***forum t shirts--first come, first serve!!***


Jay- Tshirt Inventor Guy.
Elite Member
Nov 2, 2008
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Ok to the people who ordered Official Forum T shirts, your shirts are in the mail!!! Thanks to my wonderful wife, who spent her day off shipping all 100ish packages out, you should be getting your packages some time this week!

To the people who missed out the first time around. NO worries, I have a few left over!! I will be selling them on a first come-first serve basis. Im going to list what shirts i have left, and you can call "dibs" on the shirts you want. Remember, first come, first serve, i will try to update what orders i have left at the end of every night. And i will PM the person who calls "dibs" first...

Please dont PM me asking if you were the first, I will pm YOU if you are the first...

I will sell these a little cheaper than the original order, because I will not be doing donations, this is only to deplete my stock of remaining shirts.

$15 per shirt + shipping. ($2 extra for 2xl)

USA Shipping $5 up to 3 shirts
INTERNATIONAL $15 up to 3 shirts.

UPDATED 4-10-10 5:55 PM EST.



I also got a DRASTIC overshipment of BLACK XXXL shirts. My supplier ordered 56 rather than just 6. I am not being held accountable, but he did ask nicely if I could pay for any that I can sell. These shirts I will be selling pretty cheap. $12+ shipping. Two or more shirts I will sell for $10 each + shipping. I have 51 of those shirts.

Any questions??? let me know!!

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Many thanks for all the hard work! I'm takin' the tent and goin' down to the PO. I want to be there when the shirt arrives!!!! :thumbup:
Thanks to you, and to your lovely wife!! We appreciate you taking on this task! :cheer:
Thanks for doing this guys... Awesome!! Im looking forward to getting it
I'm trying to figure out what size I need, so bear with me...lol.

I'm 6', 235-240 (spare tire that I'm about to start trying to lose!). Normally, I take a XXL in Nike t-shirts. Do you think I'd need a XXL in these? I'm thinking yes, but I just wanted to get your opinion. :thumbup:

If you think XXL would work, I'm definitely down for taking a blue one off your hands! BTW, thanks for doing this and they look absolutely amazing! I love the logo on the front and how it incorporates the rear wheel into the "6". That was a great idea. (Too bad there isn't a naked version now that I've lost the fairing...but hey, I started out faired, so I guess that's alright!)

Just let me know on the sizing and I'll get in touch about making the payment.
wOOt!!! Thanks so much for putting this together.

How about a shirt for the FZ1 side of the house?
Wow, great job Don & wife!!! This was indeed a sizable undertaking!!

People, please take note: THIS is how a group order should go!! :thumbup:

...so when are you organizing the International FZ6 meet?? :eek:
Don't know if the PM or the Message secures a "Dibs" so I'm chiming in here. Dibs on an XL, both colors if avaialble, either color if only one.
Hey, they look nice, I missed the original ordering, so glad you guys have some extra, to bad that the drastic overshipment was for XXXL.
I will take one medium black and one small blue if you still have them.