Pet peeves


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Jun 25, 2007
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Redlands ca
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I'll start with mine. I cannot stand drivers who do not use there signals. Or pass you, only to slow down once they pass you.
Whats yours.
Wow I have a lot.
People who tell me what someone else is selling something for. I dont care, go buy it from them.
People who let kids behave like animals.
People who cut in line.
Dr. Phil
People who park like morons.
People who leave thier stereo on full blast while they go in the store.
Lazy morbidly obese people riding thru the grocery as fast as the little electric carts will take them. I think the next one that tries to run me or Trin over is going to get a can of green beans to the head.
People who say nig#$% thinking I will just be ok with it because I am white.
People who do 60mph thru the school zone where everybody else is doing 25. That makes it even more unsafe than the stupid 25 mph speed limit on a 4 lane with turn lane.
People that spit their freaking gum out in the parking spots.
People that wont raise thier children.
People that try to be a childs friend instead of a parent.
Thats a small start.

Sometimes I want to take a bat and just wack folk in the head.
I hate the blinker thing too....I ALWAYS use my blinkers!!!!

People who don't take pride in their work and/or just have no work ethic piss me off....also people who think they are entitled to things...I call my generation the "entitlement generation".

Sometimes I want to take a bat and just wack folk in the head.


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I hate the blinker thing too....I ALWAYS use my blinkers!!!!

People who don't take pride in their work and/or just have no work ethic piss me off....also people who think they are entitled to things...I call my generation the "entitlement generation".



LOL I am not real sane.

Somedays I think that its just stupidity, but other days, I think that no one can be that stupid. Those are the days I want to use the bat.
Well, I too have a lot, but my biggest pet peeve is people smacking when they eat or chew makes me sick to my stomach.
-People that don't discipline their kids.
-When you're driving in the fast lane and someone behind you is so close that you can't even see their headlights, you move over to let them pass and they match speeds with you.
-When I call Walmart, they answer the phone in spanish.
-I hate the sound when someone picks their toenails.
-When people drive 60 mph in the fast lane
-People talking on their cell phone while driving.
-when the neighbors come back home, they leave the stereo on while they're in the house for 3 hours and the pictures on my wall are rattling and I'm thinking we're having an earthquake.
-when you're driving on a dirt road and while you're driving slow, others are driving fast and kickin up rocks that are hitting your car.
-stupid people
-the government letting illegals come to the country and despite that they're illegal, they get free housing, medical and welfare.......take all of our their flag......they expect everybody to learn THEIR language and they destroy the neighborhood with graffiti and drugs. They have no respect or morals and have a billion kids that the americans are paying for. :mad:
-and of course hypocritical christians.......the ones that judge everybody, think they do no wrong, don't take responsibilty for their actions, do not forgive others and lie.
I think that's it......(for now) :thumbup:
My main pet peeve is sitting down in a restaurant and touching something, be it the table, or salt shaker, or menu, and there's something sticky on it, and then your hand is sticky the rest of the meal. Anymore I'll get up, wash my hands off in the restroom, and probably leave without eating.
There's lotsa other things, but I'm in a lighthearted mood this morning. :)
WOW where to begin....

I "hate" the cagers that try to squeeze you when your splitting lanes just to try and keep you behind them.
I hate the jackasses that are perfectly happy going 45MPH on the freeway.
I can't stand the people that fill the back of there pickups with trash and don't cover it then drive down the road leaving a trail of crap for me to dodge till I finally pass them, then they actually give you the "look" when you shake your head at them.
I hate cagers on cell phones!!!
unless your "Batman" its not cool if your POS car is leaving a smoke trail, fix it are get a new car!!!
it pisses me off when I'm at a store and some *** hat lets there two year old run free in a busy parking lot. ITS YOUR KID YOU WATCH IT!!!
I hate people that get in the 10 items of less line with a full cart.
I hate the cashiers that don't tell them you have too many items!!!
I hate that the legal system, why do we have to give criminals so many chances? if your a repeat offender you should be treated like a Ravid dog a put down. and I'm talking instantly not in twenty years.
I hate Government assistance, if you don't want to work why should I have to bust my *** just so you can live in the same neighborhood as me for free because your lazy.
I hate quotas, I don't think anyone should get "special" treatment because of Race, Gender or anything else. if your not the best person for the job you shouldn't get it!!!
I can't stand environmentalists, at what point did every thing on the planet become more important then humans?
I "Hate" shock news story's that aren't shocking. example; Something that you don't see can kill you... news at 11:00. and then its just a 2 second segment at the very end that is meaningless. I want my 29 minutes back!!!

