Two bros: How loud is too loud?

What about that thing all bikes come with? Hmmm, I believe it's called a horn. Not as loud as a car perhaps but I'll bet that would have stopped the guy as well.


No, I dont think so....He only stopped because of my loud exhaust that makes me safer on the road....get it?
No, I dont think so....He only stopped because of my loud exhaust that makes me safer on the road....get it?

If you had time to blip the throttle, as you stated, you had time to hit the horn. How can you dismiss, out of hand, the possibility that the horn would have achieved the same end? Face it, you like loud pipes and are searching for a rationalization other than vanity.

Anyone compared the pipes with a P1 (not P1R) & P4 tips.

I got the P1 & don't see a noticeable difference (as others pointed out), Just wanted to check its its work replacing them with P4 instead ?
OK, I'll phrase it this way. IMO the loud pipes I have on my bikes have never saved my life. No one has ever dodged me or noticed me strictly because of the exhaust note from my pipes. What has kept my carcass from being splattered on the pavement for the past 43 years is a combination of proper gear, riding defensively, safety equipment such as headlight modulators and taillight modulators, and continued re-taking of MSF courses over the years to help keep bad habits to a minimum.

BTW, I never said I didn't like loud pipes.

But wait a minute! What about all the people that did hear you coming and there was no incident so you never noticed that the louder exhaust was in fact noticed and they were aware of you. Of course loud pipes can't save your life. Well now wait a minute ...... I really don't know if they can or can't. But I do know this, You will hear an aftermarket exhaust note before you will hear a stock exhaust. I agree with the argument that the aftermarket shouldn't be installed as a safety device in place of a horn. I have to admit I don't honk at cars to let them know I'm coming and I don't rev my engine to let them know I'm coming. I try to drive like no one knows I'm there and someone wants to get me. But I don't do it in fear. I do it because I like being the best rider I can be and because I feel like I have a good understanding of human nature. I hope this always works for me.

Ok I'll say it again because as someone mentioned earlier. This Thread's been hijacked.

DB killers and you will adjust to the 2 Bro's...
Keep having fun out there and you're all a great bunch of People on this forum.
Anyone compared the pipes with a P1 (not P1R) & P4 tips.

I got the P1 & don't see a noticeable difference (as others pointed out), Just wanted to check its its work replacing them with P4 instead ?

Good question because I was wondering the same. I'll be installing the TB this weekend and think I will need one of these. If the P1 doesn't help much (2 - 3 db) then I may just go right to the P4.

I anyone has the P4 insalled, can you please let us know if the difference is that sizeable? Claims to reduce the TB to 95 - 99 db... what is the db level of a TB without a tip installed?

Good question because I was wondering the same. I'll be installing the TB this weekend and think I will need one of these. If the P1 doesn't help much (2 - 3 db) then I may just go right to the P4.

I anyone has the P4 insalled, can you please let us know if the difference is that sizeable? Claims to reduce the TB to 95 - 99 db... what is the db level of a TB without a tip installed?


The DB level of TB exhaust is LOUD! Though I notice a considerable reduction of sound when I cover one of the exhaust cans. It really knocks down the Db's.
I imagine there will be a like effect with your FZ1. The single can may already be quieter than the 2 cans on the FZ6. You might even wait and see what it sound like first before you lay out the extra bucks for the DB killer.

The db killers aren't cheap when you have to buy 2 of them. Also have you seen the new Leo Vince GP Pro exhaust for the FZ1? It comes with removable Db killer. It is a really great looking pipe and I have a friend with a Leo Vince on his Honda and it sounds really good.
The DB level of TB exhaust is LOUD! Though I notice a considerable reduction of sound when I cover one of the exhaust cans. It really knocks down the Db's.
I imagine there will be a like effect with your FZ1. The single can may already be quieter than the 2 cans on the FZ6. You might even wait and see what it sound like first before you lay out the extra bucks for the DB killer.

The db killers aren't cheap when you have to buy 2 of them. Also have you seen the new Leo Vince GP Pro exhaust for the FZ1? It comes with removable Db killer. It is a really great looking pipe and I have a friend with a Leo Vince on his Honda and it sounds really good.

