Split lanes between cops!

yamaha rider87

Junior Member
Jul 22, 2008
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sparks, Nevada
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So I was riding to work yesterday, in shall we say spirited fashion as I was running a little late, and lets face it, sometimes when you have the power, you feel the need to use it, although not always in the smartest of situations. So I was moving "efficiently" through traffic and got to the front of the pack in time for my favorite S curve of my morning ride. The road goes right then cuts back on a long, deep left handed sweeper that lets you get good and laid over. So after blasting through my favorite turns I got around a few more cars and was almost to work when I saw the small army of unmarked cars with flashing lights behind me. Apparently in my haste I spit through a caravan of undercover narcotics officers :eek:.....oops :spank:. Unknown to me, apparently they tried to catch me before my S curve and got lost in the dust for several miles until they finally caught up, and were needless to say a little pissed. Thankfully the head officer was cool and let me go with a serious verbal beating, but I think I'll be toning it down for a bit lol. And that was my hall of shame moment.
Lane sharing/splitting is fully legal here if done safely. I go past cops all the time.
The motocops here even do it.

Are you sure they weren't just traffic enforcement officers? They must have been really bored to stop a bike with a minor traffic violation.
well see lane splitting isn't legal here, and I was going way too fast....so it was more like reckless driving in their book, which is an arrestable offense.
While it is totally legal here in Cali, I always split VERY slowly if I'm passing a cop in the process. Otherwise, it's balls to the walls!:rockon:
I've always thought lane splitting is illegal anywhere in the US, I didn't know it varied state to state. So what is the criteria that makes it ok in states where it's legal? I'm sure if you're blasting through traffic on the highway it may not be acceptable... that's my guess. So when can you lane split?

How can I find out if it's legal or illegal in Illinois?

Sorry for the :hijack:

Great story... glad you got off, but be careful and ride safe! :thumbup:
I've always thought lane splitting is illegal anywhere in the US, I didn't know it varied state to state. So what is the criteria that makes it ok in states where it's legal? I'm sure if you're blasting through traffic on the highway it may not be acceptable... that's my guess. So when can you lane split?

How can I find out if it's legal or illegal in Illinois?

Sorry for the :hijack:

Great story... glad you got off, but be careful and ride safe! :thumbup:

Unfortunately for you, it's illegal in all states EXCEPT california. The oddity is that it is not explicitely stated to be legal, yet it is also not stated to be illegal. Thus, by default, it is legal here. The ticket you can get, however, falls into the category of unsafe maneuver or unsafe driving. Basically, if traffic is stopped, dont' be doing 90mph while splitting. Be reasonable and safe, and no one will bother you.
would make for an interesting discussion over dinner though lol yea I mean its tough because on the one hand I know it was wrong and all that, but on the other hand I know how much i love to ride hard, so finding an acceptable balance between the two is gonna be the trick i think.
Getting pulled over never helped me shave any time off my lateness.
I have made it a habit when asked for my license and registration to always ask "will I have an opportunity for a verbal or written warning?" and have avoided several tickets that way. :rockon:

Unrelated Today I was splitting lanes at the stop signals with 2 other bikes already stopped and once moving they started white lining the cars at speed stopping at the signals long before me. I just moved along with traffic and caught up to them at every light before it turned green with my foot only going down for a few seconds if at all to their long stops. Sometimes in heavier traffic they would weave across 2 lanes to only duck around one big truck before getting back in the same lane. By the time we got to the freeway on ramp I was in the lead the R6 in shorts and a t-shirt tucked behind me in my full riding gear.
you probably didnt get a ticket because like here in Louisiana (like most other states) it is against the law to pull you over unless they are in a marked (decaled) police car. here you do not have to stop unless it is a marked car and not at all unless you feel safe. you can just keep driving at a slow safe pace until you get to a well lit area or more cars come and you feel safe lol.
It's strange in the UK, the highway code gives advice on how to filter/lane split, but doesn't go as far as actually saying yep:thumbup: legal.

But it is........ :D
you probably didnt get a ticket because like here in Louisiana (like most other states) it is against the law to pull you over unless they are in a marked (decaled) police car. here you do not have to stop unless it is a marked car and not at all unless you feel safe. you can just keep driving at a slow safe pace until you get to a well lit area or more cars come and you feel safe lol.

My understanding of California law (I could be wrong) is an unmarked vehicle can take the same traffic enforcement action as a marked car, however traffic enforcement can not be an unmarked unit's primary purpose. IE:If an officer who is out looking for drug dealers while in an unmarked car spots a violation, the officer may make the stop. The agency he works for however may not send out an unmarked unit to look for traffic violators.