Wow. Honda and VW collide.

Listen folks (rhetorically speaking), if you decide to do 155MPH, at least do it somewhere where there's not going to be cross traffic (or even traffic approaching from opposite direction?). I opened it up quite a bit on a lonely stretch of highway in Death Valley I think the Harley was working real hard to stay relatively close(1/2 mile or so) behind me. If I go down, at least it's only going to be me.

100 mph is enough for me and only on interstate with open road.

Prime reason 1st time riders need honda 90's first.

this is why you dont make stupid decisions... never speed on roads where there are intersections.. u just wont be able to avoid it no matter how good of a rider you think you are.
That's insane that the VW actually flipped and landed 10ft away. Hard to comprehend how much force a 600ishlb bike+rider carry at 155mph. Terrible choices tend to have terrible consequences.
I just feel bad for the people in the VW....I mean it sucks the guy on the bike died but at 155 where there's cross traffic he gets what he gets, but the people in the VW had no chance, and even if the VW had ran the light or whatever, the passenger was still an innocent victim....too sad :(