I could go on but I'm sure I'm making someone Else's pet peeves list by having such a long post already.
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I agree with everyone on this list. I have a lot of things that really annoy me.

I should probably work on the whole patience/tolerance thing.
this song about sums it up.

1. i hate f**kers that uses their chirp (sprint and sprint wanna be) out in public especially in the elevator. it's not cool... my bike boots up your a** is better.
2. i hate cagers on cell phones or cagers that doesn't deserve a drivers license.
3. i hate lawyer commercials... f**king vampires, for that matter i hate politicians.
4. well theres more and i hate listing them all.
I hate people that don't return their shopping carts to the holding corral out in store parking lotsand instead leave next to my bike or car. Just plain laziness.

I hate people who cause door dings. Do they have to open their car door so fast?

I hate the "hey everybody look at me" type person. They are overbearing, rude and obnoxious. They also have some compulsive need to dominate a conversation and not let you get a word in edgewise until their cell phone rings then you're there standing like a chump for the next ten minutes listening to the same conversation you just heard.

I hate liars. Embelleshing a little is ok (never let the truth get in the way of a good story) but lying or feeding someone disinformation is just wrong.

I hate manipulators; you know the type.

I hate that it's raining cats and dogs out here now and my bike is in the garage instead of out .on the road where it should be
:rant: 'blue tooth'......they stand around & carring on conversations with no one . And it espically irratates me when people use their phones or blue tooths in a restroom!!!!!! How would ya like to be the person on the other end of that!
I cant stand when people use pre- in front of words that don't need it.

like pre-heat - its just heat
or pre-register - your just registering
or pre-plan - its planing

I also cant stand when people say hot water heater. why do they heat hot water. I have a cold water heater.
I cant stand when people use pre- in front of words that don't need it.

like pre-heat - its just heat
or pre-register - your just registering
or pre-plan - its planing

I also cant stand when people say hot water heater. why do they heat hot water. I have a cold water heater.

thats priceless:Sport:
For me the 2 biggies are:

People using their mobile while driving!!!!!

Tailgaters!!!!!!!!! This has to be the real big one for me. Silly thing is here in Belgium it's normal to drive with no space in between the cars and everybody is fine with it. It's as if they were never explained about braking distance when they learnt to drive, even the cops do it. I learnt in the UK and would have been slapped for not leaving the correct distance. When it rains or is icy they all slow down, but still don't leave any room between themselves!!!!
Something that really grates on my nerves is a resume that has spelling and/or grammatical errors in it. A person's resume is probably the most important document they will ever write. There's no excuse for not proofreading it, or spell checking it, or getting a friend to proofread it. Grrrr...

Another thing that really winds me up is the improper use of apostrophes. Like this:
  1. I need to get some part's for my car. - NO! it should be "parts". (This is so common I can't believe it. Some people use an apostrophe with every word that ends in 's'.)
  2. The dog hurt it's paw. - NO! It should be "its".
  3. Its too fast for me. - NO! It should be "It's".
  4. I went to Chris' house - NO! It should be "Chris's" even though it looks wrong.
Wow... lots of peeves! Let's add some more...

i) People who brake way before they indicate to turn into a junction (or don't indicate at all!).

ii) People who sit in the fast lane and are more happy to cause a hazard with morons who undertake them than moving out of lane for fear of people breaking the speed limit (sure they think they're doing the police a favour)! Lots of this happens on the A12 towards the Blackwall Tunnel!

iii) People who see you filtering through traffic, have their car pretty much on the white line between lanes, and do not make any attempt to move but look at you in disgust or they're in their lane and deliberately move in your way to prevent you from filtering! (Hackney Carriages!!)

p.s. Apologies for my punctutation David, I'm rushing this in at work!

I agree with pretty much everyones here but my biggest is just plain old slobs.... why is it so hard for you to put your trash in the bin? Why do you think that because there is a flat surface you have to put your stuff down there? :rant: