Sportrider_fz6's Rant Of The Day



OK, it's been a while since I went on a rant so I figure I'm about due.

:rant: somehow I mustered up the energy to go to work today, seeing how I've been fighting a losing battle with the flu, and really I'm starting to get burned out in general. so anyway I get to work, and I get assigned a bottom dump that has a bad ABS valve. no problem, right? normally this wouldn't be a big deal. you order the part you need when it arrives you install it and your done. however I had requested the part last week and it arrived today, and the part I received was not the one I ordered. I tell the equipment manager this and he tells me that this valve is an "upgrade". the "upgraded" valve is completely different then the OEM one. nothing is the same the electrical is different the plumbing is different and now there is a clearance issue with a support rod for the frame of the trailer.
There are basically two types of ABS systems one is 4S/1M(2S/1M) and the other is 4S/2M. if you know ABS systems on commercial vehicles you know what I'm talking about. if you don't to briefly explain the difference, both systems have a wheel speed sensor at each wheel, one system (4S/1M) uses a dual modulation valve. in the event of a skid the ECU will release the brakes on the axle that has the locked wheel. on the other system (4S/2M) there are two individual modulation valves. in the event of a skid only the tire that is locked will release so that traction can be regained. there's a little more to it then that, but you get the idea. The system I was working on is a 4S/2M the valve I received was for a 4S/1M system. So to me this "upgrade" is really a downgrade. I explain the way the system works to the equipment manager and he tells me that the valve I ordered is discontinued, and I have to make this one work. so I strip the entire trailer down. 5 hours of work later, after installing all new plumbing and electrical, testing the system for air leaks. I am just stepping back to admire my workmanship, when the equipment manager walks up and tells me "Sorry, you were right. your going to need to put all the stock hardware back on this trailer. I ordered the other valve it will be here tomorrow." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG:mad:
So all the time I had spent on that F***ing trailer was wasted!!! and to make it better I get to do it all again tomorrow. so I tore everything I had fabricated off the trailer and reinstalled the OEM running gear. and when I was done I walked into his office and said "I don't feel good, I'm calling it a day." and that just what I did!!! So now I'm on my way home and traffic is all jacked up, and seeing how I'm caging it I have no choice but to crawl along with it. I come up to the cause of the traffic, there had been a horrible accident between a semi and one of those Isuzu box vans. the Paramedics had a tarp over the destroyed cab of the van. as I was passing a gust of wind blew the tarp up and I saw the unbelievably mangled drivers body(I hate seeing stuff like that, some pictures I just don't want in my head) then as if everything else hadn't been enough, this is the second time I've typed all this. last time just as I was clicking submit I lost my Internet connection and everything you've just read was lost. :banghead:

I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring!!!
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Just remember your blessed. I get so freaking pissed off sometimes, but I really really dont have any real problems.

Liver Cancer, watching your child die of lukemia, going blind, watching your child starve to death. Those are real problems.

I wish I could remember that all the time though, someone will cut me off in traffic and I get mad. I wish I was sorta sane.

I am sorry you saw the driver. That sucks.

I used to work on big trucks, none of ours had ABS or the ones that did, had the first generation that everyone just disabled because it didnt work.
I don't know what to say mate, Your boss is an arse, the wreck on the way home has certainly screwed someone elses day up worse than yours RIP. I hope the flu gets better soon.

Sportrider, better luck tomorrow my friend.

Wrightme, that's some good advice...I try and live by that.

Also..."F it, fight it, it's all the same"
Granny live
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sucky day dude, hope tomorrow (today) is better. Also ihope you are paid hourly an not by the job, if it is by the job then bill your company for the complete job you did, Both of them so far. Assembly, disassembly, and today they repair.
sucky day dude, hope tomorrow (today) is better. Also ihope you are paid hourly an not by the job, if it is by the job then bill your company for the complete job you did, Both of them so far. Assembly, disassembly, and today they repair.

Oh no, no flag time. It's all hourly. :D
I hope the censor doesn't block what I'm about to say....
Sorry Dennis,

Words of wisdom from the canine world,
The wise old dog told the young pup,
"If you can't eat it, and you can't f*ck it, then piss on it"
