WTH is going on in TX????

Dunno, just heard about it. My guess is someone didn't want to deploy again.
Dunno, just heard about it. My guess is someone didn't want to deploy again.

Agreed, some people do funny things after they have been deployed....and some should have never made it past the recruter.....damn quotas.

It sucks that it is taken out on innocent men and women who have no real reason to get shot at.
Re: Fort Hood Shootings

3 shooters too. Obviously a planned attack. One of the shooters is one of the 12 dead. The other two are in custody and hopefully being beat to death and revived for trial.
I read the shooter is/was an Army major with an Islamic name. The report states he was a shrink. Also read they released two suspects.
Latest news:

(CNN) -- Eleven people plus a gunman were dead and 31 wounded after the gunman opened fire Thursday on a soldier-processing center at Fort Hood, Texas, officials said.

The gunman was a soldier, and two other soldiers have been detained as suspects, Army Lt. Gen. Bob Cone said.

The slain gunman was identified as Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, 39, a law enforcement source told CNN. Licensed in Virginia, Hasan was a psychiatrist who previously worked at Walter Reed Army Medical Center but more recently was practicing at Darnall Army Medical Center at Fort Hood, according to professional records.

Ten of the other dead also were soldiers, while the remaining one was a civilian police officer who was working as a contractor on the base, Cone said.

Two of the injured were in "very serious" condition, Fort Hood spokesman Christopher Hogue said.
So sad and sickening. I read on the BBC that the shooting occurred at a theatre of some sort on the post.

Pete, you were the first person I thought of when I read that. Glad you're not among the fallen... I'm so sorry for those who weren't as fortunate.
I've since learned that I have three friends with kids there, one classmate stationed there and my step-sister's son! We've heard from all but one of them tonight. I pray that the last one is heard from soon! That is my friend's son.
I've since learned that I have three friends with kids there, one classmate stationed there and my step-sister's son! We've heard from all but one of them tonight. I pray that the last one is heard from soon! That is my friend's son.

I hope all is well with him mate,I will be thinking of you.
So, latest news is the shooter is not dead. He was shot several times but is still alive. I hope he's in TERRIBLE pain!

Still no word about our friend's kid.... Thanks Mick!!!
So sad and sickening. I read on the BBC that the shooting occurred at a theatre of some sort on the post.

Pete, you were the first person I thought of when I read that. Glad you're not among the fallen... I'm so sorry for those who weren't as fortunate.

It happened at an SRP site (Soldier Readiness Platform). That is the place were a unit goes to conduct administrative and medical screenings prior to deployment. Such as wills, power of attorney, dental check, shot record review, hearing and visions tests, blood tests, life insurance update, notification of next-of-kin list, etc, etc.

I've not listened to the news in several hours but my guess this guy is an Islamic nut job who was on a mission. I heard he was written up for pushing Islam on his patients. I suspect this is like the other Muslim who grenaded his command back at the beginning of Op Enduring Freedom. Time will tell.
supposedly got a less than good eval. and this is his first deployment.
FZ1inNH hope evrything works out for your friend's son
My sister-in-law and her family are really taking it hard. Her husband was stationed there up until a few years ago when he retired. They stayed in the area for several years after and know many people in that base.
Eric, keep us updated......

hear he was already on an FBI watchlist for Islamic blogging........

Pete it reminded me of the same thing (grenading early in Op Freedom) when I heard it.......

I hope the MP's or civi police are beating the F**K out of this a-hole.