Thanks! I am definitely going to run without one for the time being. I'm not so worried about me but I am about the wife on her FZ6R as she always follows me on rides and hates to lead. She's going to be the one who might take issue with the noise. We'll see how it goes. ;)

I did see the Leo Vince. Very nice! It looks like Micron technology and designs because this is eerily close to CrazyBiker's exhaust.
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Didnt buy my FZ to save on gas, and I didnt buy TB's to save my ass! Loud exhaust is just plain cool. I love how it pisses old and boring people off. I love hearing the power behind my bike. I love when people turn and stare at the sexy red beast that is my FZ6! you wanna be safe, wear your gear, dont be a squid, pay attention to your surroundings, and dont complain if your black bike and black leathers gets ran off the road. ( I love black bikes and black leathers, wish I had it) Loud pipes dont save lives, they assist in saving lives. your complete attention to detail wont save your life either, but it will assist in the preservation process. Ride safe, and ride hard.
Argueing about buying a loud pipe purely as a safety device is like argueing about buying a bike with or without a horn, no one actively choses to buy a bike WITH a horn (because they come with them) and no one actively buys an exhaust purely as a safety feature, you buy a non standard pipe because you want to change your exhaust note end of story.

I'm argueing an added benefit is the fact that you are more audibly noticeable. They -can- assist in saving lives just as Jmerch44 said, its a possibility, not one worth basing your riding techniques on of course, and certainly not one that can replace being an aware road rider, and using proper defensive riding techniques.

I'm sorry but argueing that an exhaust can only be heard from behind the bike? Thats laughable. Its going to be loudest directly behind the bike, but its not projecting a sound wave like a laser beam out the cans, its a much more widespread effect. Yes the effect is less from different positions, but its certainly not totally removed if your in front of a bike.
I mean haven't you ever heard another bike behind you by its exhaust note, if you haven't your road awareness is probably bad, or your hearing needs a check.

Its never going to be something that every person on the road notices from 10 miles away, and suddenly decides to be more careful of you for. The same as being painted bright pink with a flashing headlight and tail-light, while weaving madly in your lane, with reflecters on every surface of your bike, won't always be enough to stop some stupid driver pulling out infront of you. (Hence the use of your awareness and riding techniques to avoid said driver and a possible accident)

Personally I think there is more to an exhaust than the actual level of sound, its more about that deep down vibration, the resonance, a purr that is what makes an exhaust damn sexy, I won't be buying one as a safety feature I'll be buying one because of the effect it has on the noise my bike makes, I just hope and beleive that it will make people more aware of my presence.

I also don't wear ear plugs, or listen to music while riding because I beleive all senses are important, its a personal choice that can sometimes be uncomfortable with wind whistling through my helmet, I've also been told I have keen hearing, and being someone who needs glasses (I wear contacts now) that might just be a way of compensating.

I'm not argueing that they should be bought as a safety feature, I'm not argueing they can never be too loud, or that they won't annoy people, in fact if someone hates motorcycles that much having a loud exhaust is unlikely to be what they open their car door into you for, its the fact your riding a motorcycle.
I'm sorry but arguing that an exhaust can only be heard from behind the bike? Thats laughable. Its going to be loudest directly behind the bike, but its not projecting a sound wave like a laser beam out the cans, its a much more widespread effect. Yes the effect is less from different positions, but its certainly not totally removed if your in front of a bike.
I mean haven't you ever heard another bike behind you by its exhaust note, if you haven't your road awareness is probably bad, or your hearing needs a check.

I was going to leave this thread alone since it appeared to have gotten back on topic, but I feel your calling me out on this one... Well, let's just say I'm a sucker for a good argument.

I never said that the bikes exhaust note could only be heard from the rear. Please go back and re-read. What I said, and this is very true: "So unless your concerned with someone driving up your tailpipe, then making your exhaust loud enough to be heard at the same distance as a front facing horn makes the exhaust note...unacceptable to many."

Personally I think there is more to an exhaust than the actual level of sound, its more about that deep down vibration, the resonance, a purr that is what makes an exhaust damn sexy, I won't be buying one as a safety feature I'll be buying one because of the effect it has on the noise my bike makes, I just hope and believe that it will make people more aware of my presence.

And I agree with you on the "tone" and a sweet exhaust note, I really, really do. But that doesn't mean the db levels have to be excessively loud either.

I'm not arguing that they should be bought as a safety feature, I'm not arguing they can never be too loud, or that they won't annoy people, in fact if someone hates motorcycles that much having a loud exhaust is unlikely to be what they open their car door into you for, its the fact your riding a motorcycle.

This is where the "big picture" seems to be lost on many riders, and I'm not just talking about the ones who have argued their points on this thread, but all over this country. The people you should be fearing are never going to open a car door into you, it would be great if that's all they did, we could deal with that a lot more easily. The people you should be fearing are the ones that are trying to change laws and legislation to the point that the face of the sport will not be the same, if not legislate it out of existence entirely.

