My buddy having fun w/ the camera is his convertible behind me (Pics)

great pictures, but tell your friend to stay on his own side of the road... would have sucked for any bike coming the other direction to be met head on with a car:spank:
great pictures, but tell your friend to stay on his own side of the road... would have sucked for any bike coming the other direction to be met head on with a car:spank:

I told him, believe me!
He said he waned to keep up with me & he was only doing it where he has a clear shoot, not on blind corners.
I told him, believe me!
He said he waned to keep up with me & he was only doing it where he has a clear shoot, not on blind corners.

tell him again.

unexpected closing speed can be a biatch. plus, he could simply startle some one causing them to crash.

what kinda of car is that?
Ok. hold on...I just thought of something else, was he driving like that and shooting the pictures?
tell him again.

unexpected closing speed can be a biatch. plus, he could simply startle some one causing them to crash.

what kinda of car is that?

is a Miata.
I told him about the pictures (I didn't see him when I was riding that day) and he admitted.
He is a nice guy - a prudent driver & experienced rider also. Maybe because the road was completely empty, but you never know..
cool pics BTW.

is a Miata.

well if you wait for him in the straights he should be able to hang in the corners....but you'll completely lose him driving off the corners.

if it's safe to cross the yellow, it's safe. problem is, people often think it's safe when it isn't and unexpected **** happens. not trying to be dramatic or preach.

there have been numerous times when I was riding fast and a very tight road on my dual sport and came hauling off a corning WOT only to find a car half in my lane in the short transition between my corner and the one they were finishing. No huge danger of us hitting each other but we come closer than I would have liked and if I had lost control or if they had, we may have made contact. Plus a noob would probably get spooked and maybe crash as a result.

Ok crap, i'm going to shut up now! :thumbup:

Is "biatch" pronounced like little Jake says it on 2 1/2 Men? : )

no idea

EDIT - can't really see through this corner
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Why not set the GoPro for video instead?

Nice pics :)

He played with camera settings, that's why.
We thought we are recording a video, but it was that 2 second pictures stream instead. Not bad, I like the pictures too.