam, but dang they're pricey! If GoPro releases one with that stupid screen already part of the camera, then I'll probably jump on board. Maybe. I've read plenty about the issues they have, and can have, and it's just enough to scare me away. And none of the others look worth a darn.
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