Yamaha vs. the World


SuperFlanker Moderator
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Apr 19, 2008
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Surrey, UK
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I have noticed something about yamaha. my cousin pointed it out to me. and since then ive been noticing it in everything yamaha.

yamaha's engineering philosophy is summed up in their trademark term of "GO!!!!!!!!!!!"

and its amazing how true that is.

the R1 vs the CBR1000.......sitting on the r1 it just screams at you to go mach 3. its in the seating position, the engine revving setup, everything. the cbr and zx6r etc etc isnt the same. something about the yamaha. just very special. they do it in all their machines. combination of things i guess. but it always has the same edge in the end. very effectively executed as well.

same goes for r6 vs cbr600.

now look at out beloved FZ6. yamaha couldnt just make a docile sport-tourer. that would have been too simple. every major manufacturer has a bike in the class of the FZ6. city-bike, zippy, capable of some touring, sporty. there is the 650R, the SV650, the bandit even, and theres others as well but you get the idea. Now, everyone else has a machine which is quick enough, fun, sporty, comfortable, manageable, balanced.

what does yamaha do? they stick their R6 engine in it. they detune it so as to make it docile ENOUGH for the target group. it just shows how even when they are trying to be sensible and street-mannered, they feel they need a racing heritage in the heart of the machine. the engine note ties in as well, the way it SCREEEEEEAMS at you like its on the verge of an orgasm over 9,000rpm....contrasted with its dissatisfied muttering below 7k rpm...just MAKES you twist the throttle sometimes. the bike WANTS to go fast. it is whispering in your ear below 7k rpm "sir go go faster plz sir might i have some more sir plz go, plzzzzz go go go" then over 9k rpm it just goes "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

the other day i saw an ad for a yamaha personal seadoo watercraft. and what does it say? does 0-30mph on water faster than a corvette on land. it has an 1800cc engine and looks like the starship enterprise.

Yamaha.....you guys pwndizzle. What in the hell goes on inside your heads? I swear there is a speed or meth dealer that works in the lunchroom at Yamaha headquarters.

God bless you Yamaha. If He can catch you to deliver it anyway.
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even their dual-sport, the 250cc machine they have, sitting on it just makes you want to twist the throttle. its amazing how they do it. the drz doesnt do that. nor does the one from honda.

madmen i swear. madmen wearing blue.
was gonna edit this in but this is easier.

everything takes a backseat to speed with yamaha. it is the primary focus of everything a yamaha engineer does. and it shows up EVVVVVVERYwhere in all things yamaha
was gonna edit this in but this is easier.

everything takes a backseat to speed with yamaha. it is the primary focus of everything a yamaha engineer does. and it shows up EVVVVVVERYwhere in all things yamaha

One time, I was in a music store, and I saw this piano...

So I sat down to play a little song, and the piano made me do it at like 5x the normal speed of the song, I was doing beethoven and like .. Mach 3.

But I was also drinking POWERTHIRST, so I was TOO ENERGETIC for normal songs. That might have had something to do with it.
Looking at this thread, I think it might just be you dood. ;) Too much caffeine last night? J/K

I also have loads of other Yamaha kit in my house like stereos and stuff. Haven't managed to get a place big enough for a piano, but when I do...
Yamaha's are somewhat of an elitist motorcycle for some reason that i have noticed, every joe blow out there seems to get the cbr's, zx6's, GSXr's...ect. but only the true motorcycle connoisseurs seem to get a Yamaha, and I sir am a true connoisseur!!!
There's no question Yamaha like to go fast. I don't know if you could get a better thrill for the $ than on a FZ6. What I also love about Yamaha is they're not afraid to do something radical. If any of you snowmobile, you know Yamaha was struggling in the early part of the 2000s, in fact i've been told YMC almost spun off the snowmobile division. So what did they do? The came out with a radically new platform compared to what they used to have, and dropped an R1 motor in it! Yes, an R1 motor, the first 4-stroke snowmobile that still performed like a snowmobile is spose to. And it catapulted Yamaha back into the race. Now they have a fuel injected version of the R1 motor in some of their sleds, and it kicks more @$$ then Chuck Norris (I know, I ride one). Couple that with an electronically adjustable Ohlins suspension and you've got one heck of a nice ride (as long as you're not a boon-docker since they are heavy). What I love though is Yamaha's fit and finish has always been second to none no matter what else they're doing. The FZ is my first Yamaha bike, but we've had 6 Yamaha snowmobiles since 2000 and none have ever had a single problem. When you buy a Yamaha, you know it's going to start every morning, whether it's 60 above or 30 below zero, all the body paneling will fit perfectly in it's place, it'll go like a bat out of hell but still handle like the well engineering machine that it is.

Sorry, have I made it a bit to obvious I'm a Yamaha brand loyalist :thumbup:
But that's ok, because I have a perfectly legit reason to be. :Sport:
There's no question Yamaha like to go fast. I don't know if you could get a better thrill for the $ than on a FZ6. What I also love about Yamaha is they're not afraid to do something radical. If any of you snowmobile, you know Yamaha was struggling in the early part of the 2000s, in fact i've been told YMC almost spun off the snowmobile division. So what did they do? The came out with a radically new platform compared to what they used to have, and dropped an R1 motor in it! Yes, an R1 motor, the first 4-stroke snowmobile that still performed like a snowmobile is spose to. And it catapulted Yamaha back into the race. Now they have a fuel injected version of the R1 motor in some of their sleds, and it kicks more @$$ then Chuck Norris (I know, I ride one). Couple that with an electronically adjustable Ohlins suspension and you've got one heck of a nice ride (as long as you're not a boon-docker since they are heavy). What I love though is Yamaha's fit and finish has always been second to none no matter what else they're doing. The FZ is my first Yamaha bike, but we've had 6 Yamaha snowmobiles since 2000 and none have ever had a single problem. When you buy a Yamaha, you know it's going to start every morning, whether it's 60 above or 30 below zero, all the body paneling will fit perfectly in it's place, it'll go like a bat out of hell but still handle like the well engineering machine that it is.

Sorry, have I made it a bit to obvious I'm a Yamaha brand loyalist :thumbup:
But that's ok, because I have a perfectly legit reason to be. :Sport:

Dude, I hate to correct you but NO ONE kicks more ass than Chuck Norris. Even the boogey-man check his closet for Chuck Norris before he goes to bed.
Dude, I hate to correct you but NO ONE kicks more ass than Chuck Norris. Even the boogey-man check his closet for Chuck Norris before he goes to bed.

Thank you for the correction Doorag. FACT. Superman wears Chuck Norris underwear.

Nobody beats Chuck.
Ever since my first Yamaha, I bleed blue! Now even my WIFE is on a Yamaha! :D
I've always been a huge Suzuki ATV fan (as you can see by my Avatar), but even with my limited bike experience, just from sitting on lots of other bikes, there is definitely something about the Yamaha. I'm definitely glad I bought the FZ6, even if it is a bit more bike than I should have started with. It was BY FAR the most comfortable bike I sat on. Being 6'5" it fits me perfectly.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tbxq0IDqD04&feature=related"]YouTube - Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator[/ame]

I dont know what else to say.

I bet Vernon Koekemoer can kick Chuck's butt
actualy bruce lee couldve kicked chucks @$$ he taught him all he knows about fighting. . .