Folks, I have been up to my neck involved in motorcyclist rights, land use and right to ride issues for more years than I care to own up to. I have talked with "neighbors" of hare scramble facilities (that lived two to five miles away) that were furious with us for riding so close, I've also had three facilities closed down and lost them forever. I have sat in meetings with eco groups who have gone over lists of complaints big enough to fill an average size phone book, I have watched in awe as a city knowingly and willingly canceled events that would cost them literally millions of dollars in revenue because of a list of complaints against motorcyclists. Each time, each and every time at the top, or at the very least one of the top three complaints was noise.

Whether or not some of you want to take your head out of the sand, or your ass, long enough to fully understand the reality of this and just how serious an issue this is for the sport is up to you. But I promise you if you do, if you take a long and serious look at the challenges that face us you will come away with a different outlook.

I consider myself a lifetime rider. I'll be riding as long as my health and financial abilities allow me too. I hope my son does, and I hope his kids do as well. The problem is that if "we" stay on the same course "we" are now, they may not have that opportunity.

Once again Bruce has proven to be a font of wisdom. He takes the long view. I keep reading how some of you don't seem to care how your loud pipes are perceived by the general public. Only "boring" people are annoyed?

Motorcyclists are hardly mainstream so it's easier to take our rights away. Riding is what is important, not the "freedom" to make as much noise as you want. Society is give and take. My freedom to swing my fist ends where your face begins. With freedom comes responsibility. Something that rarely seems to be understood.

I find it a little funny that people are worried about annoying the people around them because I gaurantee that noone else is worried about annoying you. I personally like the sound of loud pipes, I have Scorpions on my FZ6 and Magnaflows on my Mustang. In my oppinion, louder pipes have the potential to "save lives". I also agree that it will not make a difference all of the time since people are oblivious to anything going on around them while they are driving BUT it can make a difference. If it gets you noticed just once and saves you from wrecking, it is worth the money and the "annoyance". Oh & it definately help with animals. I had a large German Sheppard start to dart out towards me, one blip of the throttle and it was hauling ass in the opposite direction.
If your basing your arguement on complaints about motorcyclists having loud exhausts being the only complaint about motorcyclists then I guess I should probably stop smacking my head against the wall of close mindedness, your just argueing semantics.

There is a tiny minority, who is VERY loud who will always jump up and down on certain issues. They aren't the majority, most people don't care, they are often small groups who often rely on discrimination tactics to get their way, they are social terrorists, who use fear to get their way.
Because most people don't care they won't lift a foot either way to choose a side, which means that unless -you- defend your opinion, your rights, and your choices you lose them to a group who is claiming to represent all of society, which couldn't be further from the truth.
America is the perfect representation, I'm not sure the figures now, but a few years back you had a president who was voted in, by the majority(ish) of 30% of the population who could vote (the other 70% didn't bother)

In fact you (Bruce) basically are representing one of those small groups who beleive everyones rights should be limited because you think that will stop them being taken away? Thats kind of strange, once you start conceding points it makes it MUCH easier for those rights to be slowly erroded.
In fact most people are reasonably concientous of other peoples feelings, which is why here at least I don't see that many selfish riders with insanely loud exhausts. (Maybe I'm just more accepting though)

Discrimination is a funny thing, and its often baseless or based purely on ignorance and fear (esp of the unknown). The most general reason I hear why I and all other riders shouldn't ride is because its dangerous.
Legislation has been passed in my state that allows the police to ban/raid/harrass and generally make life hell for any club member who displays colours because of biker gangs who have criminal elements who are becoming a real issue on the news. The laws previously already allowed police to take any action necessary but generally the police don't want to get involved unless stuff gets out of hand. Ironic really, the reason the new legislation was passed? To make the government look good.
In SA the first state it was passed in anyone riding a harley/cruiser can expect to be pulled over by EVERY single police car that sees them. They now do drug testing, searches, etc etc at every motorcycle event.
Strangely this was -not- caused by loud exhausts on bikes. Strangely it hasn't stopped true motorcyclists either.
Slowly resistance is building and eventually I don't doubt the laws will be removed and society will have learnt a valuable lesson.

A popular bike magazine recently wrote a very good article about how, just like every group in society there will be bad eggs, thats why the laws state innocent till proven guilty and we are meant to have rights, additional laws were not needed, previous laws needed to be enforced, why is this relevant because people with too loud exhausts aren't bad eggs generally, they are a small minority of riders who wish to express themselves alittle. Some might like causing a stir, but they aren't killing people.
On that point, there are already laws which protect people from too loud exhausts, if someone makes a complaint the police can check vehicles and default it if something is found not to meet requirements -including- exhaust loudness.
The same as my selfish neighbors staying up with music all night booming can be reported and have the police visit and shutdown their party.

This being said, my neighbors don't do it very often and I'm not a douche, I don't report them, I can deal with a few hours lost sleep a few times a year so someone else can have their fun.
I also rarely hear an exhaust on a car or bike that I would consider too loud during normal operation. (There has been the occasional cruiser that has suddenly put on a burst of speed and sounded like something awful farting)

There are lots of things I don't agree with in society, I'm Australian though and I, and generally most other australian's think that everyone should have a fair go.

I'm afraid I can't even really see where you are coming from, are you saying that all custom exhausts should be disallowed? That only stock exhausts that have not been tampered with should be legal, maybe we should jail anyone with anything else? Maybe the death sentence?
Thats the only way we could stop those few poeple with too loud exhausts who apparently are destroying the sport for everyone.
Nevermind individual rights, or freedom, right? We might also need to enforce what kind of bike people buy, possibly by their age, wealth, and race? Obviously if we only let already disciminated against racial groups get loud exhausts, if anyone tried to remove them we could use the race issue!
Wow we could be one of those annoying groups who takes away everyone ELSES rights even when it doesn't effect us. Oh its for the greater good though. You know one dead baby to save a few thousand or something. We just need to pick whoes lives to destroy first!

When someone says 'riding a motorcycle is dangerous' I tell them so is driving a car, smoking and drinking alchohol.

Anyway I'm not saying I approve of everyones choices, but motorcycling is all about freedom, if you can't recognise that I do wonder what kind of motorcyclist you are, and if you can't recognise that is what the 'sport' or probably more realistically 'lifestyle' is for many riders then you obviously aren't the same kind of motorcyclist as me. That being said there are many different types of motorcyclists, from the weekend warriors to the total purists who have never had any other vehicle. There are even those people who aren't really a true motorcyclist they just use one as transport.

My city just recently started a much more accepting policy for motorcycle and scooter riders due to the environmental benefits of people using them (esp compared to 1 person in a car).
It was a very good step forward supported by many riders.

As stated it is a give and take situation, thats why I won't be choosing an exhaust that breaks the sound barrier.
It won't change the minds of the MANY people I know who totally disaprove of motorcycling, I know they won't return my consideration in like form, by being a bit more accepting.
They don't like it because they don't understand it, nothing you do will change that, you can wrap your bikes in tinfoil, paint them pink for visibility, make them illegal on normal roads, all to keep these people happy, and they still won't approve or soften their stance. They will find another reason, and persue that.

If you truly beleive the sport and lifestyle is under threat, then defend it, as a whole, because you won't be getting much support from the wider riding community when you start deciding who has to be removed for the good of the whole. Its the mentality thats leading to the issues your afraid of, and encouraging it is like shooting yourself in the head.
Educate everyone, encourage people to join the sport, if 50% of people started their young lives on a scooter then when someone tried to remove that right, they will stand up for it.
You can't change the tiny minority who SOOOO strongly beleive that motorcycling should never be allowed, same as I can't change your mind.
That being said every person I get to join the brotherhood is one more person who will stand up when its time to be counted and hopefully do the right thing, encouraging others they know to do likewise.

I'm not burying my head.
i'm about to put my order in for a set of TB aluminum slip ons. the main reason is safety. ok, the second reason is safety. the first reason is the bad a$$ reviews of them on here. where i ride, there are a lot of twisties, and within these twisties lie a good amount of blind corners with driveways around them. the only way for a lot of these people to know if someone is coming around the corner is to listen for them before jumping out into the road. while one might say to avoid roads like that, where i am, that's not really possible. also, there are a LOT of deer essentially year-round, so i'm hoping the TBs might help scare those critters out of the way. this is what i have to explain to my credit card anyway to help it come out of my wallet. :rolleyes:
But, by choosing a loud pipe, you are forcing your choice on everyone in hearing range. And, with many pipes, that is quite some range. :banghead:


Yeah? How is it any different than any other vehicle on the road forcing their choice of loudness or gaudyness on everybody else.
If you don't want to hear a loud motorcycle, stay off the road.